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Everything posted by bazinga110

  1. had much fun back in the old days on l2max. I will give it a try agian with some of my old peeps :)
  2. Nick in maxcheaters: nJoy Skype: elcortez1337 Paypal: ebinger-stefan@gmx.de Real life name: Stefan Ebinger Scam method:Made the deal - few days later he used the recall function in paypal. So yeah it was not much of a lose for me so i gave him the acc info knowing the risk of retarded paypal recall. Uploaded with ImageShack.us and here is the PP recall PS:thank you for hiding the scammer section on trade section. Bet my ass that guy was there :P
  3. yeah... you come as new user.... maybe future donator and you want to buy something from somebody but you wonder if he is scammer. Then you think yourself... "hmmm maybe they have scammer section somewhere. Hmmm if i am so creative why i dont build buildings and rockets insted browsing this forum hoping smth exists and that i will find it." nvm do w/e you want. Its your forum... feel free to destroy it.
  4. you know there was information about l2 scammers from last 2 years or more. Now ppl need to be scammed again so they know who is scammer. Here are few reasons why you did a mistake: 1. Lost data. The old scammers section is gone so ppl cant check out for scammers if they want to trade now. 2. The location of this topic is somewhat hiden. For new forum users or ppl that are here just to trade in l2 dont need to know all the forum sections. 3 The location again. So this is topic about scammers in everything? So everyone have to browse all that spam with different games/programming and everything else so they found out who is the scammer. 4 and the location again... nobody will use this topic because they dont even know it exist. I myself had to browse around to find it out. If somebody get scamed they dont even know where to be reported and that will result more scams. Insted making it harder for scammers you making it easy for them. everyone who knows a bit of marketing will understand that scammer section must be at the point of dealing. Where users browse for topics and check out who is scammer and who don`t. If you really want to help users of this forum make scammer sections on a spot. Just everywhere that you have selling/buying you make one scammer section. If you wish to have one scammer topic with all proven scammers in all field there is. Take this one, lock it and only moderator fill it with proven scammers from the other scamer topics.
  5. I can vouch +1 for him. He is trustabe buyer and seller. Made more than 5 deals with this guy.
  6. Did you remove the scamer topic from lineage 2 trade section? terible mistake...
  7. Chars Swordsinger 6x and some adena Payment via Paypal. Contact on skype: Bazinga110 or pm here. You can look around and check my other trade topics.
  8. "no one has traded with you" "you made your account yesterday" "You are as trustworthy as SATAN" oh really? Then let me teach you how to use the forum features. If you click on a forum name you can see his info. The info is like date created of his account on the forum mails, msn, topics, posts. There you can see all his posts and all his topics. What is see is this: My account is 18 months old and i have few trade topics with recommendations with different buyers on them. Your account is 7 months old and you have been pointed as a scamer by few people. hmmm why am i wasting time on this *facepalm* Links of your scams: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;sa=topics;u=136652 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=248989.msg2295319#msg2295319
  9. :o Is that addressed to me? If so you shoud make some kind of research be4 making acusations and insults. And in a sence of common good atitude you shoud also be more respectful, especially to those who are trying to help.
  10. You can use a middle man like lain or middleman that have rep in this forum. If you cant find any of them i can offer you my services as middle man. I beleve i am trusted anough as i got focklad of trades. PS: I work with items and adena only.
  11. This guy is one of my trusted buyers. He wes buying huge a-beep-ts of adena and i had no problems in deals with him. Maybe you did smth wrong and GM got you by the balls. cheers
  12. Looks interesting. Cant wait for the start :)
  13. Trusted seller and buyer. Made few deals with him and all went smooth.
  14. sh1t this got so old :P Bumpie
  15. Made a lot of trades with this guy. He is trusted buyer and trusted seller.
  16. Cant you make like one topic about those chars? The sh1t geting spamed too much...
  17. Any server? :P
  18. I am selling my character on L2Astaroth. I got the following: lvl 85 Doombringer + 3 subclasses ( all certificates taken ) - 30 Euro Items: Vesper 2h sword + SA + 300attribute Vesper light set + 6 + lvl 4 full attribute ( full lvl 7 attributes) Moirai light set +6 + full lvl 7 attributes Soul Cloack of zaken Jewels: Vesper rings x2 Vesper earring x1 zaken x1 vesper necklace x1 frintezza neck x1 Miscelanious: Adena 15kkk some attribute stones + attribute crystals few Soul crystals Skills are enchanted ( more details if you are a serious buyer) . The character is ready for olympiad. Payment methods Paypal, Western Union and -payScard-s ( for a higher price ) . Prefered method is Paypal. Thanks and have fun. Contact method : pavelpaul201@hotmail.com >>> MSN . Specify that you are from MxC and you are interested in the Astaroth account. thanks
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