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Ahri The Nine-Tailed Fox


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Unlike other foxes that roamed the woods of southern Ionia, Ahri had always felt a strange connection to the magical world around her; a connection that was somehow incomplete. Deep inside, she felt the skin she had been born into was an ill fit for her and dreamt of one day becoming human. Her goal seemed forever out of reach, until she happened upon the wake of a human battle. It was a grisly scene, the land obscured by the forms of wounded and dying soldiers. She felt drawn to one: a robed man encircled by a waning field of magic whose life was quickly slipping away. She approached him and something deep inside of her triggered, reaching out to the man in a way she couldn't understand. His life essence poured into her, carried on invisible strands of magic. The sensation was intoxicating and overwhelming. As her reverie faded, she was delighted to discover that she had changed. Her sleek white fur had receded and her body was long and lithe, the shape of the humans who lay scattered about her.However, though she appeared human, she knew that in truth the transformation was incomplete. A cunning creature, she adapted herself to the customs of human society and used her profound gift of beauty to attract unsuspecting men. She could consume their life essences when they were under the spell of her seductive charms. Feeding on their desires brought her closer to her dream, but as she took more lives, a strange sense of regret began to well within her. She had reservations about actions which never troubled her as a fox. She realized that she could not overcome the pangs of her evolving morality. In search of a solution, Ahri found the Institute of War, home of the most gifted mages on Runeterra. They offered her a chance to attain her humanity without further harm through service in the League of Legends."Mercy is a human luxury... and responsibility."





Information About Ahri:


First of all, Ahri is strong in the middle lane. Her passive is very useful when you drop the first skill 3 times the ball has changed color into the green and the next hit its spell vamp like a lifesteal very useful. In General, Ahri can be played easy and can be run easy if she gank her. Her ulti does 3 steps in any road she wants. There is some easy strategies for her like [E] + [Q] + [W] + [R]. Remember, the charm skill does taunt into the enemy so you can bring enemy if you are smart in tower and kill him very easy. That’s all about Ahri.



Level Up:


Level 1....: Orb of Deception [Q]

Level 2....: Charm [E]

Level 3....: Fox-Fire [W]

Level 4....: Orb of Deception [Q]

Level 5....: Orb of Deception [Q]

Level 6....: Spirit Rush [R]

Level 7....: Orb of Deception [Q]

Level 8....: Fox-Fire [W]

Level 9....: Orb of Deception [Q]

Level 10...: Fox-Fire [W]

Level 11...: Spirit Rush [R]

Level 12...: Fox-Fire [W]

Level 13...: Fox-Fire [W]

Level 14...: Charm [E]

Level 15...: Charm [E]

Level 16...: Spirit Rush [R]

Level 17...: Charm [E]

Level 18...: Charm [E]





Essence Theft: Ahri gains a charge of Soul Eater whenever one of her spells hits an enemy (max: 3 charges per spell). Upon reaching 9 charges, Ahri's next spell has 35% Spell Vamp. (Passive)

Orb Of Deception: Ahri sends out her orb, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) magic damage, and pulls it back dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) True damage.

Fox Fire: Ahri releases three fox-fires. After a short delay they lock on to nearby enemies (prioritizes champions), dealing 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.38) magic damage.

Charm: Ahri blows a kiss dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.35) magic damage and charming the first enemy it hits, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.

Spirit Rush: Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts at 3 nearby enemies (prioritizes champions), dealing 100/140/180 (+0.3) magic damage. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times within 10 seconds before going on cooldown.


























First of all, we take 1qlm6g.jpg and some Health Potions healthpotions.jpg  Afterthat, we take boots bootsofspeed.jpg and then afer farming we upgraded to 65843531.jpg Next, we take the 34304910.jpg for Spell Vamp in magic skills. Then, we farm and we go for 91745090.jpg for HP And Ability Power. Afterthat, we increase enough the Ability Power with 2evag0g.jpg Now, we go for 26124650.jpg for extra magic penetration. Finally, we go for 35611221.jpg




Ahri Build: 65843531.jpg34304910.jpg91745090.jpg2evag0g.jpg26124650.jpg35611221.jpg




Credits To: Me

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How it's possible in start to take Ring + Pots? Ring costs 475 lul.


I speak generally mate lol when you have the golds you can take this. In legit facts you can take only dorian ring you farm a bit and you take and the pots. Nice question btw. :P

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How it's possible in start to take Ring + Pots? Ring costs 475 lul.

there is a mastery that gives u +35 gold my friend start with 510

Nice guide but u must post her counter picks and what she counters

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im not even good at mid lane but even i know that everyone starts with boots +3 pots .they pick rings for survival and mana regen and make revolver first.

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Υes I agree that is another option.

actually it is the only option. starting item dorans ring will make the jungler perma gang you.which leads to fail as ap carry
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actually it is the only option. starting item dorans ring will make the jungler perma gang you.which leads to fail as ap carry


Charm maybe? what gank? No, disagree ahri can be saved easy if you know how to save yourself.

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You need boots to dodge skillshots, since most mids depend on skillshots for their harass and have 3 healing pots for lane sustain. Also, as noble said with boots you can dodge jungle ganks.

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You need boots to dodge skillshots, since most mids depend on skillshots for their harass and have 3 healing pots for lane sustain. Also, as noble said with boots you can dodge jungle ganks.


Yes that is ok Fort, I am just saying you can take it after the dorian's ring who cares?

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Yes that is ok Fort, I am just saying you can take it after the dorian's ring who cares?

you just cant survive vs a jungler and a mid harasser(check Leblanc,Ryze,Cassiopeia,Vladimir)


and you play with non magic resist blue runes.guaranteed fail at mid 8)

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