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What about oly crits? What about Ol's debuff with 1% chance?


Dude, sorry but do you want make more OP to ols? they're Op as hell right now


Guys server is good but he have many bugs. The good thing is that yesterday from 10 p.m. at night to 3 a.m. at morning admin was online and fix as many bugs he can but he didnt restart the server. Olso dont worry classes will be fixed and olympiad too. That i like in this server is that admin really cares to fix the bugs as you can see from the time he was on and read pettions with problemes.


Soo dont worry with the time all will be fixed. As for the server i like it because agouments are very balance with the reload time and in the some days when admin will fix 100% the balance from classes, pvp will be a pleasoure. As for the server dont warry he will add rbs and who nows what he will do in the future???

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