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Hello, I recently started playing LOL again after my ragequit some months ago. I am lvl 9 with my new account and I've playing only with Yi lately. I mostly play vs bots just to farm ips and boost my lvl a little bit faster until I reach the lvl where penalties start to apply when I play with bots. Now i started playing 3v3 matches and I am doing good. Soon I'll start playing 5v5 matches and I'd like to know if I have any chance with Master Yi..

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no different than on 3v3

you get your items with yi and you can pentakill bots solo

or just play it safe to victory...

bots remain bots...they still suck


I am talking about normal 5v5 games.

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The sure thing is that I like playing with long range champs.

Yap, master yi is a bad champion


Get a ranged mage, depending on the week :P

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Yap, master yi is a bad champion


Get a ranged mage, depending on the week :P


You know Master Yi depends a lot in the beggining of the game. If you start a game well then you'll probably dominate but otherwise...

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Master Yi, is not a terrible champion. It's just that the way he is played differs depending on the general skill play of the game. I mean look...


My common Yi build when I just hit lvl 30 was something like


1. Zerk Boots

2. Yommu's

3. Infinity Edge

4. Yommu's Ghostblade

5. Bloodthirster

6. Guardian Angel


After I started to understand the game better and better I started jungling with Yi and I'm building


1. Wriggle's Lantern

2. Zerkers Greaves/Mercury Treads/Ninja Tabi

3. Trinity Force

4. Warmongs

5. Atma's

6. Situational item


This build works for me even at higher levels of play, but the thing is that as Yi you need someone else to initiate even if you are so tanky. Your damage is so ridiculous that you never want to be the one that goes down first. Also, if you jungle, you need lanes with some CC, so that you can land some successful ganks and not just play the role of the "finisher" or farmer jungler.


Tbh, I think he is very underrated at higher levels.

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I'm gonna try the 1st build. Right now I go with Berseker Greaves/Phantom Dancer/Infinity Edge/Bloodthirster/Guardian Angel and it works most of the time but again I say that I still haven't play normal 5v5 games. I play norma 3v3 now.

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I'm gonna try the 1st build. Right now I go with Berseker Greaves/Phantom Dancer/Infinity Edge/Bloodthirster/Guardian Angel and it works most of the time but again I say that I still haven't play normal 5v5 games. I play norma 3v3 now.

he means he uses the second build :D


The way to dominate is, to get a mage and go @ mid at every game :P

you dont even do that  mr i carry ad bot plz sona or taric-solo top 8)
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he means he uses the second build :D

you dont even do that  mr i carry ad bot plz sona or taric-solo top 8)

try carrying a fiddlesticks bot at these level with sona :P
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Hello, I recently started playing LOL again after my ragequit some months ago. I am lvl 9 with my new account and I've playing only with Yi lately. I mostly play vs bots just to farm ips and boost my lvl a little bit faster until I reach the lvl where penalties start to apply when I play with bots. Now i started playing 3v3 matches and I am doing good. Soon I'll start playing 5v5 matches and I'd like to know if I have any chance with Master Yi..


You choose well if you learn how to handle yi you are going to be good. Basically, Yi is the only champion in LOL who can change all the game believe me just follow these build in all maps..


1)Boots for atk speed

2)Infinity Edge



5)Phantom Dancer

6)Bloodthister again..


And for god sake dont play ap yi it sucks the only well thing who can do with ap is the heal what a shame.

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