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[Request]Caitlyn Build - Guide


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Doran's Bers Greaves , Infinity,Bloodthirster,Black Cleaver



And if your team needs something more .

My Items Are Doran's , Berseker Boots , Phantom , Infinity , Blood Thrister And Nothing Yet! ;p Anyway thanks , and Greaves? What is that?
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My Items Are Doran's , Berseker Boots , Phantom , Infinity , Blood Thrister And Nothing Yet! ;p Anyway thanks , and Greaves? What is that?

First IE, then Phantom.

Then let Last whisper come up, and BT .

Next, will be either GA, or QQS

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IE stands for Infinity Edge


GA=Guardians Angel


btw if you instant build Phantom after boots then dont play AD carries...always first make damage and NOT phantom...

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caitlyn is free for this week....i play it AD with

Boot of Attack speed

Phantom Dancer


Black Leaver

Blood Thirsty

and if i have many Ad enemy i take a Thornmail  or a warmogs



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let me tell it again . ALL ad carries need dmg first.phantom dancer is ALWAYS build AFTER buying some dmg(IE or BC or BT).Phantom may look like 2 swords but it gives NO dmg.


shooting faster doesnt mean you hit harder.


if graves for example has 60 staring dmg and you buy him phantom dancer which gives


+55% attack speed

+30% critical strike chance

+15% movement speed


his dmg will be 60.(do you see any dmg difference?)


if graves with 60 starting dmg gets Infinity Edge which gives


+80 attack damage

+25% critical strike chance

Unique: +50% critical strike damage


his dmg output will be 60+80=140/hit  --> and every 4 shots he deals +70 -->140+70=210

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let me tell it again . ALL ad carries need dmg first.phantom dancer is ALWAYS build AFTER buying some dmg(IE or BC or BT).Phantom may look like 2 swords but it gives NO dmg.


shooting faster doesnt mean you hit harder.


if graves for example has 60 staring dmg and you buy him phantom dancer which gives


+55% attack speed

+30% critical strike chance

+15% movement speed


his dmg will be 60.(do you see any dmg difference?)


if graves with 60 starting dmg gets Infinity Edge which gives


+80 attack damage

+25% critical strike chance

Unique: +50% critical strike damage


his dmg output will be 60+80=140/hit  --> and every 4 shots he deals +70 -->140+70=210

yea....exactly !

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I build



Vampiric Scepter ( some lifesteal is never bad)

BF Sword


Zeal (or whole Inf Edge)

Inf Edge (or Zeal if I bought IE b4)

Phantom Dancer


Optional: Usually it's another BT but sometimes u need some survivability or some armor pen.

Then selling dorans for anther BT if not picked 5th.

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Doran's Blade

Berseker's boots

The bloodthirster

Panthom Dancer

Infinity Edge

Last Whisper


then sell Doran blade

and buy Banshei

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1)boots of attack speed

2)infinity edge

3)phantom dancer


5)black cleaver



and when you stuck bloodthirster you are unstopable!!


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1)boots of attack speed

2)infinity edge

3)phantom dancer


5)black cleaver



and when you stuck bloodthirster you are unstopable!!


Sure, dont make Last Whisper, who cares about armor.
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