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Because I saw some people to report Flash , who I believe that is one of most trusted people for me, I have to inform all that the real Flash is working real life in Xylokastro and left a friend of him to work in his place with name Panos. It is very possible to lured him with a keylogger or skype exploit and scam the possible buyers of the pack. So be carefull, he isn't the real Flash 100%. First of all Flash does not have the same level of English and secondly because I have spoken with the real Flash on phone for the problem and at the same time the fake one was talking to me on skype.I just did tis post to inform you that the real Flash is not a scammer and the  fake one taking advantage of the situation and makes money from scamming badly the possible buyers. So DO NOT BUY any pack or files from Flash until the real will be back.


[GR]Edw einai h sunomilia mou prin apo ligo me to atomo pou tou exei klepsei tou flash to password ktlp!!!


[6:58:38 μμ] Janky™: Pes mou ligo gia poion logo perases keylogger ston iwsif kai scammareis kosmo?

[6:59:17 μμ] Flash: dn perasa keylogger

[6:59:17 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  nd the keylogger seasoning )

[6:59:23 μμ] Flash: skype exploit

[6:59:48 μμ] Janky™: kai to pack tou pws to poulas kai mpaineis me to account tou sto MXC?

[6:59:56 μμ] Janky™: kai scammareis kosmo

[6:59:57 μμ] Janky™: ?

[7:00:09 μμ] Janky™: kai posa atoma mou eipes exeis hdh scammarei 4?

[7:00:48 μμ] Flash: dn pernw lefta

[7:00:50 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  pernw the pack: P )

[7:00:51 μμ] Flash: alla pack pernw :P

[7:00:51 μμ] Flash: paid

[7:02:07 μμ] Janky™: esu den eipes oti exeis scamamrei 4 atoma?

[7:02:36 μμ] Flash: e gt to scam einai anagkastika me lefta?

[7:02:36 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  e possible to scam Einai anagkastika left me? )

[7:02:42 μμ] Flash: dn exw piraksei tpt allo

[7:02:44 μμ] Flash: apla to skype t

[7:03:04 μμ] Janky™: Eimai sugouros pws exeis bgalei hdh lefta poulwntas to pack tou

[7:03:12 μμ] Flash: oxi

[7:03:15 μμ] Janky™: Mou to eipes hdh prin ligo oti exeis scamamrei 4 atoma

[7:03:20 μμ] Flash: nai scamm =

[7:03:23 μμ] Flash: tous elega

[7:03:25 μμ] Flash: oti tha knw

[7:03:26 μμ] Flash: trade

[7:03:29 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  This l2javenger )

[7:03:30 μμ] Flash: to l2javenger

[7:03:32 μμ] Flash: enw dn eixa tpt

[7:03:32 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  ENW dn eixa TPT )

[7:03:37 μμ] Flash: k eperna ta pack tous

[7:03:39 μμ] Flash: pira 4

[7:03:39 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  4 pyre )

[7:03:40 μμ] Flash: s lew

[7:03:54 μμ] Janky™: Poios o logos pou to kaneis auto?

[7:04:00 μμ] Janky™: na kerdizeis pack?

[7:04:05 μμ] Flash: panta ithela ena pack :P

[7:04:07 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  panta ithela ena pack: P )

[7:04:08 μμ] Flash: paid pack

[7:04:12 μμ] Flash: alla dn eixa lefta

[7:04:13 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  beyond that archive Left dn )

[7:05:04 μμ] Janky™: Kai giati polu apla kai omorfa wste na mhn kaneis rompa kapoio atomo kai eidika ena atomo opws einai o iwsif pou einai swstos kai bgazei kai autos apo auto pou kanei ta leftakia tou gia na epibiwsei giati den zhthses pote ena pack?

[7:05:16 μμ] Janky™: giati den kathises na matheis kai na ftiakseis ena diko sou project

[7:05:26 μμ] Janky™: giati den mphkes se ena forum na pareis kapoio share pack

[7:05:43 μμ] Flash: zitisa kai efaga block

[7:05:52 μμ] Flash: aftos einai o logos p to ekna

[7:05:54 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  aftos einai logos to p ekna )

[7:05:57 μμ] Janky™: pou zhthses deikse mou ligo

[7:05:57 μμ] Flash: tha mporouse na m pei

[7:05:58 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  mporouse in tha m pei )

[7:05:58 μμ] Flash: ena oxi

[7:06:31 μμ] Flash: kita eimai polu entaksi atomo.. alla otan m kanoun kati tetia neuriazw

[7:06:31 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  guitar eimai polu entaksi atomo .. I m below Kanoun kati tetia neuriazw )

[7:06:35 μμ] Flash: tha mporouse na elege ena oxi

[7:06:40 μμ] Janky™: Dhladh ti eipes tou flash dwse mou ena pack kai se ekane block?

[7:06:41 μμ] Flash: k na telione to thema

[7:06:43 μμ] Flash: nai

[7:06:46 μμ] Flash: k spastika

[7:06:46 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  k spastic )

[7:20:21 μμ] Janky™: to ekana hdh report ara telos ta free pack pou epernes apo ton kosmaki

[7:20:23 μμ] Janky™: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=273707.msg2562992#msg2562992

[7:20:32 μμ] Flash: igia

[7:20:47 μμ] Flash: pira pack aksias 600+ euro

[7:20:47 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  pira pack AXIS 600 + euro )

[7:20:51 μμ] Flash: opote eimai comple

[7:20:54 μμ] Flash: btw agglia meno

[7:20:55 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  btw agglia less )

[7:20:57 μμ] Flash: menw

[7:21:31 μμ] Flash: anyway se kamia wra tha allaksw to pw k tha s pw pws einai wste na parei to paidi to skype pisw

[7:21:31 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  Anyway is kamia wra tha allaksw rate, BMI, BMI s k tha einai pws na wste parei rate paidi to skype pisw )

[7:21:47 μμ] Flash: apla spazwme otan m kanoun kati tetia

[7:21:48 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  apla spazwme me as much kanoun Kathy tetia )

[7:24:41 μμ] Janky™: Auto pou ekanes htane polu kako giati mporei na kerdises esu, alla exasan oi alloi pou den se enoxlhsan kai o Flash dusfimisthke me auto pou tou ekanes!!!

[7:25:17 μμ] Flash: na mathei na apantaei alli fwra.. egw sou eipa neuriasa polu

[7:25:17 μμ] Flash: ( (flag:gb)  than mathei than apantaei you can imagine .. Begw sou eipa neuriasa Bolu )


This is my conversation with the fake Flash... how he trying to scam me.


[01:42:52] Flash: Trading L2jAvengers High Five with 1 High Five Pack. Value 100+.
[01:44:04] FLORYN: Hello man
[01:44:15] Flash: hey
[01:45:25] FLORYN: you sell project? :O
[01:45:37] Flash: Selling + Trading
[01:45:54] FLORYN: You dont wanna own l2jaevngers more?
[01:46:26] Flash: I am the owner but i will trade it with a project who cost $150
[01:46:35] Flash: I will start a new project soon
[01:46:47] FLORYN: But you will still give me support?
[01:47:18] Flash: Ye
[01:47:18] Flash: s
[01:47:23] FLORYN: Hiu ok
[01:47:34] FLORYN: man i have a problem with balanced system
[01:47:38] FLORYN: that mage give to much dmg
[01:47:42] FLORYN: and i go to balance system
[01:47:46] FLORYN: mage to fighter
[01:47:51] FLORYN: and doesent change anything
[01:47:59] Flash: hm i can fix it in 30 minutes
[01:48:07] Flash: i need to do some changes on it
[01:48:15] FLORYN: the problem is i cant make update
[01:48:21] FLORYN: cause i added already to much customs cripts
[01:48:28] Flash: hm do you know to make a rar file?
[01:48:32] FLORYN: that will not fit with a newer
[01:48:34] FLORYN: version
[01:48:38] FLORYN: rar u meana rchive?
[01:48:48] FLORYN: archive* ?
[01:49:13] Flash: yes
[01:49:17] FLORYN: why?
[01:49:38] Flash: make it and send me to edit it since i cant use teamviewer on my laptop
[01:49:52] FLORYN: i make archive to what?
[01:50:09] Flash: make a archive of pack
[01:50:17] FLORYN: i have payd
[01:50:21] FLORYN: scripts on my pack mate.
[01:50:52] Flash: i have all them i will not scam you
[01:50:56] FLORYN: and im pretty sure u are not real Flash
[01:51:19] Flash: lol dude
[01:51:22] Flash: let me pm you
[01:51:25] Flash: on maxcheaters
[01:51:37] FLORYN: 1. Sicne when you learn so good english?
[01:51:48] FLORYN: since*
[01:52:29] Flash: are you kidding me?
[01:52:37] FLORYN: no man
[01:52:43] FLORYN: since i talk with "you"
[01:52:49] FLORYN: u dont spell so good xD
[01:52:54] FLORYN: but its np i understand you
[01:52:57] FLORYN: and flash never log
[01:52:59] FLORYN: on available on skype
[01:53:01] FLORYN: only busy
[01:53:09] FLORYN: and he never ask me for pack
[01:53:12] FLORYN: to give him
[01:53:17] FLORYN: idk is just strange
[01:53:18] Flash: my teamviewer
[01:53:21] Flash: expired
[01:53:24] Flash: thats all
[01:53:35] Flash: and i was busy thats why i had busy my status
[01:54:08] FLORYN: well you can help me with mage problem
[01:54:14] FLORYN: give me the solution and i will do it
[01:54:45] Flash: i dont have time atm can you wait until tommorow?
[01:54:54] FLORYN: i can wait
[01:54:55] Flash: i will fix teamviewer
[01:54:58] Flash: good
[01:55:10] FLORYN: what is your paypall address?
[01:55:51] Flash: sifis369@live.com
[01:56:00] Flash: why?
[01:56:08] FLORYN: i just ask
[01:56:11] FLORYN: xD
[01:56:21] FLORYN: anyway i will wait untill tomorow
[01:56:27] FLORYN: but an detail for fixing it you cant give?
[01:56:45] Flash: can you explain me the problem?
[01:56:52] FLORYN: it just doesent work
[01:56:57] FLORYN: i put the
[01:56:58] FLORYN: numbers
[01:57:02] FLORYN: and doesent worlk
[01:57:05] FLORYN: defult its
[01:57:06] FLORYN: 1.00
[01:57:07] FLORYN: i add
[01:57:08] FLORYN: 2.00
[01:57:11] FLORYN: and still same dmg
[01:58:09] Flash: wait i will create for you a file extactor
[01:58:17] Flash: to exctract files on you pack
[01:58:20] Flash: let me create it
[02:03:41] *** Flash sent Mage class fix L2jAvengers.rar ***
[02:03:44] Flash: here
[02:04:11] Flash: updated the l2jconfig.jar on it
[02:04:21] Flash: now its working
[02:05:08] Flash: if you have problem PM me
[02:05:08] Flash: :)
[02:05:28] FLORYN: thanks for trojan horse xD
[02:05:45] Flash: lol its the API of the source of the exe dude
[02:05:52] Flash: try to close your antivirus
[02:06:05] Flash: its false positive from some antiviruses
[02:06:53] Flash: it will extrack .propeties + .jar files
[02:06:58] Flash: you need to select your folder
[02:14:01] FLORYN: send me a MP
[02:14:02] FLORYN: on mxc
[02:14:04] FLORYN: PM
[02:14:06] FLORYN: *
[14:29:28] FLORYN: Hi Flash, I'd like to add you as a contact. FLORYN


And he blocked me after... Flash never block his clients.


You want to tell me that guy found exploit on skype? A company that windowslive made connections? Sorry, I can't believe it.


Post edited, it was really offensive indeed.


So should I ban his account here? Or he took only his skype.?


No let the account unbanned,Flash just told me on phone that he just changed his pass at MXC.Furthermore if someone sees that something is not right, he can pm me in case to bring hin in contact with the real Flash if they want to buy something!!!


So should I ban his account here? Or he took only his skype.?

Real or not,you would never ban a legendary member even after scamming ppl. Like Frank did


Real or not,you would never ban a legendary member even after scamming ppl. Like Frank did

Yes that's why MM is banned.

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