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Edit your topic title and put something more logical also and your body message or else I will junk this.

Thank you.


when i was silver 1

i was getting like 10-12 pts till 50 and then 5-6


Now they made it even more smooth

you dont get +15 till 60-70 points


now it's the same amount all over the division(0-100)


low mmr


yes, low mmr, your gonna have a hard time boosting your account, the matchmaking system believes that your mmr (actual elo) is too low for the current division you are so you will have to increase your mmr first by having lots of wins


It's about being in Division 1


I'm at Division 1 atm. It can't be low MMR since I was getting +30/-15 till I got to Div1. Also, if it was about low MMR I would lose more points than I gain. I get like +6/-3


Show us your win/def. I bet you got many games.

If u have few games,then u duo with someone with more that 2 division dif and your mmr is fked.

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