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You have all my respect, I WANT TO SEE BLOOD!


Hey L2 Xml Developer. You're zero (0).


kkk, I'm sorry I posted it on a Brazilian forum i forgot to change, but do not worry. we are correcting it, making it the lightest possible. it is based oneo! +Teon + la2base + Scoria + and many others. I took a part of each and adapted to it.



design is based on more current projects of the moment,

good if you have questions just post! ^ ^




Tell us the main source (first project used as core, idk how to explain right now). Maybe you stolen features from them but can't be based on all of them.

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Hello everyone, I am the project developer DevAws L2JLoop I am here to say yes, then will forward the project open-source.


Well come on, reading the topic is one that I saw some discussion on the topic on which to base the pack.A L2JLoop has as its main base of the Project Pack L2JONEO!, More fixes with some other projects as L2JTeon, L2JDemonniac, La2base , etc ... so it becomes not as a home base, most based in those.

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You have all my respect, I WANT TO SEE BLOOD!


There's at least one war you win without any possibility of distinction, it's about the worst commit ever on a L2Pack :).


/joke, and /respect aswell :). And yes, that will follow you until your death (and perhaps even after).



Add more customs plx.

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There's at least one war you win without any possibility of distinction, it's about the worst commit ever on a L2Pack :).


/joke, and /respect aswell :). And yes, that will follow you until your death (and perhaps even after).



Add more customs plx.


LOL DUDE. Nefer is best xml developer I ever saw. He add comment for every skill, checked & fixed by Nefer. But he just take a look or do some shits work. He wanna be famous, WOW fixed & checked by NEFER I think he is pro. For example he check 10 skills per commit, but he changed just 2-3 rows and other 10 are comments.


So don't say bullshits about him, he is very skilled.. needs an award. A statue in the world of Lineage by ncsoft: Checked & Fixed by Nefer.. don't forgot that.

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well come on, excuse anything but here discurção turned some kind of unnecessary, please talk more about the pack (L2JLoop) ...

about errors, etc. ..


nefer on, like a lot of their work, say that it is not those who do not know what to do, just want to be SHIT!


comments on:


@rasmus , for now, but .. just put on, to resolve the errors and so on. and follow it with the pack face

@ Chr.Trance , well, here we go ... then the pack was taken based on these types of pack, and ... corrections are being observed about our pack, for example: Teon oly, la2base: info and configs, scoria, events and organization ...


as my friend said:

Hello everyone, I am the project developer DevAws L2JLoop I am here to say yes, then will forward the project open-source.


Well come on, reading the topic is one that I saw some discussion on the topic on which to base the pack.A L2JLoop has as its main base of the Project Pack L2JONEO!, More fixes with some other projects as L2JTeon, L2JDemonniac, La2base , etc ... so it becomes not as a home base, most based in those.


@Tryskell , Relax, I'm more correcting my private project, and within it is unique and will be adding things in our project



Remember only testing the server to know what mistakes, or if it is bad, bad, good, good, very good.


I posted here because I knew that releasing even more of my work and my friend Aiwa we would take our forward pack.

we open design makes a maximum of 24 hours, so we're posting here.


it is only that, I hope not act other discurção here ..


thank you for understanding.

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pack being updated.  versioned 14.


awaiting update, because there are some error's, and we're correcting them.

Thank you for understanding.


and have a nice day! ^ ^

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Check this: http://trac.assembla.com/LoopProject/changeset/15 Best commit ever!!! :DDDDDDDD


When I saw that, I even thought to PM Nefer to apologize, because L2JLoop earned the cup of the worst commit ever (see my post higher in the thread :P).


But then I thought his head could grow and explodes, so I got now 2 signatures (for ppl who knows about what I talk :D. Darth, I guess you saw my sig :P.



@topic, where are customs ?  ??? ??? Want more customs plox.


And gl, cause you will need. Eventually you should merge with L2JFrozen team, Result Will Be Amazing.

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is quiet, we are organizing the first pack coming later in visarmos bugs so far no one has posted bugs, I mean, I think few have tested ...

and fixed some bugs already expecting more ...





Only two questions ...

Do you have something about human error?

You never missed anything in life?


Well, it never seems to have errors, and had a perfect life? knowing everything, and mocking at all?


I think the answer's obvious, why you are not what they seem, everyone has their error, even I do not know what it was that do not care!

L2jFrozen may be the best pack of the moment, but if I, or nefer not go wrong once in a lifetime, I'm sorry, but -beep-ing hell ...


Our work aims to help all members with a good pack with a pack stable without bloqueala and begin marketing as many others do, then it can not do a similar job, or help with it, do not know what speak, and say the same for those who not only talk about errors Comity. this goes for everyone ...


as I always say, errors do not justify the means.


so before you criticize, talk, mock, look at yourself, then I thought if it is even necessary, as these post's unnecessary.


I ask that only things necessary to post as "bug, error or something."


if not liked our work, which was "a simple error of comment," so why are you helping? hey, I just lost all my files l2, my internal hard drive crashed, no longer works, and now I'm even more stigma to improve my skills ...

then it is better than me or what I do, create an open source project and move on.


I want to see it but sooner or later, you will not commit error.




End of Conversation ...


thanks for your comprehension ...

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Dude, if my posts are kinda sarcastic (I hope you saw it ? I guess you didn't in many of my answers), it's because I got a reason to do it. Why opening another project when others projects exist already ? It is an error itself.


Anyway you don't seem to know me (the reference about "make your project and you will see you can make errors too"), nor my project (I thought my sig was enough bigger). I work on my IL pack since 6 months, commiting each time (compared to others IL projects) decent commits.


I got around 550 posts on L2J dev help section, on 700. The other 150 posts are about advertising/bumping my own pack.


Seeing how your pack begins, I don't give 3 months of lifespan to your project. Well you're perhaps a newcomer to timeline but even... I saw already 10 projects beginning exactly like you.




Finally I will do the same remark I did to Shyla in the time he wanted me on L2J Frozen team (and then we discussed about pros/cons of both packs) : at first time it seems fine to pick an existing pack as base, but soon or later, you will see (perhaps not you, let's say your testers) some ugly little monsters hidden in all the different code you c/ped in one or other place, and it will be the time where you will understand than you can't handle a project.


Anyway, gl on whatever you will do.


PS : I'm not jealous/considering you as enemy. For me, you're similar to L2JFrozen, so we don't "dev" on the same path.

PS2 : you obviously didn't understand when I was saying "more custom plox" :). This was purely sarcastic, as (and reading my posts) I personally hate customs. Anyway, versus L2JFrozen, that's your best weapon :).

PS3 : I'm far to be a pro, but I like to give a professional result. A bad timeline is like insulting people. I give my best, and I wait from others they give their best too.


I talk of "war", "crusade", "weapon"? Why ? The thing is simple : the most popular pack got the most active testers, the most active helpers. So more you're popular, more your pack goes faster, and more it becomes popular. It's an endless circle. Well in my case, I really got some luck considering helpers nowadays, some could be more active but hey, it's not bad at all :).


Ok I stop blabla, I love making big posts (Sethek will cry looking at the length). Sry for Google traduction.

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    • We remind you that the opening will take place today, on September 28 at: 19:00 (UTC+3) - server time Check current server time(UTC +3) On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you login to create character! Dear friends, this topic important! So please take time to read it. First we want to thank all players who took part in the Open Beta testing, was good activity and nice Olympiad Event yesterday, we all get a lot of fun  Thanks to all who conducted tests with us and prepared this game world! You are amazing!  On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you to login for create character! To restrict your name and transfer ToDs/Season Pack to your character. Make it before start! On start, we can have problems with WEB! Everything you need to start on the server: It is IMPORTANT to prepare everything for starting the game RIGHT NOW, do not postpone for later, during the opening there may be problems with the web part of the project, and you simply can not register. - Registration and files Download archive unzip it, run launcher, choose SEASON x25 server and press FULL CHECK What you need to know at the start: Registration for 7 seals from Monday, September 30, full cycle 1 week. First Mammons on Friday October 4 All Epic Raid Bosses dead on start. First epic QA will appear on Monday, next day Core + Zaken + QA and so on by schedule All other RBs alive on server start (including Sub and Nobl RB) - Full RoadMap   About possible attacks on server start. We have prepared as good as we can. We will control the start of the server together with you. Want to ask you, in the case of a problem, don't panic, panic is the worst possible thing that could be, even worse than any attack. We have enough specialists to solve any problems, all that will need from you is patience and trust. Wish you all a smooth start and months of enjoyable play in new Season Interlude x25! Have a fun!
    • 🚨🇦🇷🇧🇷🇪🇸🇸🇰🇺🇳🇨🇱🚨 Devianne - Lineage 2 Interlude  Client - Classic. 🔷Rates 🔸Experience (EXP) - 10x 🔸Skill Points (SP) - 10x 🔸Adena - 6x 🔸Drop Items - 3x 🔸Spoil - 3x 🔸Quest Experience (EXP) - 1x 🔸Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1x 🔸Quest Adena - 1x 🔸Quest Items Drop - 1x 🔸Seal stone Drop - 1x 🔸Epic raid - 1x 🔸Raid Drop - 2.0x 🔸Manor - 5x 🔷Dynamic Rates XP/SP 🔸Lv. 1-52 EXP/SP X10 (x7 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 52-61 EXP/SP X7(x5 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 61-76 EXP-SP X5 (x3 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 76-78 EXP/SP X3 (x2 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 78-80 EXP/SP X2 (x1 without VIP or vote reward) ⚠️Extra Settings⚠️ 🔸Server time, site - GMT -3 🔸Buffs, Dances, and Songs duration - 1 hour 🔸Max Buffs Slots - 22 + 4 divine 🔸Maximum Slots Dances and Songs - 12 🔸GmShop Grade - C 🔸Global teleport 🔸Grade B-A-S - Craft 🔸Mana potion recharge 🔸1000 (9 seconds delay) 🔸Raid HP - x1.4 🔸Raid epic HP - x1 🔸Blacksmith Mammon - 24/7 🔸Champions System - Yes chance respawn 0.5% 🔸Offline mode Shop - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Skills - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Loot - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Raid & Grand 🔸Boss Loot - No 🔸Buffer offline - Yes 🔸Wedding System - Yes 🔸Max level diff distribution drop in party - 14 🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC - 2 🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC for Premium - 3 🔸The clan leader will be replaced after server restart ⚠️Class and Subclass Change⚠️ 🔸1st profession Quest - No 🔸2nd profession Quest - No 🔸3rd profession Quest - Yes 🔸Sub Class Quest- Yes 🔸Sub Class Raid - 8 hours +-30m random 🔸Nobility and Olympiads Nobility Quest - Yes 🔸Olympiads (duration) - 14 days 🔸Max enchant - +6 🔸Respawn Barakiel 6 hours - +-15 min random 🔸Olympiad schedule - 13:00 to 00:00 🔸Minimum players to start olympiad - 11 Clans and Sieges Penalty duration - 8 hours 🔸Sieges every - 15 days Max Ally - 2 🔸Max Members - 36 🔸Slots for academies in clan - 40 ⚠️Enchants Rate⚠️ 🔸Blessed Scroll chance 60% 1-10 11-16 40% 🔸Crystal Scroll chance 65% 1-10 11-16 40% 🔸Normal Scroll chance - 55% 🔸Safe Enchant - +4 ⚠️Premium Info⚠️ 🔅+20% xp sp drop spoil adena 🔅+5% additional enchant rate (premium 30 days)   Free autofarm ⚠️Starter Pack⚠️ 🔅Free Premium - 24 hours 🔅Free Autofarm - 24 hours ❇️Raid boss Info❇️ 🔸Anakim/Lilith respawn 18 hours +1:30min random 🔸Tyrannosaurus - respawn 8 min drop Tl 76 🔸Queen Ant (LVL 80) - Respawn Monday and Saturday 22:00 🔸CORE (LVL 80) - Respawn Tuesday-Friday 20:00 🔸ORFEN (LVL 80) - Respawn Tuesday-Friday 21:00 🔸BAIUM (LVL 80) - Respawn Saturday 21:00 🔸ZAKEN (LVL 80) - Respawn Wednesday-Thursday 22:00 🔸FRINTEZZA (LVL 85) - Sunday 19:45 ⚔️Quest Details⚔️ QUEST WEAPON RECIPES: - Relics of the Old Empire x1: - Gather the Flames x1 x1: QUEST ARMOR RECIPES: - Alliance with Varka Silenos x1 - Alliance with Ketra Orcs x1 - War with Ketra x1 - War with Varka x1 - Gather the Exploration of the Giants’ Cave Part 1 x3 - Exploration of the Giants’ Cave Part 2 x1 - Whispers of Dream part 2 x2 - Legacy of Insolence x1 QUEST RECIPES JEWERLY - The Finest Food x1 QUEST RESOURCES - The Zero Hour x2 - Golden Ram Mercenary x2 - An Ice Merchant dream x2 QUEST FOR FABRIC: - Whispers of Dream part 1 x1 BEAST FARM : - Delicious Top Choice Meat x2 👁️OTHER QUEST👁️ 👁️- Yoke of the Past x2 👁️- In Search of Fragments of Dimension x2 👁️- The finest Ingredients x3 👁️- Supplier of reagents x3 - 👁️3rd class Halisha Marks drop x3 - 👁️Into the flames x3 - 👁️Audience with the land dragon x3 - 👁️An Arrogant Search x3 - 👁️Last Imperial Prince x3 🚨Soul Crystal Details🚨 🔸- Level up crystals to 11, 12, 13 🔸- All epics can level up crystals for the whole party (Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Zaken, Baium, Antharas, Valakas, Frintezza). - 🔸Bosses in PVP zone: Master Anays, High Priest Van Halter. 👁️🔸- Anakim/Lilith, Uruka. - You can level up crystals in Rift, but only 1 party can challenge Anakazel (10%)PARTY_RANDOM at the same time (if one party is in the boss, you need wait them to go out). 👁️🔸- You can level up crystals in Primeval Island by killing tyrannosaurus with 10% chance PARTY_ALL for the person who cast the crystal and makes last hit. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ WEB: https://devianne-l2.com/ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Q3HAMzasUk 🔥🔥SERVER TEST OPEN !!🔥🔥🔥
    • I am here for the plank jumps and the cookies any news about that?
    • the links are offiline, could you reupload them please, if you have other versions of h5 or c6 could you share them too, thanks!
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