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well everybody knows that with l2fileedit you can do these things but its really pain in the ass to figure out what you have to change in order to make a new weapon or modify an existing one,so ppl with not much experience find it hard.

This guide is going to give onother prospective but i have to admit that the decrypt and encrypt is a bit difficult as a process but after that,you can easily modify and alter things in .dat,ini and int files.


lets start:

firstly you must upload this file,has every program you will need.






1.open the l2encdec.exe one time

2.Now we will decrypt the desired file.Lets say for example systemmsg-e.dat

Opem cmd.exe and type: l2encdec.exe -s systemmsg-e.dat




and u will get this


width=640 height=294http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/8793/22du2.jpg[/img]


Now u will have a file named dec-systemmsg-e


3.Delete the systemmsg-e.dat and rename the dec-systemmsg-e.dat to systemmsg-e.dat


4.Now from the following part there are 2 ways to decode/encode the dat files,one with l2clientdat and other with l2clientdat_en


way 1


We will do this with L2Clientdat_en or L2Clientdatfull (its the same thing)


a) Open the L2ClientDat_en (of the pack folder) and do Decode of systemmsg-e.dat.Now u will get a txt file with name systemmsg-e.




b) Open the txt and change whatever u want


width=640 height=59http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/5774/47zv.jpg[/img]


c) Do your changes and save the txt


d) Open again L2ClientDat_en ,choose systemmsg-e and press encode




way 2


On way 2 we will use L2ClientDat.exe.


a) With the pack there are 2 folders with names "cn"and "en".There are the txt of some .dat files.Lets say u want to change something in the systemmsg-e.dat.


b) Open the txt inside the en folder and change the thing u want in the systemmsg-e.txt and save it


c) Open now the L2ClientDat.exe and choose from english the systemmsg-e.dat




d) Now press restore and u are done




Hope i helped enough,as you can see the result is much better than l2fileedit.


some credits and help:Alexandros





Hope i helped enough,as you can see the result is much better than l2fileedit.


Okay.. I mean thanx for taking your time to make this guide but what makes it better than fileedit?


compare: the first is with l2fileedit and the second with l2clientdat.


0	7575	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp			icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i00					-1	1650	47	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	581	132	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	293	11	1	1	1000	1	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u008		0.000000	-3.000000	0.000000	1.200000	1.200000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.600000	1.300000	1.300000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000							8	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i01			


item_begin	object_id=7575	object_name=[]	body_part={lrhand}	animation=5	drop_type=1	drop_anim_type=1	drop_radius=15	drop_height=2	projectile=[none]	curvature=1000	drop_mesh={[LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp];[LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp]}	drop_texture={[none]}	icon={[icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i00]}	mesh={[LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp]}	texture={[LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp]}	crystallizable=1	item_sound={[itemSound.bow_small_2];[itemSound.bow_small_3];[itemSound.bow_small_6];[itemSound.bow_big_2]}	drop_sound=[itemSound.itemdrop_bow]	equip_sound=[itemSound.itemequip_bow]	weight=1650	soulshot_count=1	spiritshot_count=1	material_type=adamantaite	crystal_type=s	physical_damage=581	random_damage=5	weapon_type=bow	critical=12	hit_modify=-3	avoid_modify=0	shield_defense=0	shield_defense_rate=0	attack_speed=293	mp_consume=11	magical_damage=132	durability=95	effect_c={[LineageEffect.c_u008]}	effect_c_s=0.00	c3_attr1=0	c3_attr2=-3.00	c3_attr3=0.00	c3_attr4=1.20	c3_attr5=1.20	range_s={[LineageWeapons.rangesample]}	c3_attr6=1.60	c3_attr7=1.30	c3_attr8=1.30	c3_attr9=0.00	c3_attr10=0.00	range2_s=0.00	range2_arg={}	c4_attr1=[none]	c4_attr2=[none]	c4_attr5=1	c4_attr6=-1	c4_attr7=0	item_end


As you can see next to each number and all these things that are hard for someone to see what is what,there is an explanation,in fileedit there is only in the top of the file and that makes the thnings hard to modify.



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