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Leona is what? rofl.

Imo one of the best supports out there. Her CC is enough for the whole team. Plus she is too tanky as well.

nah, if you know how to support, u can make her feel bad every sec of the game

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Hai and leona rocks man :)

im a dedicated non-escape-adc player (i especially like Kog,Draven,Quinn) and leona needs 1 finger to be played. 3 stuns + 1-2 slows plus exhaust :3 pretty annoying


and you are?

sup kevin


pappous Noble


still the uncle for old veterans :P for most of them im their grandpa :D

nah, if you know how to support, u can make her feel bad every sec of the game

lulu,morgana,annie say hi against her :P

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There's absolutely no reason to pick Leona, when you can pick Nautilus. 


Also, beating her is pretty easy, especially in lane. Simply pushing her completely eliminates her lane presence, since she cannot engage under huge minion waves. (That's not what you should always do against her, but it's the simplest way to win against her.) 

Edited by 6Fortuna9
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There's absolutely no reason to pick Leona, when you can pick Nautilus. 


Also, beating her is pretty easy, especially in lane. Simply pushing her completely eliminates her presence, since she cannot engage under huge minion waves. (That's not what you should always do against her, but it's the simplest way to win against her.) 

Push her till you get her under the tower and she will tear you to pieces.

She can easily engage through minions and thats 1 of her biggest advantages as a support.

So yea, heres the rest http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1150183





And here its a random video.


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Push her till you get her under the tower and she will tear you to pieces.

She can easily engage through minions and thats 1 of her biggest advantages as a support.

So yea, heres the rest http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1150183





And here its a random video.




That thread was from 2013, created by a Gold player.

Edited by 6Fortuna9
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That thread was from 2013, created by a Gold player.

So tell me what changes have been made to leona since 2013.

W got nerfed pretty much

E got nerfed from 90 range to 70 in 5.10 patch.


Created by a gold player. This is totally random. You dont have to be a diamond + to judge a champ do you?

Playing couple of games with or against a particular champ puts you in a place to understand some of his/her + and -. And then your in the position to judge.

This is my opinion ofc , since im testing from s2.

Bronze or diamond , gold or challenger, theres no huge difference in this sector.

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So tell me what changes have been made to leona since 2013.

W got nerfed pretty much

E got nerfed from 90 range to 70 in 5.10 patch.


Created by a gold player. This is totally random. You dont have to be a diamond + to judge a champ do you?

Playing couple of games with or against a particular champ puts you in a place to understand some of his/her + and -. And then your in the position to judge.

This is my opinion ofc , since im testing from s2.

Bronze or diamond , gold or challenger, theres no huge difference in this sector.



2013 was S3. Meta picks back then were picks like Nami, Zyra, Sona, Annie and Thresh. Why was Leona never played since most of the supports played were relatively squishy and immobile? Because players would abuse her obvious weakness I mentioned. She gets pushed or hard poked/zoned at level one and then cannot engage, becoming useless. 


Finally, rating does matter. If you're Master + you're relatively good, if not then you are trash. However this doesn't mean that Silver is the same as Gold or Platinum. The fact that every rating bans different picks, shows that people of different skill level fear different champions and that's for a reason. For example, people in bronze ban picks like Amumu, Malphite and Blitz. Are these picks strong? Not that much. They just find it difficult to dodge skillshots or spread against aoe skills, which sounds funny at higher ratings. People in plat ban Zed, Riven and Rengar. Are these picks overpowered? Absolutely not. They just suck at peeling, map awareness and predicting enemy movement.

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So tell me what changes have been made to leona since 2013.

W got nerfed pretty much

E got nerfed from 90 range to 70 in 5.10 patch.


Created by a gold player. This is totally random. You dont have to be a diamond + to judge a champ do you?

Playing couple of games with or against a particular champ puts you in a place to understand some of his/her + and -. And then your in the position to judge.

This is my opinion ofc , since im testing from s2.

Bronze or diamond , gold or challenger, theres no huge difference in this sector.

Beeing a gold means luck of game knowledge(most of the times you might luck mechanics). so that means a gold can't analize and judge a champion us good as a diamond. but still he could have an option. i played max 30games this season bot lane. and i know when you push them in their turret at lvl 2~4 there are 2waves worst case senario. a leona could engange they have the turret there that provides a litile bit safety, if she does that. 1) her adc just stays under his turret farming cs and blaming leona for enganging and taking free damage. 2) they engange both doing an even trade or even losing the trade due the minion wave attacking them. and they lose minions becouse turret kills them.


after lvl6 if you do that you propablly get rekt of the cc lock. but its the easiest bait. you just call your jungler for gang derp to get caught by leona and you kill them. thats why its easy.


excuse mua for poor english/typos

Edited by Snoopi
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There's absolutely no reason to pick Leona, when you can pick Nautilus. 


Also, beating her is pretty easy, especially in lane. Simply pushing her completely eliminates her lane presence, since she cannot engage under huge minion waves. (That's not what you should always do against her, but it's the simplest way to win against her.)


Yes nautilus is just better in general

I believe he has higher base stats as well and nautilus cc is pretty fucking homo since there's about 0 counter play to ult and once you get knocked up you get pulled than snared then slowed. Only thing is that it's not aoe but Leona ult is not as reliable

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