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l2j h5 ready for high rate

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when i say stable i mean off like

loled hard at this.

Im really pissed off to those guys are selling java packs and they think that its off like.


Thank you

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loled hard at this.

Im really pissed off to those guys are selling java packs and they think that its off like.


Thank you

can't be a java pack retail like?
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loled hard at this.

Im really pissed off to those guys are selling java packs and they think that its off like.


Thank you


ye its not, l2j is better than l2off


PS: Thank you



edit: let me explain;

Java is OOP, C is OOP w/e used by off files is OOP, no OOP is better than other OOPs. I hope you got this point, no more to explain.



l2j an open source made for hobby (by proffessionals or not doesn't matter) and love for l2j, thus they work light

l2off an extremely private/ closed source made by proffessionals exclusivly for the Official Lineage.

You compare 2 different things. 


Lets bring Private Projects into considaration, they are based on l2j but heavily worked thus they are approachind more and more l2off.



If you are still sleeping, I will open your eyes;


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ye its not, l2j is better than l2off


PS: Thank you



edit: let me explain;

Java is OOP, C is OOP w/e used by off files is OOP, no OOP is better than other OOPs. I hope you got this point, no more to explain.



l2j an open source made for hobby (by proffessionals or not doesn't matter) and love for l2j, thus they work light

l2off an extremely private/ closed source made by proffessionals exclusivly for the Official Lineage.

You compare 2 different things. 


Lets bring Private Projects into considaration, they are based on l2j but heavily worked thus they are approachind more and more l2off.



If you are still sleeping, I will open your eyes;


Nop there are not.

Those rummours have spreaded before some years with java developers in order to sell their extenders.

It's sad but true that reputaion of private servers destroyed by java servers.

I can agree with Trance that nothing is impossible.


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