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Everything posted by bazinga110

  1. Hey peeps! Selling adena on the new lineage.ro and lineage.ru project l2luna. Some info about the server: server started on: 15.11.2013 L2 version: Gracia final off rates: 5x population first 3 days: 7-8k Link to site: www.lineage.ru Most important donation item: Birthday cake (vit buff) Payment method is: PayPal Contact me on skype:bazinga110 or here on maxcheaters. I am also Selling on: l2dex - wrath
  2. I think you both guys should learn to chill. You both got too emotional and here is the result: Fail trade, lost time, empty acusations. About the business part. I see it more like pocket money than business :)
  3. i will just copy your current title :) "pple i made trades so far: PandoraIT, max009, brc.bogdan, Amaskuss, make1992, art.me, microscope"
  4. Made much deals with this guy. He is trusted +1
  5. My clan is leaving the server so i have loads of chars and items for sale Just ask what you need... I prolly have it. payment method: Paypal Pm me here or on skype Bazinga110 Cheers
  6. Hello guys I have some adena on L2Dex Wrath H5 server Price: 0.35 euro per milion adena Discounts: for purchase over 10kk------>10% discount for purchase over 50kk------>20% discount for purchase over 100kk------>30% discount old costumers get additional 10% discount Payment method: PayPal verified Contacts: skype:bazinga110 or here on Maxcheaters forum Have a fun game in Lineage II !!!
  7. Far Cry 1 had awesome graphic for its time. Gong to try this one fosho O0
  8. Server start was quite enjoying actually. Not so manny ppl to ks every mob you trying to kill. But enought to have some pvps and pks. I was suprised on the amount and speed of dwarfs crafters. Also they were not selling ssd much overpriced that is normal for starting server. The only sh1ty part was when for about 1 hour the retard ex nostalgia owner DDOSed the server. But i guess its normal for new servers, specially those with good files and gm staff. at this moment population seems to grow i guess the news are spreading :)
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