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Is he your customer?

Does he paid?



What does he get?




Why you continue discuss this... since its facts.

If you have any proves that can show us your protection is real... and working 100% as you said... maybe G mods can unban.

But i doubt you can.


SilverMoon or whatever was your name before, this topic is none of your business, so gtfo, noone asked your opinion.

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You shut up trash, go back to your cave, you aren't allowed to speak, got it?

What will you do if i speak? :O You are just a ridiculus crier. cry cry
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What will you do if i speak? :O You are just a ridiculus crier. cry cry

I won't do nothing, I am not an immature kid like the others members around who got banned and started threathning with ddos even though they didn't had any resources to do so like I do and I'm just saying that I despite people like you who are really immature and should grow up and don't interfere with other people's business, didn't your mother thaught you that?

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I won't do nothing, I am not an immature kid like the others members around who got banned and started threathning with ddos even though they didn't had any resources to do so like I do and I'm just saying that I despite people like you who are really immature and should grow up and don't interfere with other people's business, didn't your mother thaught you that?

Isn't it a forum? Im just expresing my opinion,is it immature? :/
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Silv3rMoon* or whatever was your name before, this topic is none of your business, so gtfo, noone asked your opinion.


Aham and you are trying to get unban with this demeanor?

Good luck, if you have something to say go ahead in other case useless talks are enough.

Prove that you are not scammer...


Isn't that the reason of this topic?

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This isn't a place for kderd too, I'm surprised why he isn't banned yet. Paid him 106 euros, got services for 2 weeks. Then 1 day lagg, 2 days off, when I asked for refund - skype block. That's why he's got banned from here.  :good sir:


If he is mature as he says, he would refund me half of my money, then refund it to other people whom he tricked too. Instead, he's dropping youtube links and telling that he's very mature.  :rage:


All in all, I'm surprised that he's so active here, in 2 weeks hosting he weren't so active when I needed help  :dat:

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Aham and you are trying to get unban with this demeanor?

Good luck, if you have something to say go ahead in other case useless talks are enough.

Prove that you are not scammer...


Isn't that the reason of this topic?


I am not trying to get unban, I know that I will get unbanned, I don't even have to make much fuss about it.


This isn't a place for kderd too, I'm surprised why he isn't banned yet. Paid him 106 euros, got services for 2 weeks. Then 1 day lagg, 2 days off, when I asked for refund - skype block. That's why he's got banned from here.  :good sir:


If he is mature as he says, he would refund me half of my money, then refund it to other people whom he tricked too. Instead, he's dropping youtube links and telling that he's very mature.  :rage:


All in all, I'm surprised that he's so active here, in 2 weeks hosting he weren't so active when I needed help  :dat:



In the 2 weeks you didn't need help because there weren't any problems and it was 1 day and half downtime and I didn't blocked you from Skype, you started swearing and flaming and started calling like a dumb while I told you to stop because I am at work but you keep insisting.


Anywho, I see you.



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I am not trying to get unban, I know that I will get unbanned, I don't even have to make much fuss about it.



In the 2 weeks you didn't need help because there weren't any problems and it was 1 day and half downtime and I didn't blocked you from Skype, you started swearing and flaming and started calling like a dumb while I told you to stop because I am at work but you keep insisting.


Anywho, I see you.


[2013.07.23 17:49:02] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: I told you I will grant you extra days on next month

[2013.07.23 17:49:09] Me: i dont care

[2013.07.23 17:49:12] Me: this shitty service

[2013.07.23 17:49:17] Me: 3 days unable to work

[2013.07.23 17:49:20] Me: lost players, lost donations

[2013.07.23 17:49:26] Me: will you give me refund?

[2013.07.23 17:49:35] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: No

[2013.07.23 17:49:38] Me: why?

[2013.07.23 17:49:42] Me: your service is untrusted

[2013.07.23 17:49:50] Me: okay then I'm raising paypal dispute

[2013.07.23 17:49:55] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: Good luck on it

[2013.07.23 17:49:56] Me: and provide all proof

[2013.07.23 17:50:07] Me: and youre banned on maxcheaters

[2013.07.23 17:50:15] Me: you are a scammer

[2013.07.23 17:50:16] Me: no refund

[2013.07.23 17:50:39] Me: you told me u refund money

[2013.07.23 17:50:58] Me: fucking thieve



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[2013.07.23 17:49:02] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: I told you I will grant you extra days on next month

[2013.07.23 17:49:09] Me: i dont care

[2013.07.23 17:49:12] Me: this shitty service

[2013.07.23 17:49:17] Me: 3 days unable to work

[2013.07.23 17:49:20] Me: lost players, lost donations

[2013.07.23 17:49:26] Me: will you give me refund?

[2013.07.23 17:49:35] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: No

[2013.07.23 17:49:38] Me: why?

[2013.07.23 17:49:42] Me: your service is untrusted

[2013.07.23 17:49:50] Me: okay then I'm raising paypal dispute

[2013.07.23 17:49:55] KderD64 [08-10] -106eur: Good luck on it

[2013.07.23 17:49:56] Me: and provide all proof

[2013.07.23 17:50:07] Me: and youre banned on maxcheaters

[2013.07.23 17:50:15] Me: you are a scammer

[2013.07.23 17:50:16] Me: no refund

[2013.07.23 17:50:39] Me: you told me u refund money

[2013.07.23 17:50:58] Me: -beep-ing thieve




It's spelled thief not thieve

Paste the full chat not the late one, here I'm referring to some passages before when you agreed on extra time

There's no such thing as '--blocked--'

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It's spelled thief not thieve

Paste the full chat not the late one, here I'm referring to some passages before when you agreed on extra time

There's no such thing as '--blocked--'


Well I don't see the point why you are speaking here. You sold me a service which had problems (1 day laggs, 2 day 13 hours off, 3 day 10 hours off), you didn't give me a refund for 2 weeks and you blocked me on skype. After 1 days offline I asked you myself to extend the date of service and you agreed, but after second day 10 hours offline it wasn't an option anymore.


You wrote in your topic that you refund 100% but you didn't, so thats all story.

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could someone explain me in a short way what happened here?


This scammer rent me vps and after 2 weeks that vps one day was lagging, second day 13hours offline (he promised me additionally days) but after that third day 10hours ofline. I moved to other host, he's not refunding me at least half of my paid 106 euros. He got banned on his account KdErD64 and he's now with this new account claiming that it's my fault, that he promised refunds in his service topic and he's not refunding now. Also he's unreachable in skype, blocked me.

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