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Lineage II Atlas Interlude PvP Server




-Experience 1000x

-Party Experience 2x

-Skill Points 1000x

-Adena 1000x




-2 Hour Buffs

-No custom armors/weapons

-NPC Buffer/Gatekeeper/GM Shop

-Vote Reward

-TvT/Ctf/GM Events

-No clan penalties

-No Subclass/Noblesse quest

-No Corruptions/Wipes

-Item for clan points

-Clan raids with special drops

-Hero System every 2 weeks




-Safe Enchant: 4

-Max Enchant: 20

-Enchant rate 85%

-Blessed rate: 100%


About Farming:


-Each mob drops 1 Fire ,1 Wind and 1 Water Mantra. Fire Mantras are useful to buy s grade weapons and blessed scrolls (for weapons). Wind Mantras are useful to buy s grade armors and blessed scrolls (for armors). Water Mantras are useful for Boss Jewels and other stuff like Secret Book of Giants, Life-stones etc.


How to get clan points


-Clan Raids.

There are 2 raid bosses,Uruka and Ember, which drop 8 festival adena each. Each festival adena gives 500 clan reputation points when used by a clan leader.



No description is needed here, just one note. Starting level is 40 so that when the "bot" completes the second class transfer, clan gains 170 reputation points.


-Clan wars.

When a clan member kills a war enemy, his clan gains 25 clan reputation points. The enemy clan looses 2 clan reputation points.


Dedicated Server:


-Intel Core i7 2600K 3.40Ghz


-1 TB 7.200 RPM

-100 TB Traffic p/m


Upload Connection:



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