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[Poll]How about a client moding competition ?


How about a client moding competition ?   

38 members have voted

  1. 1. How about a client moding competition ?

    • Yea cool idea!
    • Nah.. i dont think so..
    • I dont really care.. yes/no=same!

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Ok guys i need to see how many ppl is interesting in a client moding competition..

i havent seen anything like that in any other forum so i though it would be a cool idea..


if there is enough ppl here interested with this.. then we can deside the details.. for example ... a custom weapon cometition.. armor set competition.. etc etc.. and when all our work is gathered we can vote for the winner.. (and maybe we could give out even a price like a premium acount here in forum.. if the admins agree with that ofcourse..)


so vote !  ;D

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is a nice idea but im not a pro editing textures but i like it and vote yes eh eh other ppl know much about editing textures4 example pyromaker :P

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Yes! Because in the end, the best weps/armor will be shared and they are gonna be pwnz0r items, and everyone gonna use them, and by this way mxc will become more popular :D

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I'm looking into this. I'm not really interested in models and stuff like that. I hope someone will find modifications to .ini files that would give unfair advantage to other players. Like zoom through wall, unlimited zoom. etc.

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  • 2 years later...

YEs! Because in this way all client moders will start giving their best to make amazing shares and win the competition

Already ran to give the best work. It is ridiculous to go under the table to fall. If there is no good stimulus, normal developers do not lead to such topics. The one and nothing to measure the size of someone greater.

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Already ran to give the best work. It is ridiculous to go under the table to fall. If there is no good stimulus, normal developers do not lead to such topics. The one and nothing to measure the size of someone greater.

kali is old topic.. lood the date man..
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