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Everything posted by bazinga110

  1. Hello! I am thinking to reroll and sell my Sorcerer. If i get a good price i will sell it but not gonna sell it at any cost. The char is lvl 41, all of the grind in is made by hand and no bots (i hate bots). The char still have 2 weeks of VIP lvl 2 bunch of exp scrolls, and bunch of those NOS quest scrolls. It can be sold with his gear (top shop 2h weapon) or w/o weapon. Trading with paypal only. You can see my profile and see that some years ago i was selling adena with positive feedback from buyers. Now i just play for fun. Please pm me with offers here in forum. If we meet our expectations we can talk on skype. Cheers!
  2. delete please
  3. And what is your reason? looking smart and informed? If you don`t like it go play some rusian server that nobody speaks english or some server with 50 players online. Once there is a server good enough to play for fun and some retards will do anything to bring it down just to rise their internet penis. Wanna look cool? Go in real life get 1 mil $ and brag about it there.
  4. Keep your sh1t to yourself...
  5. 2-3 years ago when i was playing rpg and installed RPG stuff from the updater, somehow they changed my hosts file. So in the hosts file there were sh1tload of other server domains that lead to rpg website`s IP that was redirecting to their domain, so if i want to try one of those servers and manually(or by link) type the server`s domain address in my browser it was taking me to rpg club website. I wonder what other stuff they were/are doing with my computer? Edit: In Russia, l2 servers plays you!
  6. Seems deleting cookies works. Them russian hackzors somehow attached something on the cookies.
  7. delete please donno how that happend
  8. Hello Is it me or on http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/ what ever link you click it gets you to rpg club or few other russian projects. Am i infected by malware? I used the microsoft malware tool and showed nothing. Is it me or the website?
  9. Awesome buyer and great person :) Wish you good luck, on w/e you are up to now :)
  10. Maya i don`t get why are you poisoning other people topics. Even if the price is too high atm maybe people dont value the price only? Maybe a person will pay for faster service or just to a nice seller he was buying from 2 years ago. He may receive some information about the server, Like factor clans , whats hot right now and so on, Don`t poison 3d party topics just because you think the price is too high and the price is everything a person can get.
  11. Hello! The next server I am selling adena is RPG-club 5x gracia final. Price: 1,7 €/10kk or 15 €/100kk If you need adena let me know here on forum or skype:bazinga110 Payment method:Paypal PS:Still have some adena on l2evoke and l2dex -Lionna if you are interested. Have a great game!
  12. bumping with post cuz the system added 3 hours for no reason :o
  13. Hello! Next server i sell adena on is L2evoke Gracia final 7x server that started on 12.9.2014 You can contact me here or on skype:bazinga110 The payment method is Paypal. Have a great game!
  14. Thank you :) Btw donno why feedback from users counts as bump on the bump timer.
  15. Hello peeps! Once again ima do some adena sales :) Atm i can sell you some adena and soon some chars on l2dex - lionna 7x server. Adena rate atm is: 7€/100kk or 0.7€ for 10kk adena. Please contact me here or skype:bazinga110 The payment is Paypal only. Have a great game!
  16. Hello again! Selling 4x Warlock and SE on lineage-destiny.net 3x rates, interlude Payment - Paypal If you are interested pm me here on maxcheaters. You can also find me on skype:bazinga110
  17. yesterday GMs were saying some stuff like "take 5 minutes to writte something good about our server somewhere" So i guess they are active and maybe the popolation is lower than the one they want. From my point of view population is ok. Last night during the match between holand and maxico i was geting KSed in 3 spots in EG. My quess is that there will be even more annoying ppl KSing you all around when the word cup end :P About starting or not. I cant say if the server will be alive for year or more but i can say that if you like l2 the way it is ment to be played, you will enjoy this server as long it is UP and runing.
  18. Started 2 days ago and the game experience is so different from the other servers. Dont start if you like easy lvl and items. Most of the time you wont use shots or use them casually. You will have shity gear and you will find those quests that you never did very useful. You will experience the game in tottaly different way. The players around you, are polite and nobody is rushing for anything, simply becuz you cant rush and that is the reason why some people that love to "nolife to win" left. The same who get first s grades and quit by sayin "no competition", That server looks the best server for casual players i even manage to get a clan full with polite and casual players. hope it will be up for the next few years :)
  19. Great! Me and my friends will have fun on l2max once again! :) I can still remember those sweet moments i had on the l2max server 7 years ago.. Had my ass hero few times <3
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