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You play tank?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Taric. W<--- bonus armor. I start with 115 armor with W and 1 part of ninja tabi and armor runes +40. And if there is a problem because of my opponents(too many AP champs,i buy for magic ressist. That's all)

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and why?

passive helps yo a lot cauz you absords  damage up to 10% of your maximum health!

ulti aoe damage/stun and helps a lot your team!also make great combo with Kennen and Katarina's ulti!

your first ability make steal enemy speed and gives you this speed also make damage..

your second ability gives you Armor and Attack Damage..

and your third deals aoe magic damage based on your armor and reduce enemy attack speed!

and about items?

for me the best items:








p.s. it's my opinion i don't say that this build it the best but i use this!

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and why?

passive helps yo a lot cauz you absords  damage up to 10% of your maximum health!

ulti aoe damage/stun and helps a lot your team!also make great combo with Kennen and Katarina's ulti!

your first ability make steal enemy speed and gives you this speed also make damage..

your second ability gives you Armor and Attack Damage..

and your third deals aoe magic damage based on your armor and reduce enemy attack speed!

and about items?

for me the best items:








p.s. it's my opinion i don't say that this build it the best but i use this!


@the Author of this topic


if it's about to play tank in rankeds don't even see spirakosdafuq's post :P Malphite is always banned .. btw his build is OP and thats how should everyone build on his champion.

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@the Author of this topic


if it's about to play tank in rankeds don't even see spirakosdafuq's post :P Malphite is always banned .. btw his build is OP and thats how should everyone build on his champion.


malphite is my opinions for the best tank and i don't see him always banned :3

anyway the build is the build for all tanks who i use :3

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  • 1 month later...

Hey dudes..hi all.I play league of legends 3 years and i am the most of times ad carry or mid lane..From now on i started to play support and tank because a lot of noobs try to tank and lose games.So i wanna know some opinions of you for the best TANK and the items you buy at the most of games.

There is no such a role as "TANK" in LoL , a tank can be a top champion , a jungler even mid AP Malphite that he goes TANKY~ Mid game !

Hecarim , Vi , J4 , Xin are the current META's CARRY JUNGLERS that are too tanky by themselfs and have insane damage output !

heca vi and xin with some early damage like : Laternt - Red Buff (Item) - Brutalizer and then a tanky build can carry the whole game :)

Another top TANK is shen ! he can splitpush like crazy and them BOOM TP WITH ULTI AT THE TEAMFIGHT :D

Also he is really tanky byhimself with just a sunfire cape so he can build damage items (As we saw at the LCS Turnament :HYDRA,Trinity,Wits End etc..)

These was my fave tanls~ i hope you liked them .. enjoy :) :dat:

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