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interlude [L2Off] L2Evoke


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If they are the same great files, why do they need testing? Shouldn't they be ready to go?


Every time servers must make tests before open for preventive reasons and to secure that all goes good

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This server have potential thats for sure, if theres an upcoming server that i ll play this one it is...server files are very good but it seems you lnow nothing about files, also the acp is also new and practical.

If i remember old evoke had big geodata problems which is not happening here also a lot of bugged quests..the quests are working fine, so keep it shut up if they fail they failif not shut up and drive.

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This server have potential thats for sure, if theres an upcoming server that i ll play this one it is...server files are very good but it seems you lnow nothing about files, also the acp is also new and practical.

If i remember old evoke had big geodata problems which is not happening here also a lot of bugged quests..the quests are working fine, so keep it shut up if they fail they failif not shut up and drive.

most will play or at least try,only brand server witj a retail and detailed gameplay and already many players have seted up.thats why it doesnt matter who is real owner or not,only thing people care are the retail gameplay with many players online to go against and compete

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C4jk was also helped and his clan was able to buy various items from "donation shop" for example: over-enchanted items, boss jewels and power level from Ares(KaEL).


This is getting too good. Everybody who calls you a liar had GM help I assume. 

Keep digging bigger hole to fall in.

Edited by c4jk
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This is getting too good. Everybody who calls you a liar had GM help I assume. 

Keep digging bigger hole to fall in.

wtf dude,if it's proven fake then people who told that had items,what a no sensitive point.

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Most of you guus have to understand that,fake or not its the best possible destination for players and retail gameplay lovers.People dont care who owns just they like big community with retail game they dont give a shit who owns server they only want to play for the summer.

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This server have potential thats for sure, if theres an upcoming server that i ll play this one it is...server files are very good but it seems you lnow nothing about files, also the acp is also new and practical.

If i remember old evoke had big geodata problems which is not happening here also a lot of bugged quests..the quests are working fine, so keep it shut up if they fail they failif not shut up and drive.

gotta agree on it,we have to play first in order to see what they really are and after we can have an opinion on this new start

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Most of you guus have to understand that,fake or not its the best possible destination for players and retail gameplay lovers.People dont care who owns just they like big community with retail game they dont give a shit who owns server they only want to play for the summer.


That's the point. They could've used the server name, atract ppl and do their best. We'd all wish the good luck. But doing shady stuff, stealing real life name/nickname, forum accounts and website is not the way to go. Now it look's like money grabbing bullshit I would never trust to download any files from.

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