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Welcome to L2-Reunion.

We have a small but very friendly and growing community.

We aim to create a relaxed Lineage II Gameplay environment.

Fun is what counts !!

Our Server is running on L2DC Files to provide you

the best stability and functionality.







Lineage II - The Chaotic Throne - Freya


Rates :


* Xp - 10x

* Sp - 10x

* Drop - 10x

* Adena - 10x

* Spoil - 10x

* Seal Stone - 10x

* Raid Drop - 5x

* Boss Jewel Drop - 1x

* Party Xp/Sp - 1.3x

* Manor Drop - 5x

* Fishing Drop - 5x

* Quest Drop - 5x

* Quest Reward  - 5x







* L2DC Files

* NOT L2off or L2J

* No Donations

* Dual boxing (max. 2 clients)

* All Gracia Epilogue locations

* All Skills functional

* All skill enchant routes

* 1 Hour Buff Times

* 4min. Dance/Song Times

* Shot and Crystal seller at Giran

* Weapon/Armor Shops up to C grade (retail like)

* Low B and A Grade available at Giran Luxury Hall

* Item Enchant Rates = safe +6

* Retail skill formulas

* Retail like Newbie Guide Buffs till Lv 75

* Skill Transfer

* Subclass Skill Certifications

* No Auto Learn skills

* No Mana Potions

* Masterwork crafts

* PvP Weapons & Armors

* Vitality System

* Fame Points System

* Working Improved Baby Pets

* Quest needed for Nobless

* Augmentation

* Cursed Weapons

* Improved Baby Pets

* Herbs

* All Seven Sign Epic Quests

* Olympiad

* Territory Wars

* All Castles and Fortresses siegable






* Pailaka

* Kamaloka

* Hellbound

* Dark Cloud Mansion

* Crystal Caverns

* Nornils Garden

* Classic Giants Cave (for A Grade Recipes)

* Bloodshed (Solo Lv83+)







* Grand Wedding

* Master of Enchanting

* Gift of Vitality

* Kratei's Cube

* TvT Event

* Cruma Event





* A Grade 100 % Recipe's available thru Quests

* Champion Monsters

* AutoLoot

* No Quest needed for subclass

* Offline Trading/Crafting

* Ingame droplist with "Shift+left click"

* ".exp" command to enable/disable xp gain

* ".spoilmsg" for Spoil success notify for party

* Trade zones (private stores only on predefined areas)


Custom Npc's:



* Quest Item Seller (1st and 2nd class)

* Shot and Crystal seller

* Global Gatekeeper

* Special Tattooe Seller

* Crystal Converter

* Material Converter

* Accessorie Seller (Hats & Masks)



Join us now...and make this a better place! :)




Come join us , you won't be disappointed!


Server Updates 04.03.2011


- Fixed many skill cooltimes (animations should be better now)

- Fixed few wrong Raid Boss stats

- Fixed few Monsters inside Cruma Tower

- Fixed Holy Strike skill

- Fixed Race of all Custom Monsters/Raids

- Fixed Alarm Device @Cruma Tower Floor 2

- Tyrannosaurus drops fixed

- Droplist update for Crystal Caverns mobs/bosses

- Fixed few wrong NPC spawns

- Minor fix for Skill : Spirit of Shilen

- Fix for Skill : Mass Curse of the Shade

- Charge AOE skills shot bonus should be applied to all targets

- Fix for summon debuffs

- Fix for augmentation data

- Olympiad NPE Fix

- Update for subclass skills script


Server Updates 05.03.2011


- Retail like dawn/dusk npc's

- Pets are now re-summoned if player logged out with one

- Pets now share a common inventory

- Fix for effect petrification

- Better view of recipebook,ordered by the recipeId

- Some optimization with system messages.

- Small fix for blessed skill enchant

- friendlist related fixes

- Smart Cubic cancel debuff skill

- Fixes for short/long range skill AI

- Fix for hellbound zone

- Fix for Defender instance

- fix Problem with picking up stackable items

- signets should now affect mobs and npcs as well

- Fix : Raids and Minions CANT be Champion

- Fixed Cruma Tower Teleporters

- Fixed Dion Armor/Weapon seller HTMLS (to prevent client crash)

- Deleted few npc double spawns

- Fixed Aden WH Npcs

- Updating Saving Santa Event

- Fix for War Chant

- Fix for Chant of Spirit

- Update htmls for Hellbound Traitor

- Warrior Ability - Haste : fix for non-ranged weapon activation

- Fix for Benediction

- Fix for Restore Life

- Fix for subclass certification to fit village master rework.

- NPC Skills for Mithril Mines + Reed Field Area

- Territory Wars npc skills.

- Small fix for CrystalCaverns to prevent possible bug

- Added more mobs that can see through silent move.

- Augmentation htmls up to GE.

- Skill Trainers htmls up to GE.

- Forge of Gods Fire \ HP Regeneration zones.

- Apella Armors reduce exp loss to 0 on pvp

- SummonFriend check conditions before cast.

- DP part for NickColorChange

- pets stats sync with GE

- Fix for Quest : Whisper Of Dreams Adena Drop Rate

- New skill handler to add vitality points.

- New AI for Antharas and Valakas

- 1 missing transformation

- All Seven Signs htmls updated

- blueprint\spellbook sellers don't sell anything anymore

- New symbolmaker htmls

- Trader Mila not spawned on retail anymore

- Fixed Aqua Elf Transformation

- Fixed Kadomas Transformation

- Added Skill in Kadomas Transform

- Fix for Equipment penalties

- Zone rework

- Typo fixes on SavingSanta event

- Grade Penalty update to GE

- Hero Debuffs can't be dispelled.

- fix for freeze up in game

- Some Divine Transformation Skills

- Updated SubClass skills

- For the quest Pursuit of Clan Ambition! (GE)

- added doors for HB stage 5+

- 7s debuff/buff stacking to avoid problems with steal divinity

- Updated some Kamael skills

- "Lightning Shock" is a STUN skill

- fix for hero dialogs

- Fix for Quest : Heart In Search Of Power

- Gracia Epilogue Field of Silence / Whispers (Reedfield) Monsters Spawns

- NPC Tweaks for Reedfield and Mithril Mines (increase MDef)

- Reworked "Fishing Zones"

- Added BirthDay Cake

- small fix for .engage

- Added missing Schuttgart Teleports

- Deleted few Npc double spawns


Server Updates 06.03.2011


- Fix for Seal of Limit

- Fix for Mithril Mines teleporters

- Small update/clean/fix for Sprint

- Support for negateEffects

- fix for quest few mobs not in spawnlist

- Added SSboost to blow type skills when using Dual Daggers

- Fix for wrong reward function called from few quests

- Update for Teleport Scripts

- Contestable Clan Halls SQL

- Gludio Airship Field is a Peace Zone

- Fix for Pet Shot Consume

- Fix for Boost Morale Dual Sword bonus.

- Fixed Aden gk wrong price

- Fix for "Shining Edge" dmg

- Chests shouldn't have faction

- Baium Script updated

- MANADAM skills can now also give additional effects

- New NpcModifiers to avoid special mobs to spawn as champions

- Fixing wolves hp/mp recovery

- Update hellbound texts to retail


Server Updates 07.03.2011


- Contestable Clan Halls core support

- Dimensional rift rework

- TVT event rework

- Fixed problem with Gk/Oly managers and Priest/priest's

- Removed old draw henna bypass.

- A couple of little fixes for Friend Invite

- HP/MP Regen Multiplier for Pets

- Disabled all transactions in jail

- Hero weapons should be un-equipped when teleported to Oly

- workaround for bugged clans

- Fix for Summon lifetime bar.

- Little fix to glow calc into augmentations

- Fix for traps created in instance.

- Mail update, msg need to be deleted after click "Send Back"

- castle and clanhall functions saving fix

- Fix for Rift earthquake

- Reworked charge system

- Fix for summon AOE skills and summon's in duel.

- Retail herbs disappearing time

- Disable pet autoshots on unsummon.

- Fix for pet manager not being able to evolve pets

- Fix for uber accuracy and evasion of pets

- fixed pet hp/mp regen

- Small fix for augment price.

- Removed few Npc double spawns

- TVT rework



Server Updates 08.03.2011


- Buff from weapon should be triggered only by Magic

- Stigma of Shillien fix

- Queen Ant rework - some fixes in AI

- Fix to allow random selection of all augmentations


- Fix for Summon spawn animation

- Talisman fix

- Lost Warden is passive

- Berserker Spirit stack fix

- Update hellbound texts to retail

- heat of desert debuff updated

- Fix for break duress

- Update frintezza stats to match official

- Fix for hude multisell

- Added Shield of Faith missing effect

- Fiery Demon Blood support

- Added initial support for Tower Of Infinitum

- Missing weapon weaknesses and resists

- Some fixes in Primeval Isle Zones

- Fix for Icarus Kamael Weapons

- cleaned the vanguard transformations

- Kief script fix

- Completed Tower of Infinitum.

- Fixed Devasted Castle Zone

- Pet skills update

- Fixed few armorsets

- Fixed duplicate spawn of Imperial Tomb Guide

- Lidia's Heart quest fix

- Fate's Whisper quest fix

- Queen Ant update to include raid curse

- Little changes on antharas teleport

- Antharas Skills updated.

- Guard Ants are now in faction with Queen Ant

- Fixed : quest items are destroyable

- Skill : Bluff is now retal like

- Fix for skill : Phoenix Rush

- Seed of Destruction Instance NPC stats update

- Shield Stun attack after cast

- Two-handed Weapon Mastery fix for enchants effects

- Retail Info : potions are not allowed in Olympiad

- No Champions in 4 Sepulchers

- Update for Baium AI

- Goddard clan halls shops update to retail

- Removing monsters spawned inside Fortresses

- Removing Skills from old deleted npc's

- Fenrir stats updated

- Fix for potions used from pet inventory

- In GF the number of spawned Chimeras was reduced

- Fix Wizard Ability - Mana Steel

- Fix for Blade Rush

- Fixed Lance ID in Fate's whisper Quest


Jeah they helped...But made the game to easy  (my honest opinion)

Just a bit of farming. :)


Ive seen Players in full C Gear allready.




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