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Web: http://excalibur.insanedevs.com


Project Excalibur is an open source game server framework and engine to develop MMORPGs and real time games. It provides a simple way of creating games on a portable and robust server architecture. The server is coded in Java and provides a MySQL backend.


Exodus: For the beginning platform will support a well known MMORPG Lineage 2 (Interlude Chronicle). The reasons for this choice are:

  • Lineage 2 is a well known game and people will be attracted to join this community (that does not mean that development will focus on Lineage 2, but the framework development and its genericity).
  • Already there are many emulators for this MMORPG and we can learn a lot from them.
  • Why Java? I like it more than any other programming language ;D, but the main reasons are: scalability, performance and portability 8) .
  • About MySQL backend for now is enough, but in the future I want to add support for different database providers.



  • Open Source Project 4ever
  • Best MMORPG Server Framework
  • Flawless Software Architecture
  • High Stability
  • High Scalability
  • High Performance
  • Secure
  • No bugs
  • No memory leaks
  • Cross-platform software
  • Automated tests


My expectations from the project and how I think things will happen:

  • We will not start from scratch, but we'll start at the current stage of aCis (acis.i-live.eu), I take this opportunity to thank the aCis's community and to congratulate Tryskell for the great work they do.
  • I want to mention very clearly, this project is NOT a fork for l2j or other similar projects, my goal has nothing to do strictly related to Lineage 2, but it's a well known game and will be a great help to attract more people to get involved.
  • We will continue to sync L2 side of the project, from time to time, to keep interested and active community.
  • Next step will be to clean-up and redesigned server architecture.
  • Automated tests, there will be no new class, commited in core side, without its own test file.
  • When we consider that it is suitable, we will add support for Lineage 2 Gracia Final, in the best case this will happen in 4-5 months.
  • Well, what's next? Aion in 7-8 months and WoW in 1 year. If these predictors seem unreal, I want to mention that I am not interested to create a 100% emulator for these games, but to increase genericity of platform to be prepared for anything.




For now is just me. I know it sounds silly, and many times in life happened to me, people to doubt what I can do, but I managed to prove otherwise ;D . I don't plan to work on this alone, I'm sure lot of people will join and help and a lot more will leech >:( .

Even if 100 devs will want to join the team, I will accept all who know what they doing, but for now I'm the only one who will can commit. I am very strict about code quality so I prefer to personally check every new line of code.


Web: http://excalibur.insanedevs.com


Project Excalibur is an open source game server framework and engine to develop MMORPGs and real time games. It provides a simple way of creating games on a portable and robust server architecture. The server is coded in Java and provides a MySQL backend.


Exodus: For the beginning platform will support a well known MMORPG Lineage 2 (Interlude Chronicle). The reasons for this choice are:

  • Lineage 2 is a well known game and people will be attracted to join this community (that does not mean that development will focus on Lineage 2, but the framework development and its genericity).
  • Already there are many emulators for this MMORPG and we can learn a lot from them.
  • Why Java? I like it more than any other programming language ;D, but the main reasons are: scalability, performance and portability 8) .
  • About MySQL backend for now is enough, but in the future I want to add support for different database providers.



  • Open Source Project 4ever
  • Best MMORPG Server Framework
  • Flawless Software Architecture
  • High Stability
  • High Scalability
  • High Performance
  • Secure
  • No bugs
  • No memory leaks
  • Cross-platform software
  • Automated tests


My expectations from the project and how I think things will happen:

  • We will not start from scratch, but we'll start at the current stage of aCis (acis.i-live.eu), I take this opportunity to thank the aCis's community and to congratulate Tryskell for the great work they do.
  • I want to mention very clearly, this project is NOT a fork for l2j or other similar projects, my goal has nothing to do strictly related to Lineage 2, but it's a well known game and will be a great help to attract more people to get involved.
  • We will continue to sync L2 side of the project, from time to time, to keep interested and active community.
  • Next step will be to clean-up and redesigned server architecture.
  • Automated tests, there will be no new class, commited in core side, without its own test file.
  • When we consider that it is suitable, we will add support for Lineage 2 Gracia Final, in the best case this will happen in 4-5 months.
  • Well, what's next? Aion in 7-8 months and WoW in 1 year. If these predictors seem unreal, I want to mention that I am not interested to create a 100% emulator for these games, but to increase genericity of platform to be prepared for anything.




For now is just me. I know it sounds silly, and many times in life happened to me, people to doubt what I can do, but I managed to prove otherwise ;D . I don't plan to work on this alone, I'm sure lot of people will join and help and a lot more will leech >:( .

Even if 100 devs will want to join the team, I will accept all who know what they doing, but for now I'm the only one who will can commit. I am very strict about code quality so I prefer to personally check every new line of code.


Web: http://excalibur.insanedevs.com


Project Excalibur is an open source game server framework and engine to develop MMORPGs and real time games. It provides a simple way of creating games on a portable and robust server architecture. The server is coded in Java and provides a MySQL backend.


Exodus: For the beginning platform will support a well known MMORPG Lineage 2 (Interlude Chronicle). The reasons for this choice are:

  • Lineage 2 is a well known game and people will be attracted to join this community (that does not mean that development will focus on Lineage 2, but the framework development and its genericity).
  • Already there are many emulators for this MMORPG and we can learn a lot from them.
  • Why Java? I like it more than any other programming language ;D, but the main reasons are: scalability, performance and portability 8) .
  • About MySQL backend for now is enough, but in the future I want to add support for different database providers.



  • Open Source Project 4ever
  • Best MMORPG Server Framework
  • Flawless Software Architecture
  • High Stability
  • High Scalability
  • High Performance
  • Secure
  • No bugs
  • No memory leaks
  • Cross-platform software
  • Automated tests


My expectations from the project and how I think things will happen:

  • We will not start from scratch, but we'll start at the current stage of aCis (acis.i-live.eu), I take this opportunity to thank the aCis's community and to congratulate Tryskell for the great work they do.
  • I want to mention very clearly, this project is NOT a fork for l2j or other similar projects, my goal has nothing to do strictly related to Lineage 2, but it's a well known game and will be a great help to attract more people to get involved.
  • We will continue to sync L2 side of the project, from time to time, to keep interested and active community.
  • Next step will be to clean-up and redesigned server architecture.
  • Automated tests, there will be no new class, commited in core side, without its own test file.
  • When we consider that it is suitable, we will add support for Lineage 2 Gracia Final, in the best case this will happen in 4-5 months.
  • Well, what's next? Aion in 7-8 months and WoW in 1 year. If these predictors seem unreal, I want to mention that I am not interested to create a 100% emulator for these games, but to increase genericity of platform to be prepared for anything.




For now is just me. I know it sounds silly, and many times in life happened to me, people to doubt what I can do, but I managed to prove otherwise ;D . I don't plan to work on this alone, I'm sure lot of people will join and help and a lot more will leech >:( .

Even if 100 devs will want to join the team, I will accept all who know what they doing, but for now I'm the only one who will can commit. I am very strict about code quality so I prefer to personally check every new line of code.

Guest Elfocrash

Waiting for a Tryskell-Mega-Post


Good luck. Let's see if you have what it takes to be exceptional on this.

Btw chronicle choice was stupid itself.

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    • Hello, I add this code here https://maxcheaters.com/topic/248730-agathions-acis-401-does-not-interfere-with-summons-or-pets/.     but i have problem with agathion movement, agathion does not move when the player moves. The player must stop moving for Agathion to come close him.   i think the problem is here at < _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000); >>       public void followToOwner()     {                  if (_followTask == null)             _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000);                                  int rnd = Rnd.get(-30, +30);         SpawnLocation loc = _owner.getPosition();                          if (!checkIfInRange(1000, this, _owner))             teleport(_owner, 30);                  if (_owner.isMoving())             getAI().tryToFollow(_owner, false);         else         {             if (!checkIfInRange(75, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToMoveTo(new Location(loc.getX()+rnd, loc.getY()+rnd, loc.getZ()), null);             else if (checkIfInRange(30, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToIdle();                              if (Config.AGATHION_HEAL_OWNER && !getCast().isCastingNow())             {                 if (_owner.isInOlympiadMode() || _owner.isInDuel() || _owner.getPvpFlag() != 0 || _owner.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP) || _owner.getKarma() != 0)                     return;                                  if ((_owner.getStatus().getHpRatio() < Config.AGATHION_PERCENT_TO_HEAL))                     getAI().tryToCast(_owner, 1011, 18);             }             else if (!Config.AGATHION_ONLY_FOLLOW && Config.AGATHION_ALLOW_SOCIAL && !isMoving() && !getCast().isCastingNow())                 broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(this, 1));         }  
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