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Soul of Ultimate Nation new mmorpg?


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This game is currently in Beta testing: http://sun.ijji.com/


Very nice trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-s-u-n/51158 (Better quality than youtube)


I just found out about this game when checking these screens:





I personally really like the style, cause it's more dark and more like Lineage 2 actually imo. But apparently it's free-to-play: which probably is going to mean that it's not so well refined in everything, as it were P2P game :/


I agree with this statement:

"The market is getting flooded with free-to-play MMOs. Most of them don't do enough to distinguish themselves from the hundreds of other clones that get released -- it's honestly to the point where I just tune a game out the second I hear "free-to-play". There may not be much to go on in this brief preview, but what is there makes it sound (not surprisingly) like just another face in the crowd of mediocrity, doing nothing to set itself apart."


But I will definitely check this game :)

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is this game downloable???And where i can download this

This game is currently in Beta testing: http://sun.ijji.com/

so yes you can download it, and try it I guess (im not sure). Try hit the big 'Game Start' button on that site.

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seems a nice game and i think that official site is : http://sunonline.webzen.net/News/Notice/Default.aspx?iBS=336 ..there u can make account,downlaod..nice game,give it a try?:P

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it was announced in 2005/2006, but now in beta testing, so it's kinda new: I mean; it's not released ^^


Imo this looks better than Cabal, and maybe even better than Aion (more because of the style)

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yep it looks like L2, more beautifull gameplay than in L2,  mb it will be something like CABAL onl + L2.... if yes then it will be cool

Definitely agree! Cabal was also fun to play, but school kinda dragged me out of it back then. I also didn't like the style of Cabal very much; still way too colorful or something ^^


But this is just awesome imo, just hope the animations and things won't get screwed by the fact that it's f2p

screens ppc i see and i wont download ..... thx I try and coment .....

Sorry I don't get this :)
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