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Karma you are great;)....+1 karma for me ;)


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this is a warn for you. remeber it the Next time. or you will be - karmed by me.

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Well i downloaded it, i write me info, but he still dont login. :(


what ID and PSW i have to wrrite? My Admin ? or i have to creat somewhere?


pLz help mee ;/


P.S. can somebody tell me what is RMI server?

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Added RMI Support (which means you can control aspects of your server that are not only database driven, read on for more information).
In order for the RMI Server to work you will need to add a patch to your server (see the end of this post).
Once the patch is applied you will have to allow it through the server Configurations: General.properties (end of the file).
You will have to provide a port and a password for it to work. Such port and password have to be the same port and password defined in 

he telling that in his first post ! read more the infrmation and u will understand 

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Added RMI Support (which means you can control aspects of your server that are not only database driven, read on for more information).
In order for the RMI Server to work you will need to add a patch to your server (see the end of this post).
Once the patch is applied you will have to allow it through the server Configurations: General.properties (end of the file).
You will have to provide a port and a password for it to work. Such port and password have to be the same port and password defined in 

he telling that in his first post ! read more the infrmation and u will understand 

I dont meaned that anyway..!!

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