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im 25lvl but as bad as i know,i can stay back and take care xD . I think bloodthister and frozen heart are useless,as for warmongs i prefer frozen mallet for some dmg too.

why no poking a male with range? he will be under 30% hp and can't farm.

bloothister early big damage and good sustain. frozenheart just op item -atk.speed for enemy (enemy ad carry need atk.speed) it gives you 100armor 500mana(you don't need it with nidalee) and cooldown reduction( you can spam your jumps on escape they are 1sec cooldown or spam with your q w e

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after 1 catastrophic week of elo falling and 30 loses & 6 victories i managed to stabilize that fall at last with champs like Tryndamere Caitlyn and Vladimir!!!!!!!!!!!!! (champs i never play)


now im about to comeback to the high elo again this week :) prepare your anus :D

i ll make a topic which i ll post every game's ending just to reveal how ppl think over that elos



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suggest me runes for no-mp champs.(ap)


kennen,vlad etc.


Vlad/Kennen Top


mpen reds, armor yellows, ap/lvl or mr/lvl blues your choice, ap quints


now mid you may want to switch yellows to flat/or per lvl health dunno.

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I was there , awesome moment , great game for you.You carried the team :D


easy ;D

both,if you don't mind.

please dont go mid with vlad. u are kinda useless until lvl 9, also without cc that means you cant have ganks from your jungler. vlad is only for top.
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easy ;Dplease dont go mid with vlad. u are kinda useless until lvl 9, also without cc that means you cant have ganks from your jungler. vlad is only for top.

yes,'mid' thingy was mainly for kennen,not for vlad.



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