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[Help]Anti Captcha System



Hello MXC



I am Working with L2 j Freya chronicle .....



I succesfully added this share from Mxc     http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=162861.0  


and Works perfect for me....! dfnb.png

 ( I want to protect my server good and avoid users Using L2 Net/walker etc etc ..... So that is why i trying this ) ;)



That Is why i am warned about this  ---> check it ---->  http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php?7515-SOLVED-L2-The-Sacred-Metal-Captcha-Protection



I want to know how to make it more SECURE ...! I was player in a server and HAd the same protection (but no1 can bypass it )


Here is their Work .... dsfre.pngewrgfw.png



I want to make something similar.... Is this possible ? :O



Thanks in advance


Listening all opinions / advises ...!

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If you used integrated images from client, such as numbers 1 to 9, basically the system would be easily bypassed, as phx could sniff the name of images, then doing a script you enter it automatically.


The only possible way is to get the full image to be generated randomly, such as catpcha. So external to the client.


After the protection comes only about the captcha system itself. Use another system.




General discussion :


What the point about capcha, it's good only to spot a "bot", so in a pvp server, it's totally useless.


You stay out of your computer to go shit, you're banned because you weren't at time xx to enter a popup ? Clearly, stupid system.



I know That images from client can be byssed really easy... Also This can be done with pioupiou's code because in order to work his system u must add into your sytextures folder a UTX file withthe CAPTCHA's , so any1 can open it and fine the names of the images :S ..!



That is why i want to make it like that picture...


To be more specific i want to Use Captha images from the core of the server like Crests ;) ...! In that way players will never know the name of the captca;) So it will never bypassed..! The problem is that i dont know how to make it ;S...! I had try it but without any result until now..!




As far as General discussion :


I Think that it is no so law for some1 who spends a lot of time to a server to farm items/ etc and some1 else boting all the night and have the same items ;) (if you understand me)


I dont know any other way to proteck the server from boting ....



As i said to main Post i am listening ideas/opinion's  ( I have time and desire to work)




Thanks for ryplies ^^

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i have a idea make pictures with 10+9 as example and let the player add answer but the picture will be not 10+9


he need just other names :P ^^





hmm that is not a bad idea.. ;) But and with this way i need to add the pictures into the core of the server ;) ...! So that is why i am asking help here... I will try another time to make it alone later and i will edit results....But without suport of some1 who are pro it will be really dificult for me ;) ...!

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the images in core dont work.


just add in client systemtextures



I want to add them like crests...! ;) ..! I play on 3-4 Server and Have CAPTCHA IMAGES without use .UTX file into sytextures folder :S

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hmm... okay need tests where server will save crest if maybe npcs use it in town.


so i dont know to i just use the old version of captcha.

so i try to loop if he dont enter in 30sec he will jailed and if more than 1 time he will baned.



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hmm... okay need tests where server will save crest if maybe npcs use it in town.


so i dont know to i just use the old version of captcha.

so i try to loop if he dont enter in 30sec he will jailed and if more than 1 time he will baned.




Yes I Will Check How Crests Works and i will try it ...! ;) ... I am not good Java Coder so if you fins anything .... Post it here :S ...! Thanks

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Btw, you can make more methods, not only the "CAPTCHA" one, you can make new voiced command handlers, too much of them (i know its hard :P), so the user cant see them, so he will not make a patch like this that it uses the script (.CAPTCHA LOL LOL), i mean for example make a html that needs to write ".CAPTCHA LOL LOL", one that needs to write ".123 BLA BLA ALALA BLABLABLA" etc, i think it looks good enough.

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Btw, you can make more methods, not only the "CAPTCHA" one, you can make new voiced command handlers, too much of them (i know its hard :P), so the user cant see them, so he will not make a patch like this that it uses the script (.CAPTCHA LOL LOL), i mean for example make a html that needs to write ".CAPTCHA LOL LOL", one that needs to write ".123 BLA BLA ALALA BLABLABLA" etc, i think it looks good enough.



Yeah I know this is a Good Idea... ;) But do you know if there is any way to use the captcha images not from systextures folder us UTX file ?But like crest.crest0985432 ??? ?  ...!

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