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Event Engine :: 18 Events :: New Admin Panel :: New Features!

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I'm selling a new version of my event engine which includes many amazing new features, a new admin panel and 18 awesome events, free updates once purchased!


For now supported on any interlude pack and L2j h5.


Event list:

Battlefield - Each team has to capture as many flags as possible using the Capture skill, the team that holds most flags for a longer period wins.

Bomb Fight - Each team need to kill enemy players with 1 skill only: Bomb skill, when dropping a bomb on the ground, it kills all enemy players within a certain radius.

Capture the Flag - Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins.

Death Match - The player to get most kills wins.

Domination - The team to get most players near the zone for more time wins.

Double Domination - The team to get most players near both zones for X seconds gets a point, team with most points wins.

Last Man Standing - The last person to survive wins.

Lucky Chests - Each player has to open as many chests as possible, chests has a chance to give a random item when succesfully opened or explode and kill the player, the player with most chests opened wins.

Mutant - 1 Random player becomes a mutant with extended stats, all other players has to kill the mutant, only mutant can score during the event, so the goal is to make as much kills as possible with the mutant, player with most kills wins.

Russian Roulette - X Chests spawns at the start of the event, players has to choose a chest at every round, at the end of every round a random chest dies and all players that choosen it die aswell, all players to survive to the last chest wins.

Simon Says - Players has to say excactly the same text as the NPC says as fast as possible every round, players who didnt say the text, or said it too late, or said it wrong, are out. the last player to survive wins.

Team vs Team - The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins.

VIP TvT - Each team has a VIP player they have to protect, the goal is to make the most VIP kills, whenever a VIP dies a new VIP player is choosen, the team with most VIP kills wins.

Zombies vs Humans NEW - All players have bows, All zombies have speed boost, at the start of the event 2 random players become zombies, The last player to survive as human wins.

Hunting Grounds NEW - Team vs Team style, all players get bows and can hit only with normal hits, each hit is a kill, the team to get the most kills wins.

Raid in the Middle NEW - TvT style with a raidboss in the middle, the team to kill the raidboss wins the event, in this event players that are killed by enemy team players are not getting resurrected by the event (but can be resurrected by other players), so its recommanded to kill all your enemies first! :)

Korean TvT NEW - TvT Style, In this event a certain number of random players is chosen from each team and has to fight each other, the a-beep-t of chosen players depends on a-beep-t of registered players :: can be 1vs1, vs2, 3vs3 and so on. When a chosen team dies new random players will be chosen, when a team loses all players they lose the event and enemy wins.

Treasure Hunt NEW - Free for all event, chests spawn at random locations in elven ruins, the players goal is to find them, the first to find a chest is the winner but the even continues, players gets reward every time they find a chest (a player can find more than 1 chest) and the first finder is rewarded again at the end of the event.


New Features:

* Transoformations works in interlude cheronicle

* Balance: In DM/LMS/Zombies players cannot chat/invite, players names and crests are hidden and everyone looks like a female dwarf with formal wear

* 3 random events that players can vote for as next event (so people wont vote for same event all the time)

* .register and .unregister voiced commands

* who said summons are useless in events? in the new version summons that die and get resummoned come back with the buffs they had

* AOE attacks works in the new version, and hit only enemy players no matter if teamates are nearby

* Dualbox protection config

* Anti AFK config

* During simon says people cannot talk if they already lost or answered (avoid to confuse other players)

* if the winner in LMS is a women, it'll say Last Woman Standing! :D

* Added chance to win random items in Lucky Chests if succesfully oepned a chest (configureable)

* Players in hunting grounds cannot miss

* The engine will try to put equal a-beep-t of healers in each team when possible

* Added config to enable/disable events

* Event htmls are now dynamic

* Added admin panel for events, about anything can be changed during runtime






width=1024 height=537http://oi50.tinypic.com/15x7ng8.jpg[/img]





Contact me on:

Skype: sahar_ati




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trolling ? ;p

Sahar.... Selling engines that is not created by him, treats people badly and gives no support. Unfortunate.

Do I even know you?


Oh wait...

<head> Nothing Found </head>

explains everything.

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