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L2JHidden HighFive.

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Welcome Guys, After a long time in java a friend and I decided to create our own pvp pack project and improve it to the best quality possible if you want to know more about our project please go to our forums www.l2jhidden.com or keep reading we're going to give you a little more information about our project.




-Custom Config file with every feature we made

-These are an example of some the features of our project, all of it are able to be enabled/disabled and to be changed.


-Autovotereward (1 x PC)
-Nevit's Advent Blessing
-PCBang points system
-PvP Reward options
-PvP Name Color Change
-PK Title Color Change
-Killing spree user messages
-Killing spree announcements
-Chat usage depending on PvP Count
-Hero transform on 25 killing spree
-Clan_leader/hero title colors
-Fake PC's
-Siege reward
-Currency change option for private stores
-Captcha Antibot
-Special PvP zone
-Services in community board
-Premium accounts system
-Premium buffer (buffs++)
-Instant teleports for Premium users
-Command .info to see Target Info, for Premium users
-Command .time to see which time is it around the world
-//recallall to summon all online players meeting the requirements
-Default AIO NPC (gk, gmshop, pvpshop, att. manager, server info, smbol maker, augment/deaugment)
-Default Scheme Buffer
-GoalManager Engine
-PvP ManaPotion restrict option
-/unstuck restrict option in PvP
-Event Ranking Engine (reward to topkiller, on TvT, TvTRound & Zaken) option
-Dv-Loa Retail Like
-All Pailaka's
-Freya Quests
-Freya Instance [Easy Mode] - [Hard Mode]
-HollyCow event
-NewEra event
-SavingSanta event
-SchoolDays event
-Squash event
-db table to control MasterofEchanting, Valentine, HollyCrow, Squash, NewEra, SchoolDays
-Full 7 Signs Quests:
Added AI for DV mobs
Added AI for FoG mobs
Added AI for Hellbound traps
Added AI for LoA mobs
Added AI for Loa Leaders running mobs
Added AI for Reed Fields
Added AI for Sailren
Added AI for SelMahum Soup
Added AI for SelMahum Trains
Added AI for Stubborn mobs
Added AI for The Spirit Of Pigs
Added AI for UD When Attacked
Added Retail Teleports
Added Q00026_TiredOfWaiting
Fixed Skill Heroic Berserker, invul to debuffs (including Raid Curse)
Fixed RB's now if a player is RBLevel+9 or more but has Heroic Berserker, makes damage to the raid and the inverse
Added AI for Ancient Herb Slayer
Added AI for Overlord mobs
Added AI for Prison guards
Added AI for Random Spawn of Mutated Elpy
Added AI for Reed Fields
Added AI for Anais
Added AI for Outpost Captain
Added AI for Reed Herb Sower
Added Q458_PerfectForm.java
Added Q512_BladeUnderFoot.java
Added Q641_AttackSailren.java
Added Q694_BreakThroughTheHallOfSuffering.java
Added Q727_HopeWithinTheDarkness.java
Added Q902_ReclaimOurEra.java
Added Q906_TheCallOfValakas.java
Added Q10270_BirthOfTheSeed.java
Added AI for LoA Maluk Hunter's walking mobs
Added Q10504_JewelofAntharas.java
Added Q10505_JewelOfValakas.java
Added Q904_DragonTrophyAntharas.java
Added Q907_DragonTrophyValakas.java
Added Retail Spawnlists Dv & LoA + raids
Added Retail npc Solina Walkers
Added custom/DailyEventStarter (rabbits, race, elpys)
Added Retail Htmls
Added Retail multisells
Added SoA Controller (vehicle)
Added Bot Report Button option
Added option to Enable/Disable HB quest requirement, to enter
Added option to Enable/Disable server whisp telling you your olympiad enemie's class on 1vs1
Added Server Announcements Language Modify File on server source
Fixed skill Servitor Share
Added option to set that Cancellation skills returns back stolen buffs and the time to do it
Olympiad Watcher Mode HighFive Style
Olympiad Match Review HighFive Style.
Nevit's System Fully working.





Event Engine v0.4




AutoVoteReward Event.






Main Events


-Team Vs Team Event

-Capture the Flag Event

-Raid Event

-Town War Event

-DeathMatch Event

-Team Vs Team Round Event

-Zaken's Event

-Biohazard Event


Minor Events


-PKHunting Event

-PKLower Event

-Russian Fight Event


Other Options


-Ranking Event Engine

-Anti AFK Event Controller.

-Event Scheduler

-PcIP Event Controller Engine

-Vote Event Engine.


Working On


-Russian Roulette Event





  • 25 euros - Customer, will get 1 month of compiled packs with free support and updates.
  • 65 euros - Vip Customer, will get 3 month(s) of SVN access and free support.


Every pack is exclusively protected with an unique serial key usable only from one IP (No-IP are forbbiden) . If we notice that one of our users is trying to share/sale our packs/codes will be automatically expelled from our forum www.L2JHidden.com


If you want only one code or our geodata to apply to your server source or you need more information, you can communicate with us. To do it, send us an email, sales@l2jhidden.com. We'll answer as soon as we can.


We've been working in our own geodata and the first rev is done, the team is currently working on retail related stuff, and in some new events, more info on the forum


Some images of the new high five olympiad system.





And Nevit's Blessing




We just finish the prime shop for L2JHidden see some of the pictures.




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Guest Elfocrash

Good luck, but as i can see the source is not purchasable?

it is a private project.this is how private projects work

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The best feature in your pack is the licence system, all others are shared on MxC or buyable for a lower price with source (event engine).


Who seriously, in 2012, will buy a precompiled pack.


Btw, 30€ month and 55€ 4 months... Why to put 1 month price so big / 4 months price so low ? 100€ for 4 months or 15€ per month sounds more legit.


Gl anyway.

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Yep all features are shared or at least most of them, so it is just l2jserver with only some add ons?

What about stability, balance and security or other features?


Btw whats going on with everyone wishing good luck? you just need to have good stuff and proper promotion. ;)

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Yep all features are shared or at least most of them, so it is just l2jserver with only some add ons?

What about stability, balance and security or other features?


Well, not all of the features are shared and the features that yes are shared are most of them fully recoded and also full configurable each one by the client. And about balance, we are currently working on it, so it wasn't ready to be posted. About security and stability I think it's done, but better wait for Mhoska repply.


Btw, 30€ month and 55€ 4 months... Why to put 1 month price so big / 4 months price so low ? 100€ for 4 months or 15€ per month sounds more legit.


Gl anyway.


I don't know if the price is so big but... I've seen freaking codes shareds on forums sold for 10-20 euros, so...

I think only the event engine should cost 20-30 eur, maybe not now, coz I just started coding it, but maybe in one/two weeks.

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Yes codes are usually more expensive than a pack value.

I hope you guys to continue your project, there is always space for impovements especially for new projects like this one, dedication is all you need and some motivation too aka $$$ ;)


I'll be looking forward this one.

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it is a private project.this is how private projects work

No, not really. Except if they are willing to add EVERY feature you have in your mind in the source. But seriously, without selling the source only few will buy it(if they will).


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Except if they are willing to add EVERY feature you have in your mind in the source.


Well, it's one of our main ideas. All good suggestions will be coded and applied. And will be fully configurable in .properties to enable/disable or change it.


Btw, 30€ month and 55€ 4 months... Why to put 1 month price so big / 4 months price so low ? 100€ for 4 months or 15€ per month sounds more legit.


The price for 1/4 months doesn't mean that u will have the pack working only these months. You will have free updates, support, etc for the months that u have paid for. But the pack will run lifetime with your IP.

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Well, it's one of our main ideas. All good suggestions will be coded and applied. And will be fully configurable in .properties to enable/disable or change it.

The point is not to add 'good suggestions', but to add anything a customer asks you for, since you say you provide updates and he won't be able to do it...


Also i have to agree with Tryskell, price is high for a compiled pack, but that's your choice.


Good luck again.

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The point is not to add 'good suggestions', but to add anything a customer asks you for, since you say you provide updates and he won't be able to do it...


Also i have to agree with Tryskell, price is high for a compiled pack, but that's your choice.


Let me quote for you, some lines from first post. Maybe it's not clear, but customers can ask for code implementation for free.


If you want only one code to apply to your server source or you need more information, you can communicate with us. To do it, send us an email, sales@l2jhidden.com. We'll answer as soon as we can.


And the price... I reaffirm on my answer, ppl sell stupid codes for high prices, ppl sell shared packs, ppl sell everything with illogical prices... I think the price of our pack is not high enough to make a problem of it, and if u don't believe it, I wish that the evolve of our pack will put it where it should be.

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Trusted Seller ,

Great Developer he just do amazing job , if ur not sure to buy it now updates will make u happier this project is really great :)





Also when you buy pack, it will work lifetime, with your IP.


When you pay for the months you pay, you'r paying us to add codes or to have any update we do.


Also I want to announce we currently working on the event engine votereward system, this means that on X a-beep-t of votes and event will start.

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    • Dear friends, September 24 at 19:00 (UTC +3) will be available access for our test server. UTC+3 - exact time now - Time.is During beta test will be available OBT Manager (NPC Eva) in Giran with all necessary items for test. We run 7signs in 1h cycle and Oly 24/7 Server setup on Beta same, like will be on server start On Beta will be restrictions for skill enchant lvl: 15 max for 2nd profession, 7 for 3rd profession Talent Tree avaible only Tier 1 (Same like will be on first Olympiad cycle on live server) We strongly recommend visiting beta. Check the concept of the server before it start. View the NPC Buffer, Shop, Services. We will be shutting down the public test server on September 23! So as not to mislead new players on Dex, whitch one is beta for seasonal server. After the season server opens, the Public Test Server will be available again. - Olympiad EVENT ON BETA TEST   GiveAway on Beta! On Beta launch day, we make 7 giveaways From 19:00 till 02:00. Each hour, new giveaway with 5 winer places. Each hour you need make new registartion if you want participate. To participate on Giveaway you need speak with NPC Ahuron in Giran Town and make registartion. On 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 00:00, 01:00 and 02:00 Ahuron will announce Winers! And palyers recive special item. If you will be offline on this momment, you will not get prize! Winers will recive on same account (on first character) scrolls for 7days Premium status on server start! You can activate this scroll on any time, its will give you 7 days Premium, or if you already have Premium it will add 7 days to it. Also, all who visit Beta and will be online at less 1 hour, will get small gift on server start. Pack with useful potions that for sure help you on start. We need this, to be sure you prepear you game client and ready to start    How to Connect on Beta! For participation in our Open Beta you can use your old Master Accounts(web account). But you need to create new Game Account fore NEW Interlude x25 server on your Control Panel. If you don't play in our project before - register new Master Account Download links: Updater Full Game Client (torrent) Full Game Client (direct link)   If you download Full Game Client - just unzip it, run updater choose NEW server, click on Full Check, than after update - click Start. if you already have our game client - Run updater choose NEW server and click Update. /data/attachments/4/4520-75a004e5c687b6c439c89513218f4743.jpg Join in our Discord Chanel - Join the Lineage2Dex Support Discord Server! Here you can find all important news, guides, communicate with other players and admins. Don't forget, Open Beta test is TEST server, so please make maximum test before opening, check classes that u plan to play, check shops, mobs etc. Don't just stay in the Towns enchanting weapons  Have a fun!  
    • Nice coincidence that since these links were posted, that forum getting ddosed.
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