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•Runes & why I use them

•Masteries & why I use them

•Skills Tactics

•Summoner Spells





Hello! Today, I'd like to show you how to do a great job with him on mid lane. Even though Fizz is a champion that can fulfill several roles - bruiser on solo top, jungler or AP carry on mid - I personally think that Fizz' ability to dominate his mid lane is really outstanding.


This guide will tell you how to play Fizz as a nuker that still has some very good survivability which is not only an effect of his ability to escape. You'll learn how to engage a fight, how to tower dive, how you have to position yourself during a team fight and last but not least, something about counter picks.




Damage  53  (+3 / per level)

Health  414    (+86 / per level)

Mana  200  (+40 / per level)

Move Speed  310 

Armor  12.7  (+3.4 / per level)

Spell Block  30  (+1.25 / per level)

Health Regen  7  (+0.7 / per level)

Mana Regen  6.1  (+0.45 / per level)


Recommended Items (Classic)






•Runes & why I use them




9x Greater Mark of Insight

As an AP carry, you do a lot of magical damage. Therefore, some magic penetration is great. In my humble opinion, other offensive marks (e.g. more ability power) have a smaller impact on his damage. Defensive marks aren't needed as my build and masteries already provide Fizz with enough life and resistances.



9x Greater Seal of Resilience

As Fizz, your most common way to deal tons of damage is to stay in melee range of you enemy. With you Q you dash towards him, your W only applies on auto-attacks and your E hasn't got a good range neither. As a result, you'll be an easy target not only for the hostile AD carry but also for their bruiser. Therefore, some armor will increase you chance to survive.



9x Greater Glyph of Force

Some AP runes are always nice. And they are even nicer if your build isn't build on full AP (which is kinda **** in my opinion). Even though the AP bonus is small, Fizz has good AP ratios and therefore he still will deal a lot of more damage. If you think, some magic resistance would be better, use 9x Greater Glyph or Shielding or - if you have problems with the early game - 9x Greater Glyph of Warding.




3x Greater Quintessence of Potency / of Insight

You can choose between them, you can mix them how you please. Both will increase your damage output. I prefer twice the flat AP and one time the magic penetration for an additional early damage.



Here is my personal standard Fizz rune page, consisting 9x Greater Mark of Insight, 9x Greater Seal of Resilience, 9x Greater Glyph of Force, 2x Greater Quintessence of Potency and finally 1x Greater Quintessence of the Piercing Present (equal to Greater Quintessence of Insight):







•Masteries & why I use them





As you can see, I use 21/9/0 masteries. But why?


Improving the ability to last hit

2/2 Butcher and 1/3 Brute Force will increase you capability to increase you creep count which is very important. As Fizz auto attacks are melee, his opponent is likely to be able to harass him. Therefore, those 5 extra damage can lower the amount of time you have to spend near the hostile creeps and as a result the time the hostile champion can harass you, as well.


Improving Ignite

The increase of your AP as well as the additional AD will lead to more damage. This damage boost will be higher while playing Fizz than while playing another AP carry as Fizz depends on his auto attacks to deal damage. So please, take 1/1 Summoner's Wrath.


Cool down reduction

Fizz is one of my favorite champions. One of the reasons is his ultimate. You can drop a whole enemy team below 50% with it - but only when it's not on cool down. Those 4% will be equal to 2.8 seconds. It sounds like nothing - but only until your ultimate is on a 1 second cool down when you die. Why should you use 4/4 Sorcery with this low cd? The answer: It's not only his ultimate but all of his skills which profit from this. This leads to more damage with your Q as well as more ability to escape with your E!


Increase in damage

As this guide is about a nuker Fizz, we need a lot of damage. 10% Magic Penetration (1/1 Arcane Knowledge), 1,5% damage increase (3/3 Havoc), 18 AP (4/4 Blast) as well as 5% increased AP (4/4 Archmage) all lead to more damage. 1/1 Executioner is really the best mastery on Fizz. The additional 6% damage on targets below 40% life perfectly stacks with his W's additional damage on low-health targets.


Resistances and life

As Fizz is likely to be found in the enemies' middle, people will try to kill you. Some magic resistance 3/3 Resistance and a little bit of armor 1/3 Hardiness do not help a lot, but in combination with 4/4 Durability 1/1 Vertaran's Scars (total of +138HP on lvl 18 / +31,5HP on level 1) you will be more likely to survive. I prefer magic resistance over armor due to two reasons: Firstly, we already have armor in our runes and secondly, additional magic resistance (even though its only 6) will secure a early lane domination as you can harass your enemy without getting hurt too much.



•Skills Tactics



Nimble Fighter is Fizz' passive ability. In my opinion, it gives two great advantages over other champions. Firstly, you can easily evade skill shots etc. as you won't be blocked by creeps. This is important as you'll be next to your and your enemy's creeps in order to get some last hits. Secondly, harassing you foe becomes much more easier. On the one hand, hostile creeps won't hurt you a lot (--> chasing is possible), on the other hand you can engage/escape through a minion wave which will bring space against you and your enemy.



Urchin Strike will be one of your main single targeted damage sources. It not only deals magic damage that scales with AP but also your total attack damage. In combination with  Lich Bane, you'll deal tons of damage with 1 hit. The traveled distance is always the same. --> If you enemy stands next to you, you will end up miles away from him. If you cast on max range, you'll be next to him afterwards.




Seastone Trident is Fizz' other single targeted damage spell. It's passive inflicts a DOT that deals more damage the less life the target has. As a conclusion, you can find two rules:

1.) The more damage you have inflicted, the more damage it'll do.

2.) The last tick will always do more damage as the first one.

It's active is quite different. Fizz does on-hit damage (additional to his passive damage) and also inflicts "grieving wounds" which lower the amount the target gets healed by 50%.



Playful / Trickster is parted into "Playful" and "Trickster". With "Playful", Fizz jumps on his stick. After a while, he falls to the ground, slowing and damaging everybody in a certain area around him. He can also use "Trickster" to jump another time (without a delay). Then, he inflicts the same damage, but the slow is lost. You can also use this skill to escape or to dodge skill shots. While Fizz is on his stick, he is invulnerable.




Chum the Waters is a skill shot that becomes an area of effect shield after a certain distance or if it hits an hostile champion. This field follows the enemy (he's in the middle of the field) / this field stays on the ground for 1.5 seconds. After this delay, all enemies inside of this AOE are knocked back from the center (the target itself is knocked up) and damaged. This spell might drop a squishy under 75!!!





Seastone Trident (Level 1 first) is your most efficient way to deal single targeted damage. Furthermore it deals extra damage to already hurt foes. As this skill will increase your creep amount (as it's DOT ticks might kill the creep), you should max it first. Moreover, constant harassing with this skill will almost secure a kill for you as each time you attack will do more damage.  Urchin Strike (Level 2 first) has to be maxed after the first skill. This secures you even more single target damage. In combination with your W, you can easily harass your enemy. On level three, you have to get  Playful / Trickster (Level 3 first) as this skill enables you both damaging your for once more or (more important) to jump back in direction of your tower. As you won't use this as you main damage source but as your "survival insurance", keep it on level 1 until you have to level it. As  Chum the Waters (Level 6 first) is a powerful skill, level it when ever you can.





Use  Playful / Trickster only to secure a kill. If you use it too often, your mana might be low and it is likely to be on cool down when you need it for an escape.

If you are beyond the enemy's creeps and you have to flee, don't use your  Playful / Trickster but your  Urchin Strike, followed by the skill I mentioned first. This will lead to a further distance you traveled.

You can start harassing at level 2. Activate  Seastone Trident, followed by  Urchin Strike. Try to hit you foe more times. Due to your early burst damage, they are likely to run away (so you won't be hit to hard).

At level 3, you can harass you enemy without getting hit too much. Just engage with  Urchin Strike, followed by a few hits with  Seastone Trident and leap away with  Playful / Trickster.

Chum the Waters followed by  Playful / Trickster might kill (if well-placed) almost the entire hostile team.

Before you have  Lich Bane, activate  Seastone Trident before engaging with  Urchin Strike. The latter skill uses the passive of  Lich Bane instantly. To get the maximum of damage you can deal, try to wait before using  Seastone Trident so that the passive will proc twice.

Here is a map of places you can jump over with your  Playful / Trickster. This might secure your life more than once.




If there are no wards, you can easily look after drake/baron: Jump over the wall with "Playful". If there are enemies, you can easily escape with "Trickster" as they can't hurt you between both spells.

If someone cast a DOT on you (e.g. Ignite), sitting on your stick ("Playful") WON'T stop it to damage you!

Your ultimate might be dodged as it is slow (don't use it on max range). Yet, don't use it on melee range as it can be dodged there, as well (only 1-2 steps to dodge it).

People affected by  Chum the Waters who gain a spell shield will drop the AOE-field.

You can tower dive without getting to much tower hits as you can "dodge" even already flying projectiles with  Playful / Trickster.

IMPORTANT: Fizz depends on his enemy's reactions and behavior. Learn how you foe reacts in order to counter-react.

More tips will be added later!


•Summoner Spells


25tx190.jpg Spell 1

Ignite is a great choice for Fizz. It provides you with even more damage. Well, the 50% heal reduction isn't needed, but... More damage leads to more damage by  Seastone Trident. And if  Seastone Trident inflicts more damage, the targets' HP become even less and the next tick will deal additional damage, again.


2vi08c6.jpg Spell 2

Flash will allow you to perfectly chase/escape. It is recommend if you have problems with escaping as the enemy jungler/mid have to many snares/stuns/etc. If there is not a lot of cc, you can switch to  Ghost which gives you an advantage in chasing (you're faster over a longer distance) but an disadvantage in escaping (less dodging etc.).



                                      I hope to be good and you like it


Gredits photos :League of Legends

Gredits : MixMeiSte®™


for sure WAY better than zeon's one.


the only thing that I dislike is your masteries & spells ;p.

I prefer playing fizz with heal & ignite.


for sure WAY better than zeon's one.


the only thing that I dislike is your masteries & spells ;p.

I prefer playing fizz with heal & ignite.


+1 when I first started playing  with fizz i use Heal & ignite  but now pedestrians more cautious and therefore need not heal ...


the Masteries was fine and normal  ...i think ....

  • Maxtor changed the title to Fisherman Fizz

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