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Diana is one of my favorite mid lane players,altho' i dont play mid that often but its from my main mid laners. Bad early game ,but while she ll hit 6 with a early gank she can snowball and ganks lanes easily. YOU MUST LAND Q OFC.


Warwick is such a useless champion that works only at broze X,he has good sustain but hard clear wave (top). As for a jungler is usefull only if your team mates are winning the lane,so you can 'gank' with your e even before hitting lvl 6.


Shen this time.


Shen is a tank that is usually played top and sometimes jungle. He is possibly the best splitpusher in the game thanks to his ultimate that allows him to teleport to battle at any time, no matter where he is.



Health is by far the most beneficial stat for him, because of the scaling on his passive and Q, plus his need for tankiness. His only core item is Sunfire Cape, which helps him push faster, because of the aoe magic damage it offers. The rest are always situational.


Shen this time.


Shen is a tank that is usually played top and sometimes jungle. He is possibly the best splitpusher in the game thanks to his ultimate that allows him to teleport to battle at any time, no matter where he is.



Health is by far the most beneficial stat for him, because of the scaling on his passive and Q, plus his need for tankiness. His only core item is Sunfire Cape, which helps him push faster, because of the aoe magic damage it offers. The rest are always situational.


Alright, i agree with everything said, and plus i have to add that shen can be called the most frequent banned champ in ranked games, since Bronzes-Silvers are still banning him cuz of the advantages of his ULTI and his E of course, he can be a very effective tank and he is able to deal a lot of dmg. Also, i've seen shen support and I can say that he is good even as support cuz of his Q E R (Q: Deals dmg, takes down the hp of the enemy adc) (E: takes the aggro of the enemy adc, so his adc can deal more dmg on him w/o even being touched) (R: Shield + teleport)




tbh shen is my go to champ when i cant play jungle and have to fill top.


shen top is good, you get quick levels, and you dont need to back alot since you get quite enough sustain with your Q passive

shen jungle i think it shouldnt be played, his camp clearing is slow & he only got 1 CC and if you miss it the gank can go horrible wrong


also sometimes i like to build him kinda maybee 'strange' with sunfire, mercs, hydras, trinity (last 2 items depends on enemy, they are tanky tho)


and he's not only 100% ban in bronze, silver, gold, also for a good 90% ban/pick in platinum. Don't know about diamond/challanger.


its not just that shen is a good splitpusher. His ult just scares people off so hard.

Like today, 4man gank botlane vs our 2man botlane, i ult in and they backed while they had enough space to chase / re-engage


Alright, i agree with everything said, and plus i have to add that shen can be called the most frequent banned champ in ranked games, since Bronzes-Silvers are still banning him cuz of the advantages of his ULTI and his E of course, he can be a very effective tank and he is able to deal a lot of dmg. Also, i've seen shen support and I can say that he is good even as support cuz of his Q E R (Q: Deals dmg, takes down the hp of the enemy adc) (E: takes the aggro of the enemy adc, so his adc can deal more dmg on him w/o even being touched) (R: Shield + teleport)




He is not that effective as a support, since he'll become weak later in the game. His W is not enough to keep him in the front line. Other "dive" supports have some kind of real defensive mechanism (Alistar - R, Leona - W). Plus, his splitpushing potentional is ruined, because of his lack of items in mid/late game.


tbh shen is my go to champ when i cant play jungle and have to fill top.


shen top is good, you get quick levels, and you dont need to back alot since you get quite enough sustain with your Q passive

shen jungle i think it shouldnt be played, his camp clearing is slow & he only got 1 CC and if you miss it the gank can go horrible wrong


also sometimes i like to build him kinda maybee 'strange' with sunfire, mercs, hydras, trinity (last 2 items depends on enemy, they are tanky tho)


and he's not only 100% ban in bronze, silver, gold, also for a good 90% ban/pick in platinum. Don't know about diamond/challanger.


its not just that shen is a good splitpusher. His ult just scares people off so hard.

Like today, 4man gank botlane vs our 2man botlane, i ult in and they backed while they had enough space to chase / re-engage


I don't like Hydra and Trinity on Shen, unless I'm ahead. Specifically Hydra, despite offering a great splitpushing passive, it forces you to pay for lot's of stats that are not too necessary for Shen.


Shen is a great support tank, altho only viable in a really long laning phase and double tank team comps in my opinion, otherwise cant splitpush effectively.


Shen is a great support tank, altho only viable in a really long laning phase and double tank team comps in my opinion, otherwise cant splitpush effectively.


You can also have some kind of disengage, like Nami or Janna.


Also, Shen doesn't need a long laning phase to splitpush effectively. He usually pushes a lane that is far away from the map's current objectives (drake up - pushes top, baron up - pushes bot) and forces an enemy or more to come stop him, giving time to his team to work on something far away from him.


You can also have some kind of disengage, like Nami or Janna.


Also, Shen doesn't need a long laning phase to splitpush effectively. He usually pushes a lane that is far away from the map's current objectives (drake up - pushes top, baron up - pushes bot) and forces an enemy or more to come stop him, giving time to his team to work on something far away from him.


Well i dont know i think that shens damage falls off really bad mid/late game so to splitpush effectively you need 3v2 or 2v1 lanes because in 1v1 you cant really duel, ofc you are tanky but you dont deal enough damage.


Shen is not a bad duelist mid/late, if you don't build him with warmogs/omen/sunfire..


i build him tri/iceborn,wits,randuin,runic if needed, locket if needed


i build him tri/iceborn,wits,randuin,runic if needed, locket if needed

Sunfire as first item is mandatory, iceborn is rly bad for him imo(wasting so much money on mana items while u get nothing in between)

Triforce is good, even tho Wits end should be even better(synergizes with all his kit plus sunfire)


Sunfire as first item is mandatory, iceborn is rly bad for him imo(wasting so much money on mana items while u get nothing in between)

Triforce is good, even tho Wits end should be even better(synergizes with all his kit plus sunfire)


i buy sunfire only against ad heavy teams or if im jungling


Well i dont know i think that shens damage falls off really bad mid/late game so to splitpush effectively you need 3v2 or 2v1 lanes because in 1v1 you cant really duel, ofc you are tanky but you dont deal enough damage.


Shen is a champion that rewards strategic much more than mechanical play. You need to think well of every move you make. You don't just go to a lane and start pushing. You need to make sure that your team is in position to do something in case you are ambushed. If they are not, you either do something safe or wait near your waves, while trying to remain unseen by the enemy team. Else, you'll end up dying with no trade-off.


Deep vision helps a lot while splitpushing. You can just see 2 enemies coming bot early and say "you're 4v3, go Baron, I ult". Even if you see 1 enemy coming, it's good. You can just tell your team to engage and you'll come to the fight with your ult making it a 5v4, while the enemy who came to stop you will stay there, away from the fight, unless he has a teleport or something.


Now Riven...


Riven is an AD bruiser with great mobility and burst potential. In most games she is played as a top laner, but is sometimes seen in the mid lane or in the jungle.



Her kit rewards her for building AD, so items like Bloodthirster and Last Whisper are great on her. Plus, she depends on her skills for burst damage, which means that CDR is also great to have, making items like Black Cleaver and Boots of Lucidity some good options. Most Riven players build little to no defensive items, since she has the only shield in the game that scales off of AD, which means that the more AD she builds, the stronger her shield becomes.




Example of a common Riven build:

1. Boots of Lucidity/Mercury Treads/Ninja Tabi, 2. Black Cleaver, 3. Bloodthirster/Ravenous Hydra, 4. Last Whisper, 5. Guardian Angel, 6. Bloodthirster/Maw of Malmortius/Mercurial Scimitar/2nd defensive item

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