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About KDerD

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  1. KDerD

    1 day left

    Era offline pe Skype iar pe forum nu raspunde la PM'uri din cate observ.
  2. KDerD

    1 day left

    Un reminder pentru Maxtor ce am discutat pe Skype.
  3. KDerD

    1 day left

    Eu nu fac amenintari, doamne fereste, nu se poate asa ceva, cine ti-a spus acest lucru?
  4. Cam cazut psihic la datorie, nu am ce spune.
  5. Caps...rage...quit... Interesting, must bring my popcorn.
  6. Was looking forward to your answer, don't worry, I don't waste good bandwith on a forum, just mocking the mods but still I would need some IPs around here.
  7. Just say the word brother, I might have my main account on b, but I still own and will own around 25 dedi machines which have bandwith speed around 55-75 Gbps. Apocalypse on the littlefinger.
  8. Add backdoor for security reasons so you won't get pulled off.
  9. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1005669_574111569297989_1003610994_n.jpg 850 euro Fiat punto an 2003 54.000km 1.2 16v
  10. Motherf7ckers say that I'm foolish Never been afraid to say what's on my mind at, any given time of day Ce piesă?
  11. KDerD

    Gay or not?

    Not all, just some of them.
  12. Everybody it's entitled to an opinion.
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