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Hello everyone. I'd like to sell a new event i coded. Quiz event.


The idea is taken from L2iPlay, xAddytzu had coded this before a long time. Anyway, i re-coded it from scratch so the credits are mine(that means i don't want to see stuff like stolen or no rights to sell it).


Every x minutes a question is generated between those you add in configs(you also add the min minutes and max minutes and a random number of minutes between those is generated). Every player can write the answer in trade(+) chat. If it is correct he gets rewarded. If no answer is given in 5 minutes the question is canceled.



# Quiz event.
AllowQuizEvent = True
# Quiz event time(in minutes) between questions.
# Must be set like: min/max.
# Time will be randomly chosen, for example if you put 5,15 it may be 7 or 9 or 13.
QuizEventTime = 10,20
# Quiz event questions.
# Must be set like: question,answer,rewardid,rewardcount;question,answer,rewardid,rewardcount;
QuizEventQuestions = Who created this event?,Anarchy,3470,5;What is the name of this server?,L2Server,57,100000000;


Payment method:

PayPal - 15 euros.

PaySafe Card - 20 euros.


Pm me here.


P.S. Tomorrow video coming, plus more tests to be sure. So you'd better pm me tomorrow if you are interested. That's just an announce for today.


this is shared here for free from Rizel i dont understand why to pay for it  !

Ok rizel's one dont have configs in l2jmods but any1 can made them !



anyway , good luck on selling it !


this is shared here for free from Rizel i dont understand why to pay for it  !

Ok rizel's one dont have configs in l2jmods but any1 can made them !



anyway , good luck on selling it !


I can give ya one reason, some people cannot make even a config, this means that they can get help from him if there are problems at the event.


make size of characters in players answer dont matter :)

Nice event :)

Thanks and ty for the idea.. I just used equals() and not equalsIgnoreCase() ;p.


this is shared here for free from Rizel i dont understand why to pay for it  !

Ok rizel's one dont have configs in l2jmods but any1 can made them !



anyway , good luck on selling it !

Thanks, but could you give me a link or something? Also i don't really think you can code that easily a config like the QuizEventQuestions.. It may be easy but it took me some time since it's the first config i code like that.


Doesn't even worth to re-code that kind of events even if they was shared and also your price is to high.

Well, the price may be lowered in the future(after the tests i will make in a while..). Thanks anyway.

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