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[Share] Iron Hell Armor + Jewels [Interlude]

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Hello to all, well in my free time I modify this armor so hope like it, is not a aswesome work but well, for someone sure is fine for his server.





~ Ave


PD: for make it files work you need use 2 dll:

  • Fire.dll
  • LineageEnv.dll




~ Ave

Password: CriticalError


Credits by NCSOFT for animations and textures and me for adapt animations to interlude and paint textures

Edited by aVVe
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Hello to all, well in my free time I modify this armor so hope like it, is not a aswesome work but well, for someone sure is fine for his server.



i cant see http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5fit0k&s=6




PD: for make it files work you need use 2 dll:


  • Fire.dll
  • LineageEnv.dll



width=351 height=768http://i.imgur.com/ffc9M.png[/img]

width=351 height=768http://i.imgur.com/jrOD1.png[/img]



width=337 height=768http://i.imgur.com/i8GeV.png[/img]




Password: CriticalError


Credits by NCSOFT for animations and textures and me for adapt animations to interlude and paint textures

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thanks for comments.


Reds are wayyyy too bright, try not to make the saturation 300% o__o

yes you right, just make this armor playing in PS, nothing interesting in this work, anyway thanks for remind me.


fire.dll is used by 90% of russian servers as protection (lameguard). Why you do that, you hate us?

i'm not hate us, you're welcome, if I use it is only for security my files, nothing more :)
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ok here updated armorgrp and itemname because I confuse and upload armorgrp of other armor I editing, check first topic.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

PLs reupload all images i cant see half of them. Btw this is an awesome job, one of your best actually. Dont know why they say its bad. Is it for all races and classes as heavy light and robe? (if not it cant be used)

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  • 2 years later...

dead links if you can fix it please! thanks

the link still up, you just don't click in the picture and well, so for this reason you think link is off, but still up, anyway fixed topic with old pictures deleted.

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