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[GUIDE] - hInGame

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Hello, wasap guys?. Here i will show u a nice program =)


Well, the first step is download the program



This program is for see the hp of mobs, and of npcs, the armors who have the ppl, and the best is , a little map were it show U(red point) the anothers(yellow point) items droped(white points) =)


Well, inside the folder u can see some files.



-A folder called data

-Inside.dll (this archive, the antivirus detect it for a trojan or a virus, i think it's nothing, and u havent to open it so np.)



1º step :


You've to copy the folder "data" and the inside.dll to your system.


2º step:

Okey if you do that, open the hIngame.


3º step

Al aver abierto el hInGame os aparecera una ventanita estilo "vida de mob"


4º step

Log to the server.


5º step

Do a click on the program, and there are some options, i will explain it.

---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------

+Game map: This is a little map with a range, it show the npcs, the mobs, the drops (perfect to search events) and you.


+Target info:Open it and you can see all,  i dont remeber the good options ;)





Well nubis, enjoy it.



Tutorial maked by Tebi*.


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