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Ezreal The Prodigal Explorer


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stuck 3 dorans-berserkers boots-black cleaver-Trinity-sell 1 dorans for Infinity and last some armor and m.res. like Guardian angel. And if it reaches later game sell your 1st dorans and buy last whisper...(only then! not earlier)


p.s. runes: reds armor pen, yellows atck speed , blue's flat cooldowns and quints 2 armor pen , 1 atck speed.  thats how i roll.

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stuck 3 dorans-berserkers boots-black cleaver-Trinity-sell 1 dorans for Infinity and last some armor and m.res. like Guardian angel. And if it reaches later game sell your 1st dorans and buy last whisper...(only then! not earlier)


p.s. runes: reds armor pen, yellows atck speed , blue's flat cooldowns and quints 2 armor pen , 1 atck speed.  thats how i roll.


We don't ask you, lol.

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dude with ez you must go to play ad carry.. i dont think that you need ignite... ;/

ignite is so fail on bot...

because there are supports.


I think that Flash Heal , Flash Exhausted or Exhausted Heal is the best spells for ez.


and your masteries is little fail ez need little speed and mana regen..

So you must take 21 0 9 ;)

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dude with ez you must go to play ad carry.. i dont think that you need ignite... ;/

ignite is so fail on bot...

because there are supports.


I think that Flash Heal , Flash Exhausted or Exhausted Heal is the best spells for ez.


and your masteries is little fail ez need little speed and mana regen..

So you must take 21 0 9 ;)


Ignite is nice when you need to reduce your enemy support's healing power in case you need to burst down an enemy laner quickly during your jungler's/mid's ganks or something.

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dude with ez you must go to play ad carry.. i dont think that you need ignite... ;/

ignite is so fail on bot...

because there are supports.


I think that Flash Heal , Flash Exhausted or Exhausted Heal is the best spells for ez.


and your masteries is little fail ez need little speed and mana regen..

So you must take 21 0 9 ;)


No, Heal is more useful in tanks or supps or something like that no at ad carries.

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Infinity 1st then Phantom Dancer THEN last whisper. You think at 20 minutes that you finish your last whisper you gonna need it? for what? noone has armor at 20 minutes expect tanks...

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Infinity 1st then Phantom Dancer THEN last whisper. You think at 20 minutes that you finish your last whisper you gonna need it? for what? noone has armor at 20 minutes expect tanks...


At top lane you're usually against tanks/bruisers, so...

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