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[GR]Miss Fortune (The Bounty Hunter)


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Hi am Gonna show u my build on Miss Fortune !


Spells: Flash.png and Exhaust.png


I Start With: dorans-blade.png


1st back: b-f-sword.gif  and boots-of-speed.png


Core: the-bloodthirster.pngberserkers-greaves.png

And zeal.png


Then I Upgrade zeal to: phantom-dancer.png And i go Straight for: infinity-edge.png


Def Items That u can use:  banshees-veil.png  or  guardian-angel.png


Also good items for Dmg:  last-whisper.png and madreds-bloodrazor.png Also the-black-cleaver.png


Or u Can Be little Tanky with: frozen-mallet.png For Health


How I make My Skills?


I got 1 lvl  (Q) : q.png  and i max it until lvl 9

I got 2 lvl  (W) : w.png  and i max it until lvl 13

I got 4 lvl  (E)  : e.png  and i max it last on lvl 18

Ulty ® :  r.png  i Take it lvl 6,11 and 16


My Mastery Page Is 21/9/0




My Runes Are




I Hope U like it And soon U will see My Video Guide ;)


Edit by Noble : GR tags added


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Why you should take magic res with ad carry champion at all?

You don't need it, better armor and attack speed.


Or magic resiste per level at least, why flat. Is like alistar or soraka will make damage on you

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Why you should take magic res with ad carry champion at all?

You don't need it, better armor and attack speed.


Or magic resiste per level at least, why flat. Is like alistar or soraka will make damage on you





wont face mage enemies


not only mage champs do magic dmg

ex. mundo's cleaver isn't true dmg.. it's magic dmg with mr you can resist it..(not the minimun dmg)


correct me if i'm wrong.

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not only mage champs do magic dmg

ex. mundo's cleaver isn't true dmg.. it's magic dmg with mr you can resist it..(not the minimun dmg)


correct me if i'm wrong.

I think mundo cleaver is equal you hp. I have ages to play with him ;d
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