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God what a good slave you are. It was never been in any project about getting users from other projects you freekin useless sack of shit


its the 4th time this romanian trash flames me while I Didnt said nothing bad to him, I want actions and not asslicking cause he is a staffer ( 7 spam topic contribution )


PS: I got -1 for saying "are you retard?"

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And he dekarma me on spam section GJ


Dear user. Your karma was changed.


The reason of changing was: continous attacks against everyone.


Your karma was changed on this message:


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i dekarmed for overall behaviour the fact that the post i did it with is in the spam section is irrelevant, im Hungarian not Romanian atleast you should know the flag of countrys. And you said nothing about me?You flame me in almost every single topic you post in because the fact that i dont support your coding ideas. You even opened a topic where you called me out and wanted to open a discussion where everyone can flame me so please atleast dont try to force your opinion to people smarter than you, thanks.

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i dekarmed for overall behaviour the fact that the post i did it with is in the spam section is irrelevant, im Hungarian not Romanian atleast you should know the flag of countrys. And you said nothing about me?You flame me in almost every single topic you post in because the fact that i dont support your coding ideas. You even opened a topic where you called me out and wanted to open a discussion where everyone can flame me so please atleast dont try to force your opinion to people smarter than you, thanks.


I never flamed you, I just said gtfo on spam section

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I never flamed you, I just said gtfo on spam section


so opening a topic with the title "useless trash intrepid" is not flaming right? :DDDD


are you serious? :DDDDDDD

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but "are you retard ? " triggered my dekarma, thats not fair


no, continous flame trigerred your karma the fact that its from that post doesnt matter.

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but "are you retard ? " triggered my dekarma, thats not fair


It's irrelevant with that case. Stop crying for this. You have to learn from your mistakes not doing them more worse.

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no, continous flame trigerred your karma the fact that its from that post doesnt matter.


nope, I had quit the ironic behaviur long time ago, so the "are you retard?" triggered my dekarma

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Come on meh we all know how you're acting.


I showed how Kderd quotes my posts, should I give him a blowjob too ? Nevertheless "are you retard" I asked

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