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L2J Gracia Final - Some skills are not being auto-learned.



Hello, I have that problem, auto-learn skills is on, I tried to use many skill_trees.sql to replace the first one, but still some skills are not being auto learned.

I would really appreciate some help. Thanks.

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Not 81/83 skills. Mostly 1st/2nd class skill's high levels. For example someone completes third class and has level 30 Heavy armor mastery and he should have level 50 Heavy armor mastery. If he goes to the class master he can learn them there... It's a really weird problem :/

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Not 81/83 skills. Mostly 1st/2nd class skill's high levels. For example someone completes third class and has level 30 Heavy armor mastery and he should have level 50 Heavy armor mastery. If he goes to the class master he can learn them there... It's a really weird problem :/

I used l2j gracia final in the past and i didn't face such a problem. Did you check your gameserver console? Maybe there's an error when it's loading Character configs.
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Not an error at all, actually i found out that the problem is that player gets the levels too fast, i tested creating a new character and giving him 3/4 levels at a time, and he got all skills auto-learned, but on my server i want players to start off at 76, is there any way to fix it?

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Not an error at all, actually i found out that the problem is that player gets the levels too fast, i tested creating a new character and giving him 3/4 levels at a time, and he got all skills auto-learned, but on my server i want players to start off at 76, is there any way to fix it?


you just add the java code its shared here alredy plenty of times and its done

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i want players to start off at 76






Something like :)


and in case auto-learn skills won't work, add this also




Should work :troll:

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