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Everything posted by bazinga110

  1. I recommend this seller! He sells so cheap that he can sell his mother for 10 euros.
  2. up up Quality and price updated.
  3. Baziga110 is back! :) ATM iam selling on rpg-club Empire 3x. payment method - paypal Price:1kk adena = 0.08€ Quantity on stock: 200kk Chars: Dark avenger - 6x WarCryer - 6x SOLD Spoiler - 5x The tank and the wc are going with the original email. Meaning you dont have to donate for email change, you just change the mail pass and the game account. Price on the chars - waiting your offer :) How to connact me? - PM here or on skype:bazinga110 MSN can be used:Bazinga110@gmail.com And as always, have a nice game. almost a quote from FPS russia guy
  4. So you spend 30mins x5 times per day = 02:30 hours of wasted time for 1$. Seems kinda useless, maybe its just me.
  5. see everyone tells you the website is cool as it is! Just sell your new site as templete :) Cant wait for 6th of July!
  6. Played on l2max be4. They have nice comunity and great gm staff. I am glad they are UP once again. I will probaply play there with my clan.
  7. Hes cool, used to trade a lot with him.
  8. Well from PP you can see smth like "somebody sent blabla euros to somebody" Not very clear as proof if you ask me :P. Guess i will have to announce my PP account to everyone. Meh wont do it I prefer to trade with those who trust me already. You can delete all my recommends i got trusted buyers already.Its Sh1ty about the new sellers tho :/
  9. a topic of mine with ViP and Donator members giving me + http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=221159.msg1929858#msg1929858 You know if somebody give a prove you are focked. Because trading adena is forbiden on ALL servers. After that they can see the char name from the prove, and than check ip and then fuck you up. And removing unproved pluses= making hard for players to make the diference between good trader and a scamer.
  10. Better dont post proves pls. I dont wanna get my ass baned from innova if some GM see the trade and check the char IP.
  11. Selling Adena price: quantity=price 1kk= 1kk/1e 10kk=1kk/0.8e 50kk=1kk/0.7e 100kk=1kk/0.6e Stock:50kk Payment method: PayPal pm here on forum or skype: bazinga110
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