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  On 7/24/2013 at 8:39 PM, SunBeam said:

WTF ur guys talking about ,Aurora is not warmaster and she is not ddosing servers ,she got the pack from me and shes doing some more fixes/setup and sell the pack for very cheap price ,there is no scamming involved, whats so hard?


Inox failed hard ,he put his server at website and i downloaded before he removed it ,and since it was there for few seconds (it was a matter of few seconds ,but i was fast enough to get it so?),probably i was the only one to get the pack ,inox is also ddosed and closed server so now u cant blame anyone ,It doesnt matter who gets the pack as long he sells it ,even if its stealing pack ,its The real pack with the server ,if u played inox for the last past day ,u will know what im talking about


i dont care for ur answer sunbeam, u the most fail player i never seen, crying in all topics, go make ur own server with l2j and call me

katie, speedcooker1, what else?

  On 7/24/2013 at 8:41 PM, Noble® said:

GR:9a postarw opou goustarw. kanena tsoutseki apo edw mesa dn 8a mou pei pou 8a postarw k pou oxi.an bazeis kwdikous exiloulis123 h darkterroroulis123 gia kwdikous k mpainei kapoios me to account s dn shmainei oti egine k hacker.tetoies -beep-ies eleges k paliotera gia auto s peta3a k ban .skepsou protou anoi3eis to stoma s na peta3eis th -beep-ia sou.

tha mporouses na valeis ellinika alla gamaei na grafeis san noble t '2005 me ta 9'aria
  On 7/24/2013 at 8:42 PM, L2 Olynth said:

i dont care for ur answer sunbeam, u the most fail player i never seen, crying in all topics, go make ur own server with l2j and call me

katie, speedcooker1, what else?


the most fail player i never seen? :DDDDDDDD


Olynth is getting ddosed by real Inox admins right now btw, i was asking HGM and he said hes going to ddos olynth if Vlad doesnt stop ddosing their inox server



And olynth ,im glad ur ddosed, ur full of sh1t ,i hope u get forever ddos and never create stupid shi.t servers again from ur sh1t brain and watch what u say about fail player u noob gm aka l2 minister ,the most retarded kid in the planet who cant even make a proper server

  On 7/24/2013 at 8:42 PM, Finito said:

tha mporouses na valeis ellinika alla gamaei na grafeis san noble t '2005 me ta 9'aria


th vs θ vs 9 vs 8


9a parw to 9


i d ban the whole forum with the reason:ultimate stupidity if i had my ban privs again


  On 7/24/2013 at 8:33 PM, L2 Olynth said:

peole get ban for ddos and aurora no? cmon..

this forum has nothing to do with the ddos your server gets. except if your only players come from here.not so hard to get a ddos tool nowadays


also i dont give a fuck about aurora or any1 else from here.i just enjoy the drama topic




tha mporouses na valeis ellinika alla gamaei na grafeis san noble t '2005 me ta 9'aria

ekana format k dn exw katebasei to MUI


y u so mad rentat?  :y u no?:

  On 7/24/2013 at 8:44 PM, Noble® said:

i d ban the whole forum with the reason:ultimate stupidity if i had my ban privs again



  On 7/24/2013 at 8:44 PM, xdem said:

th vs θ vs 9 vs 8


9a parw to 9

Το 'th' ειναι το σωστο, και μετα το 8 meng, δεν καταλαβαινω που κολαει το 9..
  On 7/24/2013 at 8:43 PM, SunBeam said:

Olynth is getting ddosed by real Inox admins right now btw, i was asking HGM and he said hes going to ddos olynth if Vlad doesnt stop ddosing their inox server



And olynth ,im glad ur ddosed, ur full of sh1t


))) Like I give a fuck. Funny thing is that I'm doing it only for my fun. my lastest target guess who's it is





Btw some1 old frand of mine should recive an oscar).


@The retard with ban request.



Wake up, I do not care. I can make a new account in 3 secs changing MaC adress. Get real.

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