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2.9.9 try 3.0.0,

and if you have other version than l2j server H5 stable try fit it manually.

I tried 3.0.1 still same..


Well my L2PCInstance is like this:


public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target)
	increasePvpKills(target, false);

 * Increase the pvp kills count and send the info to the player
 * @param target 
public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target, boolean event)
	if (target instanceof L2PcInstance)
		if(event || AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target))
			// Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
			setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);

			// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
			sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
			sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));


Would this work?:

public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target)
	increasePvpKills(target, false);

 * Increase the pvp kills count and send the info to the player
 * @param target 
public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target, boolean event)
	if(!CustomPvpSystemConfig.CUSTOM_PVP_LEGAL_COUNTER_ALTT_ENABLED && target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target))
			// Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
			setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);

			// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
			sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
			sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));




I don't know what exactly do 'event' variable but with this convention code should looks like this:


	if(!CustomPvpSystemConfig.CUSTOM_PVP_LEGAL_COUNTER_ALTT_ENABLED && target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target) || !CustomPvpSystemConfig.CUSTOM_PVP_LEGAL_COUNTER_ALTT_ENABLED && event)
	// Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
	setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);

	// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
	sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
	sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));


Compiled without any problems!


Changed L2PcInstance_v.3.0.1.diff

the last part to this:

@@ -5846,12 +5872,10 @@
public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target, boolean event)
-		if (target instanceof L2PcInstance)
-		{
-			if(event || AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target))
+     if(!CustomPvpSystemConfig.CUSTOM_PVP_LEGAL_COUNTER_ALTT_ENABLED && target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target) || !CustomPvpSystemConfig.CUSTOM_PVP_LEGAL_COUNTER_ALTT_ENABLED && event)
			// Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
			setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1);

			// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
			sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
			sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));
-		}


Я все установил как и было показано,но когда ввожу в игре .pvpinfo - такой команды нет, а для datapack voicedhandlier есть diff?


Hello!! Really a nice share, nut i have a problem in CustomPvpSystem.java and CustomPvpSystemDeathMgr.java:





    [javac]                 ^

    [javac]    method L2Character.isInsideZone(ZoneId) is not applicable

    [javac]      (actual argument byte cannot be converted to ZoneId by method invocation conversion)





    [javac]                   ^

    [javac]    method L2Character.isInsideZone(ZoneId) is not applicable

    [javac]      (actual argument byte cannot be converted to ZoneId by method invocation conversion)


1. I understand only Polish or english.

2. Patch not compatibile with UNSTABLE H5 l2j, because they changes Zone identyfications.





in this case,  not how to help me?


Sorry for the weak english!


Hi all! I have such an imput error .pvpinfo "command not found" , if you have a .diff for datapack/scripts/handlier/voicedcommands ? Thank you in advance



I set everything out of all the .diff , compile perfect and without error , but in the game when singling out another character in the target and write .pvpinfo , he writes that such a team is incorrect !


does anyone else have problem with karma even if system is on or off or rising hes pvps (alt+t) or pks? or if you kill somebody you dont take karma... and as i said system tryed on off all settings


yes,i think

i fixed it in 3.0.1 version.



just remove my if statement from: public void increasePkKillsAndKarma(L2Character target) method, i forgot remove it in 3.0.0 sorry for my miss ;)


correct method should looks like this (its oryginal code):


public void increasePkKillsAndKarma(L2Character target)
	int baseKarma           = Config.KARMA_MIN_KARMA;
	int newKarma            = baseKarma;
	int karmaLimit          = Config.KARMA_MAX_KARMA;

	int pkLVL               = getLevel();
	int pkPKCount           = getPkKills();

	int targLVL             = target.getLevel();

	int lvlDiffMulti = 0;
	int pkCountMulti = 0;

	// Check if the attacker has a PK counter greater than 0
	if (pkPKCount > 0)
		pkCountMulti = pkPKCount / 2;
		pkCountMulti = 1;

	if (pkCountMulti < 1)
		pkCountMulti = 1;

	// Calculate the level difference Multiplier between attacker and killed L2PcInstance
	if (pkLVL > targLVL)
		lvlDiffMulti = pkLVL / targLVL;
		lvlDiffMulti = 1;

	if (lvlDiffMulti < 1)
		lvlDiffMulti = 1;

	// Calculate the new Karma of the attacker : newKarma = baseKarma*pkCountMulti*lvlDiffMulti
	newKarma *= pkCountMulti;
	newKarma *= lvlDiffMulti;

	// Make sure newKarma is less than karmaLimit and higher than baseKarma
	if (newKarma < baseKarma)
		newKarma = baseKarma;
	if (newKarma > karmaLimit)
		newKarma = karmaLimit;

	// Fix to prevent overflow (=> karma has a  max value of 2 147 483 647)
	if (getKarma() > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - newKarma))
		newKarma = Integer.MAX_VALUE - getKarma();

	// Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter
	setKarma(getKarma() + newKarma);
	setPkKills(getPkKills() + 1);

	// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
	sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
	sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));


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