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League Of Legends Random Topic!

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So weird..


Usually i lose every normal game, or just win by luck ^^

Today i was like, right "fck it" and i went in rankeds.. did 2 ranked games and won both


First game as support we were miles behind.. came back with warding and managed to kick the fed zed of his throne

Second game i carried the team on tristana's back..


Can't say i didnt like it, but How?

Weirdo world in Bronze...


Btw, both games the other team didnt have a "real" support... common in lower elo?

First it was Khazix-Cho bot

second game we had mf - diana bot...

Support overrated

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rengar or kha...vi is really easy to gank, but if you go rengar i would do an almost full tank build simply because top usually needs to be tanky :D

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succesfully trolled by intrepid, rengar sucks long time now


not true, rengar is still op just need more skills and different builds to be good.

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