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Its viable come on :D

Μid maybe , top not a chance ;p

You dont got good cd's , you must go All in and against bruiser with mmr you wont do more like 50% Damage ( In Normal situations)

Then you are just looking at your enemy with 1aa per 1.5S with that slow astronaut!


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Nautilus jungle brought me in Platinum ;)


Xin for me. Voli/Jarvan through Platinum. Now getting close to Diamond with Vi.


However, I think that Noc is the best option for stomping low/mid elo games. I actually think he is one of the strongest junglers after last patch.

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Xin for me. Voli/Jarvan through Platinum. Now getting close to Diamond with Vi.


However, I think that Noc is the best option for stomping low/mid elo games. I actually think he is one of the strongest junglers after last patch.

you are playing EUW plat1 (?)

searching for a duoq partner for long time ^^

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you are playing EUW plat1 (?)

searching for a duoq partner for long time ^^


EUNE. But still, it makes no sense going duo, since we both main jungle, so one of us (if not both) will be forced to play something that he is not as good.


easy game obviously


i liked that most people said ziggs  = 0 before some months



So if I stomp some Gold players with Poppy, she'll be considered a good pick?

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EUNE. But still, it makes no sense going duo, since we both main jungle, so one of us (if not both) will be forced to play something that he is not as good.


So if I stomp some Gold players with Poppy, she'll be considered a good pick?


Nope, not poppy. Hell she needs 1231231 items to deal damage.


and her MP.. 2 skills even if u are 18 lvl lol

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