xXxInvaderxXx Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 Detailed information Aria x25 Gracia Final Opening on 28.06 at 19:00 (+4 UTC) Features of the game world: Official Platform Best implementation of Gracia Final chronicles in the internet. The server assumes classical development in the game world, keeping all classical aspects. Game options that not mentioned in this post are like on official servers. Rates: Exp/SP: х25 Adena: x15 (adena drop chance as on official server) Seal Stones: х10 (amount) Drop: х10 Spoil: х10 Quests - items drop х1, (Matras' suspicious request, Zero hour, The Finest Ingredients - Part 1, Alliance with Ketra Orcs, Alliance with Varka Silenos - - х3) Quests - x5 (Only quests with reward: adena,exp,sp) RB drop: x7 RB Exp/SP: x7 Epic RB: x1 Manor: x5 (amount of received items) Buff system NPC Buffers are located in all towns, they have the function of creating a profile buffs. NPC buffer has all buffs, songs, dances of second and third occupations without cat / horse buffs, and all kinds of resistances. Buff time of NPC buffs - 60 minutes. Buff time of buffs from character/player without cat / horse buffs, and all kinds of resistances. - 20 minutes GamePlay: At the beginning all characters have NG equipment and 3000 shots Box limit: box limit - 14 boxes If online will be too high, it is possible some changes in box limits due to load There is high possibility that during 1st week limit will be 2-3 boxes due to high online if online is 4500-5000 players than limit will be 1 box. And when leavers leave, limit will be extended Off-line trade limit - 9 traders from 1 mac/ip/hwid if online is 4500-5000 players than limit will be 1 box. And when leavers leave, limit will be extended Auto learning skills till lvl 80 (Forgotten Scrolls in shop) Ancient Book: Divine Inspritation lvl 2-4 you can by for Pro Coin. 1st lvl of Divine Inspritation you can buy in black marketer of mammon for adena as usual. Not auto learning skills (by hand from NPC): Boost HP, Fast HP Recovery, Acrobatic Move, Esprit Only 1st level is learning automatically : Mass Resurrection, Ressurection, Stealth Auto loot Every character will have skill exp on\off from the beginning auto loot doesnt work on RB, epic RB Weight limit weight limit - x4 (skill Weight Limit 3 lvl) Inventory slots - x2 7 sign According to the official server: 1st week - registration period, 2nd week - victory period Skill Block exp Mana potions 1st type of MP for adena - recovers 800 mp in 10 sec + cd 10 sec 2nd type of MP for Pro-Coin - recovers 800 mp momentally + cd 10 sec Gatekeeper in rune can teleport you to Primeval Isle There are shop, buffer, gatekeeper on Primeval Isle Special zones and locations: PvP Zones: Hellbound Primeval Isle At these locations you will get PvP-coins for pvp. For these coins you can but hats,mounts,aghations, colour title, subclass, noblesse, olymp jewelry for 7 days. They are not combat zones. Combat zones: Baium: the entire 13th floor and above, including Baium area Zaken - PvP zone begins from "tongue" Frintezza: from entrance point behind steps till 1 room (inclusive) Antharas: from the last bridge till heart of epic, also epic’s arena. Valakas: from NPC Klein to end, including epic’s arena. RB respawn: Epic RB: Spoiler RB: Varka's Hero Shadith and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 6 hours +/- 30 minutes Varka's Commander Mos and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 6 hours +/- 30 minutes Ketra's Hero Hekaton and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 6 hours +/- 30 minutes Ketra's Commander Tayr and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 6 hours +/- 30 minutes Shilen's Messenger Cabrio and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 5 hours +/-30 minutes Death Lord Hallate and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 5 hours +/-30 minutes Kernon and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 5 hours +/-30 minutes Longhorn Golkonda - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 5 hours +/-30 minutes Flame of Splendor Barakiel and his guards - lvl 80, drop rate x5, respawn time 5 hours +/-30 minutes Raid bosses in The Four Sepulchers - drop rate х1 Daimon the White-Eyed - drop rate х1 Icicle Emperor Bumbalump - drop rate х1 Soul of Water Ashutar - drop rate х1 Soul of Fire Nastron - drop rate х1 Anakazel (28 lvl) - drop rate х1 Anakazel (38 lvl) - drop rate х1 Anakazel (48 lvl) - drop rate х1 Anakazel (58 lvl) - drop rate х1 Anakazel (68 lvl) - drop rate х1 Anakazel (78 lvl) - drop rate х1 Occupations: First occupation for 100 adena via GM-shop Second occupation for 10.000 adena via GM-shop Third occupation: First way: “purchase for 1.000.000 adena and 100 black halisha’s mark” Purchase for 10.000.000 adena and 300 black halisha’s mark which you can get without quest from monster at locations: Shrine of Loyalty (drop rate 100%). If you buy third occupation by this way you won’t receive any rewards, even giant codex. Purchase is available in NPS-shop (Santa Claus) Second way: “Complete full quest with rewards” Advantages: Halisha's Mark drop is changed! From one monster you will get 4 quest items. Therefore, you should kill 100 monsters, rather than 700 When quest will be completed you get: 5.000.000 Adena, 1 giant codex and Exp Getting subclass: Sub-class - classic quest, all ingredients you can find in gm-shop Raid Bosses scepters (respawn 5h +- 30m) Shilen's Messenger Cabrio - Cabrio Infernium Scepters Death Lord Hallate - Hallate Infernium Scepters Kernon - Kernon Infernium Scepters Longhorn Golkonda - Golkonda Infernium Scepters Alternative ways purchasing for PvP-Coins purchasing for Pro-Coins Getting Nobless status: 1st way - killing Flame of Splendor Barakiel Attention! This quest isn’t required! For getting, you must have: Noblesse pass, 50.000.000 adena and 75 + level. Scepter is obtained by killing Flame of Splendor Barakiel (respawn 5h +-30 m) Only the group that do last hit will get nobles pass. (If last hit will be given by summon - nobody gets quest-item) Characters that have Nobless status can not re-acquire Nobless pass. Nobless pass cant be transferred or traded. It is at the quest inventory. From guards you cant get Nobless pass ! 2nd way - purchasing for Pro-Coins 3rd way - purchasing for PvP-Coins Changes and rates of Hellbound: Hellbound will be lvl 11 from the beginning Drop changes: Ancient Tome of the Demon - x3 Changes and rates of Gracia: Decreased number of players for entrance to Cohemenes, Ekimus, Tiat - only 24 players Energy Compression Stone - x3 Extracted Star Stone - x5 GM-shop: Equipment D/C/B/A grade for adena Soul/Spirit/Blessed Spirit-Shot D/C/B/A grade for adena Consumables Ressurection and teleport scrolls Arrows D/C/B/A-Grade Cursed Bone, Energy Stone, Soul Ore, Spirit Ore, Recovery Scroll, Mana Potion Lunargent Grand Olympiad (important!): Grand Olympiad – since 1 July Grand Olympiad period – 2 weeks For victory you gets 1 PvP coin Class fights - everyday Olympiad abuse protection - 1 box from 1 PC Requirements: Non class fights - 6 Class fights - 5 Clan Hall: The minimum bid for the purchasing the clan hall is increased by 7 times Paying rent of clan halls is increased by 5 times Only clans which have reached lvl 6 can buy Clan Hall. War politics: You can declared clan war concerning 1 clan only once per 24 hours Sieges: Sieges cycle - 2 weeks Donations: There isnt S-80, S-84 armor There isnt Giant Codex There isnt Epic jewelry There isnt Adena There isnt S-80 armor In donation shop will be: S-84 armor for Pro Coin - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) 1st and 2nd dynasty shoulder - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) S - Grade recipes Items for entering to Epic RB Items for increasing clan lvl (11 lvl) Items for learning clan skills hats and other accessories This is static donation, so we won't add or delete smth after grand opening. 1 Pro Coin - 1 $ Premium Account For getting "PA" in game we create special rune. This rune has the same function as on official server Premium Rune - 50% Exp, Sp, Drop, Adena, Spoil, x2 PvP Coin; possibility to enter to solo camaloka. Web-Site : Forum : BETA : To be announced Opening : Opening on 28.06 at 19:00 (+4 UTC) PS: Server is not mine, I'm just advertising it :)
xXxInvaderxXx Posted June 1, 2013 Author Posted June 1, 2013 Gracia Final with h5 prefix. Thank you Reela for noticing it, I'm sorry :)
SunBeam Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 This server seems very interesting i will play it even if its russian though :-*
isaiahbone Posted June 15, 2013 Posted June 15, 2013 Donations: There isnt S-80, S-84 armor There isnt Giant Codex There isnt Epic jewelry There isnt Adena There isnt S-80 armor In donation shop will be: S-84 armor for Pro Coin - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) 1st and 2nd dynasty shoulder - this measure is entered not because we want a lot of money, but for ensuring alternative way of getting high-lvl armor for solo players who isn't able to find constant group, but can buy Pro Coins in the market (Pro-Coins tradable item) S - Grade recipes Items for entering to Epic RB Items for increasing clan lvl (11 lvl) Items for learning clan skills hats and other accessories
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