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Everything posted by bazinga110

  1. hey MM check this out :P. Dont mind the Bulgarian language stupid msn cant cnage the language.
  2. ICQ: Date of scam:22.10.2011 MSN:high-server@hotmail.fr Skype: MXC Nickname:andrussa (he said so) Real name: msn shows Billy Shen Scam method: he pms you and ask you to use MM service. After i try to add MM on msn he said "he is online for me. Do i ask him to add you?" and than i get invited buy diferent msn. Check the screenshot. it sais everything. Server:l2.ws Topic link: Who did the scammer scam: he try to scam me Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.):Ok sorry for the language of msn its bulgarian :P. Negros from msn made it so i have to uninstall it to change it :D Additional Info: carefull :P
  3. If you want to sell a char you have to give the master account right? I dont htink there is a way of giving only one of your game accounts.
  4. I know there is some kind of exploit for it. Not sure how exacly to do it. My guess was to get OOP and ks till nevit thingie is off. If you know say plox.
  5. Stuff for sale: Aden clan hall Moirai heavy set with attributes 150 s84 sword, 150 dynasty bow. 110kk adena Payment Method: paypal MM service can be used. PM me here on the forum or msn/skype. skype : bazinga110 msn: bazinga110@gmail.com
  6. UP and edited payment method.
  7. He try to scam me also. Wanned the acc b4 i get the money.
  8. Chars: maestro - 78 Nobless DoomCryer - 82 , Nobless enlight healer, OE cov, Subs Adventurer -82, Nobless, hide, AS 150 CD+pvp and good agument. Subs Grand Khavatari - 79 Nobless 150 Demon splinters Dominator 79 Nobless Eva`s Templar - 78 Nobless Arcana Lord - 79 Nobless Hellnight 77 Nobless Eva Saint 78 -1 TW to nobless Shilen saint 78 Doomcryer 77 Items: IC,MA,Drac, DC robe sets. DB,FB,DHA 150,DS 150 , AM-150, BBH, TT sets, Belts+slots, S shirt+cp, BoGs, Mats Payment method: PayPal MM service can be used.
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