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Are you kidding me ? I posted already that this weapon is fixed. If you had the time check the forums you wouldn't say all that about fail movement. http://l2wargate.com/forum/index.php?topic=3614.msg46016#msg46016


What fail movement a typo on 1 weapon stats ? I have edited 200 + custom weapons and 4 set of armors , 200 accessories and all the skills by scratch and you complain for a weapon that had 30 crit rate lower and which has been fixed yesterday ? I can't understand you really..

With the fail movement I actually meant the answer u gave at this player.

Also u cannot say u cant understand since this discussion was made at a public thread. So all I did was answer at a post of urs.

Now , if u fixed it, good for u and the server. Altho I'd like to speak with u in 2 weeks, to discuss the growth of ur server.

To conclude as I said with the "fail movement" I was referring to ur answer (which apparently includes the focus mistake). Its not a nice way to speak with ur players/customers, so then I said that if u keep answering like that: "It seems progress will stop in a while and server will close."

Enough to discuss the same thing. If u wanna to continue that conv sent me a pm.

Anyways as u said this is JUST MY FEEDBACK about ur server. I hope I'm wrong and u will succeed making a great server.


With the fail movement I actually meant the answer u gave at this player.

You can't judge a server from just 1 answer and if you judged my answer to this guy who's a friend of mine before the wipe and by the moment it has been fixed urgently that means I was been kidding and that might be my humour. You can judge the Support Section the Ingame reports and all the reports made by players then you will see that I am trying to support the server to the total level. Go to check also news & updates section and change logs and tell me if you ever found another server staff to work on a server like that. But all in all that's not your business. What I mean you first have to test the server yourself search the forums probably and then talk about it. You cannot just guess because guessing is not the reality or the virtuality and thanks for your hopes we always try for the best.


so now everyone's opinions aren't welcome I guess. lol

Opinions are acceptable lies are unacceptable I guess so. You placed your opinion and I didn't even manage to response you back just check what other members told you. Now stop spamming you've been warned 2 times already and reported to the current mods with the next you get dekarma and if that continues you get banned.


I've never been warned.


I merely pointed out your ridiculous claim that you've edit "over 200 weapons, 4 armor sets and 200 accessories."


And you deleted my post :|


I've never been warned.


I merely pointed out your ridiculous claim that you've edit "over 200 weapons, 4 armor sets and 200 accessories."


And you deleted my post :|

Actually how would you even know ?.. this..? not that I even care about your comments most of the time. I suggest instead of trying to be funny or what ever you call it. Go back to your own server/forums and sort out your own problems as pidi21 made response regarding people complaining on your forums refer his post on page 7 of this topic, which in fact has nothing to do with our topic.



Anyway back on topic.. With feed back on our forums we read all feed back and respond to the post asap when we have time.  But this doesn't mean the problem doesn't get fixed asap while waiting for the response.. Also players can PM us anytime they like if needed as some people don't like to post on forums because some people make comments which aren't nice regarding those players..




I tried this server.. and i can say it's kinda boring. Although it's well designed, it feels like i have nothing to do :/.


I tried this server.. and i can say it's kinda boring. Although it's well designed, it feels like i have nothing to do :/.

You have plenty of things to do. You can either join Mini Events every 21 minutes, you can either farm or pvp on the pvp zone , you can search for raids and finally you can join main events such as TvT & Mass Domination in which there's a mass pvp every 2:45 hours.


I've never been warned.


I merely pointed out your ridiculous claim that you've edit "over 200 weapons, 4 armor sets and 200 accessories."


And you deleted my post :|


I do not know why he is criticizing the server instead of paying attention to your own server? Since the black market is controlled by the Viet. You ask for a "Dread Rune" and they will sell it at a comfortable price .. Ops!


Well I have to say this.


That server disappointed me a lot in the past but as it seems Dev made an awesome job.There are few things that need to be fixed but hey,no one can be perfect.True story,that if you dont farm at least the first tier you cant judge the server.Well yes,try to archive this and then come here and reply with your feedback.


@Dev Haters gonna hate so dont even bother with them.Just avoid them




Some people started already recording our gameplay events, farm, custom items and more. Videos are about to come out the next week. Do not miss it come and try us yourself and place your own opinions !



Really? I didn't know there is this close connection between human minds. People like you should have banned on the forums, spamming in vain.


Personally I have the same opinion as F1n4lGod.

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