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My Sig From Another Forumz ;D

"I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."


OOG/IG Walker Crack Guide For L2 OFF AND L2J And RETAIL/PRIVATE SERVERS FOR Interlude to Ct1http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/lin2-exploits-hacks-bots-tools-macros/116080-l2-walker-10-9-0-oog-how-guide-off-priv.html

Ingame Walker Retail Guide


Hlapex Starter Pack


L2 Walker Scripting Demystified


C4/c5/c6/CT1 Walker Missing Map Pack


L2Walker Auto-Install Guide By BlackArtist


BIce Cracking Guide By Turksauron


ALL OOG/In-Game/Free/Maps Walkers (the newest and old) IN ONE PLACE


All L2Hacks C4 and Later...



MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Download this extract it with win-rar ... then open the .exe with Winrar again . . .scan those files for a Virus . . . one of the file may contain a virus the rest are the exploits/cheats/hacks. . . it seems my source may have recompiled this with a viri.... so just take the hacks and delete the viri if you find it . . . I doubt its really a virus seems liek a false reading on filefronts part. . .


-c4 IG l2walker-c5 IG l2walker-interlude IG l2walker-hlapex-hInGame-Isis Macro-l2 Autocrafter-l2 checker-l2 Monster 1.7-l2 PacketsHack-l2 sin_of_love-Multi Windows-GMShop maker-l2 brute 1.4-l2commander

If anything in my Sig has a Dead Link Pm me and I will Try to Fix it...




Ps: Everyone who ever said I spread a keylogger / Viri your a -beep-ing retard lol . . . in aether case you should always scan something when you download it. . . I don't want your pathetic Private Server account  . . .nor do I even Want your Retail L2 account what would I do with such Noobish Chars? Why would I go around stealing meaningless pictures of Items ? It's Not real ITS JUST A -beep-ING GAME GET OVER YOURSELF. . .


Oop just noticed AIO Pack is Fuxed the upload might of not gone through Il re up it soon ;) 5- 10 Min

Hmm seems on one of the files in the AIo Pack there was a Viri Possibly  . . . im rescanning with kaspersky gona try to elminate it. 0o


For the AIO pack File front says it has  Viri . . . but I extracted the .exe doesn't seem to be anything really malicious in there but scan it anyway just to be safe. .. .


also LOL on a side note GIme as much Negative Karma as you all Want I dont care ;P Im just here to spoil the Fun for the people dumb enough to pay for shit like this XD . . .  This proly last post on this pos site.

  • 1 month later...

Lol sucks everything is already posted  and some of this things don't even run....


Did You Test A L L

The Progs Before Posting??

Really Some Of Them Don't Work....

Check Them Before Posting Them Please...

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