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[gr][share].vip command with required item.

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esi pou to ekanes test? Mallon gia ti client/project to eftiakses ka8os ta credits einai dika s ...!


Ps: Nomizw pos mporeis na doseis mia kaliteri e3igisi gia to ti akrivos einai auto to share etsi na ma8oune kai autoi pou dn 3eroune ^^

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esi pou to ekanes test? Mallon gia ti client/project to eftiakses ka8os ta credits einai dika s ...!

il alla mporeis na to baleis opou 8es me liges metatropes.


edit: nah dn to egrapsa egw to "sto counter strike" o bro m sorry rofl... :P  to esbhsa.

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sto counter strike.


astio itane auto ?




Mallon perniese gia poli e3ipnos file mou...! Anyway Gl ...!




Edit: Nai to eida..! Tespa Gl ..!

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Pios o logos na kanis share ena command vale olo to VIP system alios den a3izi tpt...

uparxoun file an psa3eis edw. kai episeis ta exw dei se polla pack.

einai wraio na mporeis na gineis vip exontas kapio item-items pou mporeis na to baleis os donate item-farm ktlp. thx :P

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uparxoun file an psa3eis edw. kai episeis ta exw dei se polla pack.

einai wraio na mporeis na gineis vip exontas kapio item-items pou mporeis na to baleis os donate item-farm ktlp. thx :P

re ec kai egw to 8elw afto alla ec m kanis share mono command vres to VIP system h vale link.
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Dn 3erw an doulevei pantws to code einai apesia grammeno epishs kati tetoio 8a htan kalutero na htan panw se item.

gt exw kanei kapio la8os? dn nomizw :S


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re ec kai egw to 8elw afto alla ec m kanis share mono command vres to VIP system h vale link.



	/* Vip System */
public static boolean ALLOW_VIP_NCOLOR;
public static int VIP_NCOLOR;
public static boolean ALLOW_VIP_TCOLOR;
public static int VIP_TCOLOR;
public static boolean ALLOW_VIP_XPSP;
public static int VIP_XP;
public static int VIP_SP;

ALLOW_VIP_NCOLOR = Boolean.parseBoolean(Extensions.getProperty("AllowVipNameColor", "True"));
           	VIP_NCOLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + Extensions.getProperty("VipNameColor", "0088FF"));
           	ALLOW_VIP_TCOLOR = Boolean.parseBoolean(Extensions.getProperty("AllowVipTitleColor", "True"));
           	VIP_TCOLOR = Integer.decode("0x" + Extensions.getProperty("VipTitleColor", "0088FF"));
           	ALLOW_VIP_XPSP = Boolean.parseBoolean(Extensions.getProperty("AllowVipMulXpSp", "True"));
           	VIP_XP = Integer.parseInt(Extensions.getProperty("VipMulXp", "2"));
           	VIP_SP = Integer.parseInt(Extensions.getProperty("VipMulSp", "2"));

# Enable / Disable Name Color
AllowVipNameColor = True
VipNameColor = 0088FF
# Enable / Disable Title Color
AllowVipTitleColor = True
VipTitleColor = 0088FF

# if True Player Vip gain Xp*VipMulXp and Sp*VipMulSp
# Note only works if player not in party
AllowVipMulXpSp = True
VipMulXp = 2
VipMulSp = 2

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.. Den exei errors to code, ala.. Xriazontai kai 1-2 stuff akoma, opos na to baleis na kanei check an einai idi vip o pextis. Episeis, prepei na simfonisw me ton eKo:

useless share



crapy coding style

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.. Den exei errors to code, ala.. Xriazontai kai 1-2 stuff akoma, opos na to baleis na kanei check an einai idi vip o pextis. Episeis, prepei na simfonisw me ton eKo:

t ebala to check. :P
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