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[Bug] I Need Help


Posted (edited)
i got 1 small bug on l2j frozen

my character goes to hit one mob

he makes 1 hit and then stops

 if i click somewhere and holding the attack button makes another one and stops



what it might be? if you need any file to check from source tell me

Edited by Akken

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No source related then, if you get 2 different behaviors on 2 different machines.



yeap solved.. lock it


mysql needed someconfig and java 7 makes a good performance 

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Posted (edited)

private l2frozen... please tell me more, it has (x instanceof Object) checks too? Or its just limited to variable nulling ?

Edited by xdem
  • 0

private l2frozen... please tell me more, it has (x instanceof Object) checks too? Or its just limited to variable nulling ?

i mean a private project based on it 



 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307, USA.
 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
 * sample 06 8f19904b 2522d04b 00000000 80 950c0000 4af50000 08f2ffff 0000 - 0 damage (missed 0x80) 06 85071048 bc0e504b
 * 32000000 10 fc41ffff fd240200 a6f5ffff 0100 bc0e504b 33000000 10 3.... format dddc dddh (ddc)
 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/03/27 15:29:39 $
public class Attack extends L2GameServerPacket
private class Hit
protected int _targetId;
protected int _damage;
protected int _flags;
Hit(L2Object target, int damage, boolean miss, boolean crit, boolean shld)
_targetId = target.getObjectId();
_damage = damage;
_flags |= 0x10 | _grade;
_flags |= 0x20;
_flags |= 0x40;
_flags |= 0x80;
// dh
private static final String _S__06_ATTACK = "[S] 06 Attack";
protected final int _attackerObjId;
public final boolean soulshot;
protected int _grade;
private int _x;
private int _y;
private int _z;
private Hit[] _hits;
* @param attacker the attacker L2Character
* @param ss true if useing SoulShots
public Attack(L2Character attacker, boolean ss, int grade)
_attackerObjId = attacker.getObjectId();
soulshot = ss;
_grade = grade;
_x = attacker.getX();
_y = attacker.getY();
_z = attacker.getZ();
_hits = new Hit[0];
* Add this hit (target, damage, miss, critical, shield) to the Server-Client packet Attack.<BR>
* <BR>
public void addHit(L2Object target, int damage, boolean miss, boolean crit, boolean shld)
// Get the last position in the hits table
int pos = _hits.length;
// Create a new Hit object
Hit[] tmp = new Hit[pos + 1];
// Add the new Hit object to hits table
for(int i = 0; i < _hits.length; i++)
tmp[i] = _hits[i];
tmp[pos] = new Hit(target, damage, miss, crit, shld);
_hits = tmp;
* Return True if the Server-Client packet Attack conatins at least 1 hit.<BR>
* <BR>
public boolean hasHits()
return _hits.length > 0;
protected final void writeImpl()
writeH(_hits.length - 1);
for(int i = 1; i < _hits.length; i++)
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.ServerBasePacket#getType()
public String getType()
return _S__06_ATTACK;
my attack code...
  • 0

Can come from anywhere, but try doAttack(). If it's not doAttack it comes from intentions... If it's not intentions, it can come from any custom added.



method doAttack? as i see it seems fine.. if you want the part inform me..



bump any possible solution? if you want doAttack method here it is i quess:



// =========================================================
// Method - Private
* Launch a physical attack against a target (Simple, Bow, Pole or Dual).<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Get the active weapon (always equiped in the right hand)</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>If weapon is a bow, check for arrows, MP and bow re-use delay (if necessary, equip the L2PcInstance with
* arrows in left hand)</li> <li>If weapon is a bow, consume MP and set the new period of bow non re-use</li><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Get the Attack Speed of the L2Character (delay (in milliseconds) before next attack)</li> <li>Select the type
* of attack to start (Simple, Bow, Pole or Dual) and verify if SoulShot are charged then start calculation</li> <li>
* If the Server->Client packet Attack contains at least 1 hit, send the Server->Client packet Attack to the
* L2Character AND to all L2PcInstance in the _KnownPlayers of the L2Character</li> <li>Notify AI with
* <BR>
* @param target The L2Character targeted
protected void doAttack(L2Character target)
if (Config.DEBUG)
_log.fine(getName() + " doAttack: target=" + target);
if (target == null)
if (isAlikeDead())
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (this instanceof L2NpcInstance && target.isAlikeDead())
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance && target.isDead() && !target.isFakeDeath())
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (!getKnownList().knowsObject(target))
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance && isDead())
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance) target).getDuelState() == Duel.DUELSTATE_DEAD)
// If L2PcInstance is dead or the target is dead, the action is stoped
if (target instanceof L2DoorInstance && !((L2DoorInstance) target).isAttackable(this))
if (isAttackingDisabled())
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
if (((L2PcInstance) this).inObserverMode())
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.OBSERVERS_CANNOT_PARTICIPATE));
if (target instanceof L2PcInstance)
if (((L2PcInstance) target).isCursedWeaponEquiped() && ((L2PcInstance) this).getLevel() <= Config.MAX_LEVEL_NEWBIE)
((L2PcInstance) this).sendMessage("Can't attack a cursed player when under level 21.");
if (((L2PcInstance) this).isCursedWeaponEquiped() && ((L2PcInstance) target).getLevel() <= Config.MAX_LEVEL_NEWBIE)
((L2PcInstance) this).sendMessage("Can't attack a newbie player using a cursed weapon.");
//thank l2dot
if (getObjectId() == target.getObjectId())
//((L2PcInstance) this).sendMessage("Can't attack yourself! Suicide? :)");
if (target instanceof L2NpcInstance && Config.DISABLE_ATTACK_NPC_TYPE)
String mobtype = ((L2NpcInstance) target).getTemplate().type;
if (!Config.LIST_ALLOWED_NPC_TYPES.contains(mobtype))
SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2);
sm.addString("Npc Protection - No Attack Allowed!");
((L2PcInstance) this).sendPacket(sm);
((L2PcInstance) this).sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET);
// Get the active weapon instance (always equiped in the right hand)
L2ItemInstance weaponInst = getActiveWeaponInstance();
// Get the active weapon item corresponding to the active weapon instance (always equiped in the right hand)
L2Weapon weaponItem = getActiveWeaponItem();
if (weaponItem != null && weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.ROD)
// You can't make an attack with a fishing pole.
((L2PcInstance) this).sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_ATTACK_WITH_FISHING_POLE));
// GeoData Los Check here (or dz > 1000)
if (!GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(this, target))
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANT_SEE_TARGET));
// Check for a bow
if (weaponItem != null && weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW)
// Equip arrows needed in left hand and send a Server->Client packet ItemList to the L2PcINstance then return True
if (!checkAndEquipArrows())
// Cancel the action because the L2PcInstance have no arrow
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ARROWS));
//Check for arrows and MP
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
// Checking if target has moved to peace zone - only for player-bow attacks at the moment
// Other melee is checked in movement code and for offensive spells a check is done every time
if (target.isInsidePeaceZone((L2PcInstance) this))
// Verify if the bow can be use
if (_disableBowAttackEndTime <= GameTimeController.getGameTicks())
// Verify if L2PcInstance owns enough MP
int saMpConsume = (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.MP_CONSUME, 0, null, null);
int mpConsume = saMpConsume == 0 ? weaponItem.getMpConsume() : saMpConsume;
if (getCurrentMp() < mpConsume)
// If L2PcInstance doesn't have enough MP, stop the attack
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new NotifyAITask(CtrlEvent.EVT_READY_TO_ACT), 1000);
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_MP));
// If L2PcInstance have enough MP, the bow consummes it
// Set the period of bow non re-use
_disableBowAttackEndTime = 5 * GameTimeController.TICKS_PER_SECOND + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
// Cancel the action because the bow can't be re-use at this moment
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new NotifyAITask(CtrlEvent.EVT_READY_TO_ACT), 1000);
else if (this instanceof L2NpcInstance)
if (_disableBowAttackEndTime > GameTimeController.getGameTicks())
// Add the L2PcInstance to _knownObjects and _knownPlayer of the target
// Reduce the current CP if TIREDNESS configuration is activated
setCurrentCp(getCurrentCp() - 10);
// Recharge any active auto soulshot tasks for player (or player's summon if one exists).
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
((L2PcInstance) this).rechargeAutoSoulShot(true, false, false);
else if (this instanceof L2Summon)
((L2Summon) this).getOwner().rechargeAutoSoulShot(true, false, true);
// Verify if soulshots are charged.
boolean wasSSCharged;
if (this instanceof L2Summon && !(this instanceof L2PetInstance))
wasSSCharged = ((L2Summon) this).getChargedSoulShot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE;
wasSSCharged = weaponInst != null && weaponInst.getChargedSoulshot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE;
// Get the Attack Speed of the L2Character (delay (in milliseconds) before next attack)
int timeAtk = calculateTimeBetweenAttacks(target, weaponItem);
// the hit is calculated to happen halfway to the animation - might need further tuning e.g. in bow case
int timeToHit = timeAtk / 2;
_attackEndTime = GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
_attackEndTime += timeAtk / GameTimeController.MILLIS_IN_TICK;
_attackEndTime -= 1;
int ssGrade = 0;
if (weaponItem != null)
ssGrade = weaponItem.getCrystalType();
// Create a Server->Client packet Attack
Attack attack = new Attack(this, wasSSCharged, ssGrade);
boolean hitted;
// Set the Attacking Body part to CHEST
// Get the Attack Reuse Delay of the L2Weapon
int reuse = calculateReuseTime(target, weaponItem);
// Select the type of attack to start
if (weaponItem == null)
hitted = doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, timeToHit);
else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW)
hitted = doAttackHitByBow(attack, target, timeAtk, reuse);
else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.POLE)
hitted = doAttackHitByPole(attack, timeToHit);
else if (isUsingDualWeapon())
hitted = doAttackHitByDual(attack, target, timeToHit);
hitted = doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, timeToHit);
// Flag the attacker if it's a L2PcInstance outside a PvP area
L2PcInstance player = null;
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
player = (L2PcInstance) this;
else if (this instanceof L2Summon)
player = ((L2Summon) this).getOwner();
if (player != null)
// Check if hit isn't missed
if (!hitted)
//MAJAX fix
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.MISSED_TARGET));
// Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet
/* ADDED BY nexus - 2006-08-17
* As soon as we know that our hit landed, we must discharge any active soulshots.
* This must be done so to avoid unwanted soulshot consumption.
// If we didn't miss the hit, discharge the shoulshots, if any
if (this instanceof L2Summon && !(this instanceof L2PetInstance))
((L2Summon) this).setChargedSoulShot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE);
else if (weaponInst != null)
if (player != null)
if (player.isCursedWeaponEquiped())
// If hitted by a cursed weapon, Cp is reduced to 0
if (!target.isInvul())
else if (player.isHero())
if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance) target).isCursedWeaponEquiped())
// If a cursed weapon is hitted by a Hero, Cp is reduced to 0
weaponInst = null;
weaponItem = null;
// If the Server->Client packet Attack contains at least 1 hit, send the Server->Client packet Attack
// to the L2Character AND to all L2PcInstance in the _KnownPlayers of the L2Character
if (attack.hasHits())
fireEvent(EventType.ATTACK.name, new Object[]
// Notify AI with EVT_READY_TO_ACT
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new NotifyAITask(CtrlEvent.EVT_READY_TO_ACT), timeAtk + reuse);
attack = null;
player = null;
* Launch a Bow attack.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Calculate if hit is missed or not</li> <li>Consumme arrows</li> <li>If hit isn't missed, calculate if shield
* defense is efficient</li> <li>If hit isn't missed, calculate if hit is critical</li> <li>If hit isn't missed,
* calculate physical damages</li> <li>If the L2Character is a L2PcInstance, Send a Server->Client packet SetupGauge
* </li> <li>Create a new hit task with Medium priority</li> <li>Calculate and set the disable delay of the bow in
* function of the Attack Speed</li> <li>Add this hit to the Server-Client packet Attack</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param attack Server->Client packet Attack in which the hit will be added
* @param target The L2Character targeted
* @param sAtk The Attack Speed of the attacker
* @return True if the hit isn't missed
private boolean doAttackHitByBow(Attack attack, L2Character target, int sAtk, int reuse)
int damage1 = 0;
boolean shld1 = false;
boolean crit1 = false;
// Calculate if hit is missed or not
boolean miss1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcHitMiss(this, target);
// Consumme arrows
_move = null;
// Check if hit isn't missed
if (!miss1)
// Calculate if shield defense is efficient
shld1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcShldUse(this, target);
// Calculate if hit is critical
crit1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcCrit(getStat().getCriticalHit(target, null));
// Calculate physical damages
damage1 = (int) Formulas.getInstance().calcPhysDam(this, target, null, shld1, crit1, false, attack.soulshot);
// Check if the L2Character is a L2PcInstance
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
// Send a system message
sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.GETTING_READY_TO_SHOOT_AN_ARROW));
// Send a Server->Client packet SetupGauge
SetupGauge sg = new SetupGauge(SetupGauge.RED, sAtk + reuse);
sg = null;
// Create a new hit task with Medium priority
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new HitTask(target, damage1, crit1, miss1, attack.soulshot, shld1), sAtk);
// Calculate and set the disable delay of the bow in function of the Attack Speed
_disableBowAttackEndTime = (sAtk + reuse) / GameTimeController.MILLIS_IN_TICK + GameTimeController.getGameTicks();
// Add this hit to the Server-Client packet Attack
attack.addHit(target, damage1, miss1, crit1, shld1);
// Return true if hit isn't missed
return !miss1;
* Launch a Dual attack.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Calculate if hits are missed or not</li> <li>If hits aren't missed, calculate if shield defense is efficient</li>
* <li>If hits aren't missed, calculate if hit is critical</li> <li>If hits aren't missed, calculate physical
* damages</li> <li>Create 2 new hit tasks with Medium priority</li> <li>Add those hits to the Server-Client packet
* Attack</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param attack Server->Client packet Attack in which the hit will be added
* @param target The L2Character targeted
* @return True if hit 1 or hit 2 isn't missed
private boolean doAttackHitByDual(Attack attack, L2Character target, int sAtk)
int damage1 = 0;
int damage2 = 0;
boolean shld1 = false;
boolean shld2 = false;
boolean crit1 = false;
boolean crit2 = false;
// Calculate if hits are missed or not
boolean miss1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcHitMiss(this, target);
boolean miss2 = Formulas.getInstance().calcHitMiss(this, target);
// Check if hit 1 isn't missed
if (!miss1)
// Calculate if shield defense is efficient against hit 1
shld1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcShldUse(this, target);
// Calculate if hit 1 is critical
crit1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcCrit(getStat().getCriticalHit(target, null));
// Calculate physical damages of hit 1
damage1 = (int) Formulas.getInstance().calcPhysDam(this, target, null, shld1, crit1, true, attack.soulshot);
damage1 /= 2;
// Check if hit 2 isn't missed
if (!miss2)
// Calculate if shield defense is efficient against hit 2
shld2 = Formulas.getInstance().calcShldUse(this, target);
// Calculate if hit 2 is critical
crit2 = Formulas.getInstance().calcCrit(getStat().getCriticalHit(target, null));
// Calculate physical damages of hit 2
damage2 = (int) Formulas.getInstance().calcPhysDam(this, target, null, shld2, crit2, true, attack.soulshot);
damage2 /= 2;
// Create a new hit task with Medium priority for hit 1
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new HitTask(target, damage1, crit1, miss1, attack.soulshot, shld1), sAtk / 2);
// Create a new hit task with Medium priority for hit 2 with a higher delay
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new HitTask(target, damage2, crit2, miss2, attack.soulshot, shld2), sAtk);
// Add those hits to the Server-Client packet Attack
attack.addHit(target, damage1, miss1, crit1, shld1);
attack.addHit(target, damage2, miss2, crit2, shld2);
// Return true if hit 1 or hit 2 isn't missed
return !miss1 || !miss2;
* Launch a Pole attack.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Get all visible objects in a spheric area near the L2Character to obtain possible targets</li> <li>If
* possible target is the L2Character targeted, launch a simple attack against it</li> <li>If possible target isn't
* the L2Character targeted but is attakable, launch a simple attack against it</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param attack Server->Client packet Attack in which the hit will be added
* @return True if one hit isn't missed
private boolean doAttackHitByPole(Attack attack, int sAtk)
boolean hitted = false;
double angleChar, angleTarget;
int maxRadius = (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.POWER_ATTACK_RANGE, 66, null, null);
int maxAngleDiff = (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.POWER_ATTACK_ANGLE, 120, null, null);
if (getTarget() == null)
return false;
if (Config.DEBUG)
_log.info("doAttackHitByPole: Max radius = " + maxRadius);
_log.info("doAttackHitByPole: Max angle = " + maxAngleDiff);
// o1 x: 83420 y: 148158 (Giran)
// o2 x: 83379 y: 148081 (Giran)
// dx = -41
// dy = -77
// distance between o1 and o2 = 87.24
// arctan2 = -120 (240) degree (excel arctan2(dx, dy); java arctan2(dy, dx))
// o2
//          o1 ----- (heading)
// In the diagram above:
// o1 has a heading of 0/360 degree from horizontal (facing East)
// Degree of o2 in respect to o1 = -120 (240) degree
// o2          / (heading)
//            /
//          o1
// In the diagram above
// o1 has a heading of -80 (280) degree from horizontal (facing north east)
// Degree of o2 in respect to 01 = -40 (320) degree
// ===========================================================
// Make sure that char is facing selected target
angleTarget = Util.calculateAngleFrom(this, getTarget());
setHeading((int) (angleTarget / 9.0 * 1610.0)); // = this.setHeading((int)((angleTarget / 360.0) * 64400.0));
// Update char's heading degree
angleChar = Util.convertHeadingToDegree(getHeading());
double attackpercent = 85;
int attackcountmax = (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.ATTACK_COUNT_MAX, 3, null, null);
int attackcount = 0;
if (angleChar <= 0)
angleChar += 360;
// ===========================================================
L2Character target;
for (L2Object obj : getKnownList().getKnownObjects().values())
//Check if the L2Object is a L2Character
if (obj instanceof L2Character)
if (obj instanceof L2PetInstance && this instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PetInstance) obj).getOwner() == (L2PcInstance) this)
if (!Util.checkIfInRange(maxRadius, this, obj, false))
//otherwise hit too high/low. 650 because mob z coord sometimes wrong on hills
if (Math.abs(obj.getZ() - getZ()) > Config.DIFFERENT_Z_CHANGE_OBJECT)
angleTarget = Util.calculateAngleFrom(this, obj);
if (Math.abs(angleChar - angleTarget) > maxAngleDiff && Math.abs(angleChar + 360 - angleTarget) > maxAngleDiff && // Example: char is at 1 degree and target is at 359 degree
Math.abs(angleChar - (angleTarget + 360)) > maxAngleDiff // Example: target is at 1 degree and char is at 359 degree
target = (L2Character) obj;
// Launch a simple attack against the L2Character targeted
if (!target.isAlikeDead())
attackcount += 1;
if (attackcount <= attackcountmax)
if (target == getAI().getAttackTarget() || target.isAutoAttackable(this))
hitted |= doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, attackpercent, sAtk);
attackpercent /= 1.15;
target = null;
// Return true if one hit isn't missed
return hitted;
* Launch a simple attack.<BR>
* <BR>
* <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
* <BR>
* <li>Calculate if hit is missed or not</li> <li>If hit isn't missed, calculate if shield defense is efficient</li>
* <li>If hit isn't missed, calculate if hit is critical</li> <li>If hit isn't missed, calculate physical damages</li>
* <li>Create a new hit task with Medium priority</li> <li>Add this hit to the Server-Client packet Attack</li><BR>
* <BR>
* @param attack Server->Client packet Attack in which the hit will be added
* @param target The L2Character targeted
* @return True if the hit isn't missed
private boolean doAttackHitSimple(Attack attack, L2Character target, int sAtk)
return doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, 100, sAtk);
private boolean doAttackHitSimple(Attack attack, L2Character target, double attackpercent, int sAtk)
int damage1 = 0;
boolean shld1 = false;
boolean crit1 = false;
// Calculate if hit is missed or not
boolean miss1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcHitMiss(this, target);
// Check if hit isn't missed
if (!miss1)
// Calculate if shield defense is efficient
shld1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcShldUse(this, target);
// Calculate if hit is critical
crit1 = Formulas.getInstance().calcCrit(getStat().getCriticalHit(target, null));
// Calculate physical damages
damage1 = (int) Formulas.getInstance().calcPhysDam(this, target, null, shld1, crit1, false, attack.soulshot);
if (attackpercent != 100)
damage1 = (int) (damage1 * attackpercent / 100);
// Create a new hit task with Medium priority
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAi(new HitTask(target, damage1, crit1, miss1, attack.soulshot, shld1), sAtk);
// Add this hit to the Server-Client packet Attack
attack.addHit(target, damage1, miss1, crit1, shld1);
// Return true if hit isn't missed
return !miss1;
  • 0
Posted (edited)

He means, 'you should post your vds specs' I guess :P


Well, as you said, on home pc it's workin' fine, so the problem is the vds..

Edited by SweeTs
  • 0

He means, 'you should post your vds specs' I guess :P


Well, as you said, on home pc it's workin' fine, so the problem is the vds..

vds, dedicated, hosting machine, is all the same shit  :rage:

  • 0
Posted (edited)

vds 4 gb ram x2 athlon - win7 changed from linux and win 2008 server cause i thought os was problem

Edited by Akken
  • 0

in my home pc all run smoothly idk if my vds got a problem the same on acis,l2jfrozen clean etc... what it might be the failure?


No source related then, if you get 2 different behaviors on 2 different machines.

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