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Which one u prefer?  

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  1. 1. Which one u prefer?

    • Ashe
    • Vayne

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ill also give a try to Draven  :not bad:

Draven is my main.He has arguably the best laning phase , and nobody can really outdamage a draven that knows how to play early on.



Think about it.You farm with your 2 Axes on (which mean you have two Q attacks).


If you are in range and manage to start the fight instantly with the E , then you have W for somelonger than you would if you went W then E.So it means like. Q+Q (EVEN IF YOU DONT CATCH THE AXES) + Bleed + Ignite of support is a kill.



If the Draven player is familiar with the axes , he can probablt 3-4shot most of the ad carries.


Draven is my main.He has arguably the best laning phase , and nobody can really outdamage a draven that knows how to play early on.



Think about it.You farm with your 2 Axes on (which mean you have two Q attacks).


If you are in range and manage to start the fight instantly with the E , then you have W for somelonger than you would if you went W then E.So it means like. Q+Q (EVEN IF YOU DONT CATCH THE AXES) + Bleed + Ignite of support is a kill.



If the Draven player is familiar with the axes , he can probablt 3-4shot most of the ad carries.


yes but he has his dissadvanantages too, first of all a smart enemy adc won't let you Q+Q him or even E+Q+Q him, if you try that u will be punished



good poke

have 3 sec stun

have slow per atk and with w


she is weak on escapes.

can be outdamaged if bad supporter.



she have good escape

have 1.5 second stun with her E if you hit your opoment on wall.



extremly weak on lane.

easy snowball even easier when enemy support is nab

in meta with all assasins she getting fucked on fights.

and you easy counter her stealth attack stealth attack with an  oracle or pink ward



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