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report for flame


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Maybe. Yesterday I was wondering what has gone wrong in here and why are the stats dropping down.

All of you blame Maxtor about it, but now that I come to think about it, at least he's trying his best to help his forum.

Yesterday he spent the whole day online, taking care of your rage wars, your reports, re-aranging the staff, he even demoted that Justice guy you all hated.

But what have you been doing over the past years/months? Instead of sharing you have been leeching every single thing MxC had to offer you. Instead of posting guides, you have been posting flame wars, just to satisfy yourselves. Instead of helping other members, you have been spending endless hours in the Spam Topics, doing nothing.

It's not Maxtor's fault that MxC is not what it used to be, or at least it's not completely his fault. It is mainly yours, because of the quality you have been offering to it.


'nuff said.


PS: For anyone who didn't get it, I'm not talking specifically about that Ovenuc guy, I'm talking about the majority of the members here.


forum is all about shares . people know a lot of things but dont share them. they dont want to help others , but only flame them. this also works negative , because when a proffesional arrives in here, he only see flames , wars , spams and useless posts and leaves.

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forum is all about shares . people know a lot of things but dont share them. they dont want to help others , but only flame them. this also works negative , because when a proffesional arrives in here, he only see flames , wars , spams and useless posts and leaves.


thats why people like intrepid dont let the people to do what they want to do!!


HAY HITLER BULGARIAN(hungarian) i dont give a shit INTREPID!


HAY HITLER INTREPID? Are you kidding me now?


ofcourse and no you are nazi


HAY HITLER BULGARIAN(hungarian) i dont give a shit INTREPID!

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