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[Lissandra Patch]S3 Blue Ezreal EN


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Blue EZ




Ezreal Stats :


Health 1790

Health Regen 29.4

Mana 2545

Mana Regen 32.7

Armor 157.69

Magic Resist 42.06

Dodge 0

Tenacity 0

Movement Speed 395

Gold Bonus 0

Attack Damage 291.5

Attack Speed 0.999

Crit Chance 0%S

Crit Damage 0%

Ability Power 30

Life Steal 12%

Spell Vamp 0

Armor Penetration 35

Magic Penetration 0

Cooldown Reduction 35%



Starting items :

dorans-blade.gif or long-sword.gif and 2 hp potions.


Core Build :




blade-of-the-ruined-king.gif or mercurial-scimitar.gif



RECOMMENDED RUNES ( Προτεινόμενες ρουνες?) :


[ Yellow is Seal of Armor x9, Red is Mark of AD x9, Blue is Glyph of MR x9,  Quint of Attack Damage x3 ]


So its like that :



RECOMMENDED ABILITY SEQUENCE (Προτεινόμενη σειρά στο πως θα κάνετε lvl up τα spells σας και πότε)

ezreal-rising-spell-force.png Its his passive.


ezreal-mystic-shot.pngMystic shot, you lvl up mystic shot at lvl 1,3,4,7 and max at 9 level.

ezreal-essence-flux.pngEssence Flux, you lvl up this at lvl 12,14,15,17 and max at 18 level.

ezreal-arcane-shift.pngArcane Shift, you lvl up this at lvl 2,5,8,10, and max at 13 level.

ezreal-trueshot-barrage.pngBarrage pew pew, you lvl up this at lvl 6,11 and max at 16 level.





Ezreal Spells Explanation :


Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. This is the spell that makes you not being in need of attackspeed, if  Trueshot Barrage hits multiple target, you get multiple stacks, stacking up to 5.



Ezreal fires a bolt of energy that deals 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+1.0 per attack damage) (+20% of ability power) physical damage and applies on-hit effects. If it strikes an enemy unit it reduces all of Ezreal's cooldowns by 1 second.Your main spell, low cd and low mana cost. Also great last hitting tool.



Ezreal fires a fluctuating wave of energy at a targeted area. Any enemy champions it passes through take 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, while any allied champions it travels through have their attack speed increased by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % for 5 seconds. Only ap scaling. More of a support spell to increase your allie's attackspeed.



Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing arrow at the nearest enemy unit dealing 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+75% of ability power) magic damage. One of the best escaping tool's in game, has a fairly high cooldown so use it smart. It also deal's a fair amount of damage.



Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a powerful barrage of energy missiles, which deal 350 / 500 / 650 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) (+90% of ability power) magic damage to each enemy unit they pass through. However, it deals 8% less damage for each additional unit it hits (30% minimum damage). Great to snipe people all over the map since its a global ult. Remember to use it either in the beginning or the end of teamfights.


Recommended summoner spells:




Flash, obvious to take since you need escape tools on every ad carry. Should ALWAYS be taken.


Cleanse, good against heavy cc team, though i run it almost every game since i feel you can output more dmg by cleansing the  Exhaust (which you always be affected by as adc), than going ignite. you can also cleanse the enemies ignite's.


Ignite, good damage output spell, also good when fighting enemies like0 dr.mundo or  Soraka, every champ who heals good tbh, since it will decrease every health incomming on the ignited target by 50%.


Heal, good spell if you want to bait turret dives, or fighting 1v1/2v2 in lane. Though not so good in late game since you will almost guaranteed have a heal reduction spell on yourself.


Barrier, imo a better version of heal, since it wont be affected by  Ignite and other healing reduction spells, also good for baiting turret dives, might not be so good 2v2 as  Heal since  Barrier only affects you, but imo still its a better summoner to take than  Heal.


What is Ezreal strong with/ the perfect combo with Ezreal :



Sona's  Hymn of Valor with Ez is just too strong, all of his damage, not to mention his ult, get so much damage from the aura. Healing and armor + the speed boost give Ez such good chase potential that even after Ez does his burst combo, he can still follow up for the kill.

Then add sona ult, and Ez can easily land all his abilities and/or his ult without having fear of misssing, putting the other lane on their heals.



Leona and Ezreal is unlike Sona/Ez lane, with this lane you rather wanna engage hard and burst the enemy down. Also leona can ult at long range and charge in while Ezreal just  Arcane Shift into a good position to land his spells.



With Blitzcrank/Ezreal youve pretty much picked out the only ad carry to counter Blitz. All he has to do is to be ready to make a hook on the enemy ad carry and when he does you just go in and deal as much dmg as you can until he can use his escape tools, or you kill him.


Though playing against an  Alistar might be risky for the counter engage. But it shouldnt be that much of a problem.



More a safety farming lane, good if your facing some1 like miss fortune or draven, just stay back and farm unlimited with  Mystic Shot since Soraka can feed you with mana/hp.


Ezreal is Strong against :


What makes  Ezreal strong against Ashe is that he can easily get out of her permaslows and easily dodge her  Enchanted Crystal Arrow with his  Arcane Shift.


The only problem might be that  Ashe  Volley can deal a high amount of dmg really early, forcing Ezreal to recall be4 he even hit lvl4, its hard to poke back on  Ashe since she will just stay behind creeps and fire her  Volley (which deals damage in a cone), making it almost impossible for  Ezreal to poke back, though this wont probably be a problem around lvl 4 and forward.


Also keep in mind that you can use your  Arcane Shift at the same time  Enchanted Crystal Arrow hits you, making the stun run out be4 ashe can run in range to attack and apply her  Frost Shot on you.



Ezreals  Arcane Shift is amazing against Blitz. If you are quick with it (recommend smartcast) you can even push the key after getting hit by his pull, and all it will do is stun you where you land from the  Arcane Shift.


Though care about not letting Blitz get near you when he reached level 6, if he gets in range to use his Static Field he will silence you and then hook you, making it impossible for you to e his hook. Ofcourse stay behind minion to ensure no hooks will hit you.



Not much to say here more than that Ezreals  Arcane Shift can be used to dodge all of her strong cc spells, making it almost impossible for her to hit you.


Ezreal is weak against :


, If you take skill out of account and supports then generally graves will destroy Ezreal.



- Both have a strong q

, graves'  Buckshot being far easier to land than Ezreal's  Mystic Shot.


- Graves has an armor passive leading to him taking substantially less damage than Ezreal will [this is the key factor imo...]


- Graves'  Quickdraw buff simply means he will beat Ezreal in a straight up fight.



Graves is better than Ezreal in 1v1's. The only way Ezreal can win is if he pokes Graves down before they fight and then dukes Graves'  Buckshot with his  Arcane Shift. He must then also continue to land his  Mystic Shot for his own AS buff and extra damage.



The fact that Ezreal must do that to win prooves Graves is a counter pick for Ezreal must outplay Graves to win. But this lane will mostly come down to skills on support/ad.



I feel that Draven generally beats Ez no matter the supports maybe its just me but i have a really hard time playing Ez against Dravens.


Mostly since Dravens autoshots in laning phase deals a huge amount of damage and Ezreal has a low base health. Against a Draven is one of a few times i enjoy having a soraka as Ez since you just can sit back and farm with  Mystic Shot.



This is a pretty annoying champ to face as Ez but can easily be won.


I usually start boots 3x pots here to easier avoid heavy pokes, always remember to only fight her when shes outside the brushes since her passive stacks faster in brushes,avoid her  Piltover Peacemaker And make sure she dosent push you back to your turret to hard.


Laning phase :

When laning:

In laning phase, constantly try to harass your enemies with your  Mystic Shot, With Long Sword it deals massive damage early levels. It can also be a really good last hitting tool if your getting zoned.


Arcane Shift can be used as both jumping in tool or escape tool. If you have a support like leona and she enters a fight with her  Zenith Blade you can  Arcane Shift up to her and get in range. Otherwise you can always use your  Arcane Shift to escape, its probably one of the best escaping tools in game. Keep in mind if your against a  Blitzcrank you can use your  Arcane Shift at the time the hooks hits you, that way blitz won actually drag you into him. And keep in mind if you got a support jungler like  Alistar or  Maokai, then you can ask for the second red buff, giving you huge laning/killing pressure in lane.


And ofcourse always lasthit minions, never push the lane unless your going for turret or if someone of the other ad/supp dies then push the minions to turret to increase the chance of the enemy to miss lasthits.


Last hitting

This is just some information about last hitting on  Ezreal.


As an ad carry you ofcourse always want to have high farm. Here's the goals you of minions you want to have.



10min's:70-85 cs (creep slain).

20min's:130-160 cs.

30min's:200+ cs.


What makes it easier to last hit with  Ezreal compared to other ad carries is that he can easily grab minions from a far range with  Mystic Shot and stack up his  Rising Spell Force to give him 50% extra attack speed, always make sure to have 5stacks as much as possible in lane (its easy to keep the stacks up without goin out of mana since your  Mystic Shot is low mana cost and low cooldown.  Trueshot Barrage can also be very useful if you want to push up your lane to enemy turret really quickly.



Mid game

In mid game.

Always try to poke your  Mystic Shot- Essence Flux be4 possible drag fights so you got full stacked passive for more attackspeed/more lifesteal.


Be4 fights, both small and big, make up a list in your head for the targets you want to focus most to least, then in the fight you pick the easiest target to hit, if there is 2 targets that you can hit, take the one that is highest up on the list. In that way youre always focusing a high threated target. Also when killing drag Hit your allies with  Essence Flux to give them and yourself increased attackspeed.


Late game

In the late game

when every1 has lots of gear Ezreal falls of abit compared to some of the other ad carrys. But always remember to fight with a redbuff since your  Mystic Shot applies on hit effects this will give you much more damage output/poke.


The way you wanna use your  Trueshot Barrage in late game is either using it be4 going into a fight or save it until its ending and try to snipe down an escaping enemy.


In teamfights the ad carrys positioning can be game changing, always tell your support to block incoming spells for you, slow down champions who tries to run up to you so its easier to kite and take them down and always keep yourself in the back line. In late game Baron will be huge and probably cause a couple of fights. If the fight is inside the baron pit you should always ulti into it, not save it to chase down at the end since you will probably hit 4-5 targets inside the Baron pit. Ezreal is also a monster at killing the Baron with his Mystic Shot spam and passive, so dont hesitate to do a sneeky Baron if your team got a big advantage and pink ward/oracle. And if your running  Cleanse always save it for  Exhaust, it really increases your chances to do more dmg. Though going  Ignite gives you higher killing pressure in lane. Also try to hit your W on the enemys ad carry to decrease his attackspeed in fights. Also remember to buy some flasks if you sense a baron fight is close.




Arcane shift tricks:

The most popular trick on Ezreal is that he can use his  Arcane Shift spell when being cced. For example if the Ashe  Enchanted Crystal Arrow hits you and you click your  Arcane Shift fast enough, you will flash away when stunned. Also as i mentioned earlier in the guide, you can  Arcane Shift at the same time as Blitzcrank hooks you and you will flash away from him instead of being draged to him.


the enemy team has a  Maokai jungler in their team you can easily bait him into diving you with your Arcane Shift, when he starts flying in with his  Twisted Advance you  Arcane Shift into tower and he will follow you all the way into the tower and you can burst him down with help of the turret damage.

Other tricks:

Your  Trueshot Barrage is unavaible to interrupt in anyway, making it great in smaller fights for example if  Taric tries to stun you, you wont be able to move but if you started to cast the ulti be4 his stun landed it will be casted and fired away. When fighting mages  Essence Flux might seems worthless but always use it since it will reduce the cooldown of  Mystic Shot by 1 second. As you probably know Ezreals passive gives him 10% attackspeed per spell he its (stacking up to 50%), this means if you hit 5 targets with your ulti, including minions/monsters you will instantly get 5 stacks of your passive  Rising Spell Force.


Credits to me and to Hohona for guide.


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Basically the build is this





Blade of the Ruined King

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Spirit of the Elder Lizard

Last Whisper

Iceborn Gauntlet


Runes can be anything



This build gives you 300 AD, about 60 AP, and you get 35% Cooldown Reduction

It allows you to spam Q every 0.5 seconds because of Ezreal's Passive.

His E is about 7 seconds on CD, and three Q's will put it back and ready.

Your Q deals about 400 damage, plus it has a 60% slow.


This is the new OP right now. Every Korean ADC is now experimenting with "Blue Ezreal"

All his items are blue, and most of them are pretty cheap.


He's weak early, but with Frozen Gauntlet and Spirit of the Elder Lizard, you should be able to feel the power of "Blue Ezreal" from then.


He can basically kit really well with Furor Enchantments, his E can be used more than 4 times in teamfights, and you can spam ult to keep lanes pushed.


How I built him


Dorans - Tear of the Goddess - Boots - Gauntlet - Spirit of the Elder Lizard - Finish however you want.


Oh and you wanna get Vampiric Sceptor just for the Life Steal


If you don't trust me, try this on Custom, playing 'Blue Ezreal' feels like your playing an FPS.


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'Mid game


In mid game when drag starts to be popular you want to have your Trinity Force for enough damage output.'


Copy paste failed?


Also you take botrk not bt.

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'Mid game


In mid game when drag starts to be popular you want to have your Trinity Force for enough damage output.'


Copy paste failed?


Also you take botrk not bt.


its about situational item, and ofc i didnt write the guide, its blue ez guide like it is.

Now for botrk or bt, let people decide whats better,i prefer bt for example.

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This is not the TRUE BlueZreal that TPA Bebe made,we just remade it to our likings


This is real BluEzreal that he made http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ezreal-tpa-bebe-315675 but this build is also very good  :not bad:


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This is not the TRUE BlueZreal that TPA Bebe made,we just remade it to our likings


This is real BluEzreal that he made http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ezreal-tpa-bebe-315675 but this build is also very good  :not bad:


hmm veil insted of lastwhisper, dont know, this is situational as well the core items that blue needs are lizard muramana and gauntlet now the rest

depends on the enemy i guess.

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Good job c/p


And again, do i look like a TPA player or something so i write my own guides and my own playstyles?

Of course is a c/p, what you expect, god, but it has my job too.

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